Evo referenci bez editovanja shaljem:
16. jun 2007, I shall try to explain that I am too hyperactive to nicely write al this in az form of book. I am currently in psychiatric clinics on fourth floor called maison blanche of the hospital Bichat in eighteen arrondisement of the Paris in France. I need few interested people with dictafone or blindtyping excellent skills to put all this in a nice form. Those English version I cannot look into as its been written almost fourt years ago, but as my English than wanst so good, and as I have all the time aferwards collecting references and watsching BBC and doing essays for my T206 Energy for sustainable future from the OU course, my political and manipulative skills as well as English and my own selfesteem much approved since. I am currently without a money, and they want to keep me here until I find an appartment and get better from my Messianic and God complex so I believe that if someone is just ionterested to publish this as it is and afterwards as a president of the world I am thinking that I am for seventh year now, and few good hackers that can pick up my lost references on couple of emails I had since would be ultra appreciated to pisck me up from this mess I am in and bring me some money because I realised even to persuade people to become vegetarians is hard not to say something else even if i HAVE A MEDICAL REFERENCES THAT CONFIRM MY STANCE. OK, thats it for now, forward these writings to everyone you know and find a way to send me some money, some veggy falafel and Quorn and art meat from Jason from references and looking forward to meeting you all in some good moods. Would like that one euro in france equals one euro in Srbija equals one kuna in Croatia but have coumple of ideas, need someone OFFICIAL appart from psychiatrists to hear me legally. If you want, immediatelly after that I will give a rest to my duty as a president of the world, but do believe, though, that I have something about twenty hours pf constant talking before I calm down and give everything that is sedimentally cumulated in my head to the paper od radio program. I want also to stress that I do not want picturing of me or video recording, I had over ten thousands argon, lasers in both eyeas and do believe sometime, religiously, that I am thirty years ahead, and physically, that it harms memory of couple of days witheen that recording even though we write a diary of everything that happen. All the best,
President of the Global Village Kingdom, or shortly, opresident of the World as whole.
Ovo bolded je napisano u Hrvatskoj pre jedno mesec dana, u maju 2007e, ,; mislim da ima brzhih i veshtijih hakera koji su pokupili informacije koje sam sedam godina slala telepatski. Dokaz imam na moja tri bloga kada sam prvi puta ove godine, od DVEHILJADITE SADA? DVEHILJADITE I SEDME? POCHELA DA RAZMENJUJEM priche sa ljudima, mislim da su Izraelci jer su im kompjuteri najbrzhi bili i uspeli su da pokupe i projektke koji nisu direktnbo aplikabli. Mojui ponudjeni dole i uz prichu afterwards su svi direktno primenljivi.
Ovih godina, doktori su znali uvjete pod kojima je radjeno, ne samo referentno delo od dolje, nego i prikazi informacija koji su nadam se uspeshno, prihvacjeni i koji cje daleko vishe upotpuniti cijeli rad spashavanja chovechanstva od specijacije i globalnog zagrevanja koje sam se trudila udostojiti najvecje pazhnje. Nadam se da je bar projektantni internacionalni biro uredjen kako valja i da su standardi za higijenichne i ostale uslove o kojima i dan danas brinem na globalnom planu a da cje mogucji biti izvedeni da bi se sve odjednom dalo javnosti bez shoka za ‘developing countries’ i bez pravljenja osecjaja krivnje ili ignoracije za ‘developed countries’. Ja sam primjetila jdnu rijetku osobinu svoju, to je da u svemu shto radim pravim autistichne uvjete tako da bi bilo koji rad na meni posle izdavanja ovog dijela ili da se ukljuchim u primenljivost mojih projekata za cijeli svet u oralnoj, slikovnoj, i nacrtnoj formi trebalo da iskljuche mene kao bilo kakvog punomocjnika, tj, zhelim da izdavanjem ove knjige koju pishem stavim tachku na predednikovanje svijetom i prepustim, ne pojavljujucji se javno ovu duzhnost nekome koga cje biti verovatno teshko nacji jer sam nezamenljiva koliko mi se chini.
Bitno za javno gledalishte. Trebali bi medicinari prvo pregledati reference, provjeriti ih, izabrati one koje su relevantne tekucjim tjekovima medicinskog istrazhivanja i tek tada predlozhiti ljudima koje od njih su za generalnu kulturu ljudi bz medikalnog obrazovanja. Pored toga shto se akcije uchenja ljudi da znaju prvu pomocj u sluchaju nuzhde primenjivati to bi se dalo obnavljati na sezonskoj bazi prilikom regularne cijelokupne profilne kontrole. Druga neophodnost pri kritichkoj provjerci dolepomenutih referenci je da se uzme u obzir da se nijedna nutricionalna promjena ne smije chiniti bez dijeteticharskog savjeta danog u bolnici. Takodje napominjem da je medikalna praksa najblizha Bogu u smislu da ih najvishe shtujem od svih ljudi svijeta.
Drugi projekt kada se uzmu u obzir reference od dole je da bi trebalo izumeti jedan uredjaj i patentirati ga na globalnom nivou koji bi mogao chitati ove reference i na raznoraznim ekranima ili njemu samom dati nam pregled tekstova koje reference sadrzhe, naravno, uzeti u obzir gramatiku spisa, zatim predlagane ispravke da bi se generana javnost mogla uputiti chak i ukoliko nema dovoljnog nauchnog univerzitetskog znanja, kao i muzichkih referenci ima tako da se i muzika mozhe slushati samo kada se otkuca ime zheljene www pejdzhice. Tekstovi trebaju biti crno bijeli bez slika i dati uz aparat i brajevu pipachicu bez metala koji bi bil toksichan i mirisni elektrokutor koji bi nam pomogao da osetimo atmosferu prijedela koji su deskriptirani.
Drugi prijedlog ovome izdanju je da bi trebali napraviti
http://www.cureautoimmunity.org/BETA%20CELLS%20PERSIST%20ARTICLE.htm insulin still produced in diabetes type 1
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and about mitohondrial eve:
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Farm animals are sentient beings, the study proves.
http://cerig.efpg.inpg.fr/memoire/2005/chanvre-papeterie.htm#chanvre-papeteries (on the bottom of this page are more useful links you can check out);
brain and kidneys continued to be fuelled by glucose in dark - why kidneys?
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Q. is- is there any cure found in recent decades???
TeGenero, the company which has developed the drug, said the reactions in the men were completely unexpected, given earlier findings from animal and laboratory work
Q. is- which kind of laboratory work?
and biggest Q. is- why workers for pharmaceutical trials do not volunteer themselves???
bright side of it- money
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vegan option for diagnosis of diabetes as prevention of retinal problems? analogy with carbs intake and 'older peoples' eye problems, vegan (maybe low quick carb as well) experiment to see if eye problems could be prevented? to be checked by doctors, or
http://www.mercola.com/blog/2005/sep/14/agency_admits_emfs_can_sicken_you maybe this could be the reason behind 'western tiredness syndrome'.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endorphin ct
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4423456.stm see OU T206 TMAs of mine in year 2005 for wave power essay /take all from it/ tutor WalkerG.
http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/10/10/news/big.php environmental refugees to add in Geneva convention
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenaline insulin before adrenalin in urgency situations concerning heart arythmia, technikal proposal no need for animals to hurt check on urgency vet ones. This applies to experimental protocols, insulin in vessel I suppose.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escherichia_coli toxic or benefical what with food content why in insulin gm when Saharamocita Cerevisiae can do the job do some class of people like those with dibetes need it in a form of Quorn or in a form of zooplankton /sorry for nonvegetarian stance here look it as egg one cell therefore possible to think about it/ disposal of the colony in a situated place where food provided as if they are big animals same treatmant for saharomocita (to treat them as human patients as the are giving information more than doctors now but medical nurses do not). So, I am not for bacteries geneticly modificitiation even though mitosis is observed as kontroled, and that is not because it belogs, a mon avis, to animal family but zooplankton and some fungi may be useful in preparation for injectable solutions.
http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/full/76/1/281S ?
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Etiquettes are necessary in all things that include nutrition, and everything else sold in supermarket. The best thing would be that etiquettes stand for the product near by the products, with switchable lights for the customer, special illuminating glass to see the etiquettes and written to be read by hands as well is to be done. Indeed, very necessary is that we can obtain all the information from the
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http://www.cureautoimmunity.org/BETA%20CELLS%20PERSIST%20ARTICLE.htm insulin still produced in diabetes type 1 check on mornings proinsulin C peptide and low carbs like almonds to see if insulin produced, no salted, Herve Jean french Patee Puree white product without cellulose environment without stress preferably with Pendra continuous monitoring system chek out this cure there is 300 000000 people suffering poplation of whole France is injecting themselves try on them first, on sixty million people around the world yes, primary check global population /in sme time referendum for global village/ for Hb1ac to classify them by insulin requirements.
General features > Hormones of the intestinal mucosa > Gastric inhibitory polypeptide
Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) is a hormone secreted by cells of the intestinal mucosa that blocks the secretion of hydrochloric acid into the stomach. It also serves to enhance insulin secretion from the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans so that plasma insulin levels rise after a meal even before the ingested glucose or amino acids enter the blood, an…
endocrine system, human... (75 of 46181 words)
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http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=5376976&dopt=Abstract insulin secretion dependance on fructose galactose lipids stimuli –could not acces this
http://www.iddtinternational.org/newsreleases/index.htm insulin vs animal
http://www.iddtinternational.org/importantwarnings/#Warnings_about_Human_insulin_from_manufacturers,_Novo_Nordisk_and_Aventis_ insulin warnings
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulin 29/3/06
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intestinam mucose hormones http://wwwa.britannica.com/eb/article-45641
General features > Hormones of the intestinal mucosa > Gastric inhibitory polypeptide
Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) is a hormone secreted by cells of the intestinal mucosa that blocks the secretion of hydrochloric acid into the stomach. It also serves to enhance insulin secretion from the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans so that plasma insulin levels rise after a meal even before the ingested glucose or amino acids enter the blood, an…endocrine system, human... (75 of 46181 words)
here it is-hair contain stem cells 29/3/2005
Date: Thursday 22 September, 2005 10:13 AM Message history
Interesting fact on the Food Quiz on BBC Radio 4 yesterday. 75% of EU agricultural land is used to grow livestock feed.
levemir albumin binding http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1368-5031.2005.00544.x?cookieSet=1 by my opinion dangerous for injection 13/8/2005, Mode of action Levemir® is engineered to bind to human albumin, which provides slow absorption and a prolonged action. The mechanism underlying this involves insulin self-association in the subcutaneous depot and albumin binding both in the subcutaneous tissue and in the circulation.13,14 To view an animation of Levemir®’s unique mode of action, click here
from novo nordisc for health care professionals.
how then lay-detector would work?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4293520.stm liers brains different
At the link below you will find an article subtitled "Human Toxicity Data Is Exactly What the Enviros Don't Want."
It is full of barefaced lies, including claims that
"The environmentalists' real gripe is somewhat less likely to be articulated in the media: these groups have fought against using human toxicity data tooth and nail because they know quite well that such data will show no evidence of harm to humans from the so-called "toxins" in our environment."
In fact there has been ample evidence for decades about the harmful effects of commonly-used chemicals on humans. For examples see:
and I have come across more via the fpin website http://www.fpinva.org/Background/health.htm
although the links from the latter don't work - I had to cut and paste the article titles into Google to search for them.
The website for the dishonest article is run by the AMERICAN COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND HEALTH (ACSH). I could not quickly find details on how the organisation is funded, so did a Google search and found this:
I was not surprised to find that ACSH is funded by all the usual suspects (Monsanto, etc.).
Many thanks to Medialerts for alerting me to the article.
Graduated 2001 BSc (Hons) (2.1) & DipNatSci
Graduated 2004 MSc (distinction) based on 'Frontiers in Medical Science' strand
"One might expect that these animals (bred to have human cancer genes) would mimic human symptoms, not just the genetic mutations. In fact, that is usually the exception, not the rule." T. Jacks, Science, 7th November 1997, vol. 278 p. 1041
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8/5/2006 lipase wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipase
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“Lunar solar power bases will be built on the Moon…”
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19/5/2006, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannitol
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lab grown
and a part of the thread:
Frances J. Foot writes:
Denise Cartwright,oufcnt1.open.ac.uk on 22 July 2005 at 20:58 +0000 wrote:
Not all animals are slaughtered for food, some manage to live their life naturally, so why not still have sheep, cows, pigs etc.
Why not let native wildlife move back in? I would much rather see those than inbred/imported domesticated livestock.
Most of the sheep, cows, pigs etc we see in the fields of the Westcoutnry look pretty happy
I wonder how closely you look? I have had to report severely neglected sheep to the RSPCA, and have seen countless sheep and lambs limping badly. A friend's son had to stop visiting his friend who lived on a farm as he was too upset by the sight of sick and dead animals. Have you ever heard cows bellowing for hours? That often indicates that they have just had their calves taken away so that humans can have the milk. The cows and the calves are extremely distressed by this practice. I went out with a Cornish farmer for a while and he recounted how his sister had to move to a different part of the farmhouse because she was so upset by these distress calls.
Graduated 2001 BSc (Hons) (2.1) & DipNatSci
Graduated 2004 MSc (distinction) based on 'Frontiers in Medical Science' strand
"One might expect that these animals (bred to have human cancer genes) would mimic human symptoms, not just the genetic mutations. In fact, that is usually the exception, not the rule." T. Jacks, Science, 7th November 1997, vol. 278 p. 1041
12/1/2006, melanin, optic neuritis and adrenal glands http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melanin
optic neuritis
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montpellier b and b http://welcomemontpellier.site.voila.fr/
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major ozone loss over antarktika http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4197566.stm
1) I heard that there were roumors that we will have a third level chaos
course? Is it not already covered in third level courses?
Are you sure you don't mean "course chaos"?
Seriously, there is some work on the Mandelbrot set, which is one of the steps on the way to chaos theory, in M337. Other than that there's M835, Fractal Geometry, in the taught masters schedule, but that's being withdrawn after. 2008 (although, since I've registered for the MSc I've been told that a replacement is probable).
It seems at the moment that (in part because of recent changes in funding university study) the OU is more likely to pull courses than create new ones. Look at the current set of UG courses: apart from some group theory, there's no Abstract Algebra at all. Physics isn't everything! (Well, alright, everything _is_ physics, but it will keep on happening even if I don't watch it) In the real (digital) world discrete maths and abstract algebra are becoming vitally important (try to design the coding algorithm for a mobile phone with calculus) but the OU maths courses seem to be ignoring it.
2) Andrew Wiles proposed solution to Fermat's Last Theorem
says: 'Every elliptic function semi stable has a modular form and vice
versa.' Which course(s) will equip me to undertand this statement? Do
you know where I could find more on this subject even before I start with
third level courses?
Unfortunately I don't think there are any OU courses which will come anywhere near this (not even the right topics, let alone the right level). This is a real pity because elliptic curves (to which ellitic functions are related) are increasingly important both practically (the encryption function used by Microsoft for its certificates is, I believe, based on EC cryptography) and theoretically. Sorry, bee in my bonnet. I had to work on this a couple of years ago, bringing my maths back up to speed is why I've got involved in OU courses.
There are some books you might like to consider:
Ian Stewart: Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat's Last Theorem. £25.50 from Amazon. I can't recommend this too highly. It's a readable introduction to Algebraic number theory (which has only a passing connection to the Number Theory in M381 - the two approaches produce consistent results in different ways, M381 is more important for the Logic part). Early editions stopped at number theory, but he's revised it completely to introduce some of the precursors to the proof of Fermat's theorem. The catch is - it's a big subject even though he's been selective. Don't expect to get through it all in a hurry.
John Tate: Rational Points on Elliptic Curves. Out of print unfortunately but Amazon lists second hand copies. Another really readable introduction, this time concentrating on elliptic curves. It's amazing that there's so much to get out of an equation of the form y^2=x^3+ax+b. Too old, unfortunately, to talk about Wiles' proof, but it hardly matters since it's so interesting anyway.
If you're really keen, then Yves Hellegouarch: Invitation to the Mathematics of Fermat-Wiles. £27.16. The sales blurb says "assuming only a modest knowledge of undergraduate level math..." Don't believe it! It is reasonably straightforward (compared to some I had to read at work on EC crypto), but it is heavy going and it does assume a pretty sophsticated outlook. I got as far as finishing the first chapter (which is good) and flicking through the pages of the rest.
The basic essence, as far as I understand it anyway (not very!) is that the proof relies on understanding the abstract algebraic structures - modules, a sort of generalised vector space - induced on a ring (another algebraic structure) of integers by the solutions to a polynomial, such as x^n+y^n-z^n=0. Another viewpoint on this is given by Galois Theory, the proof that quintic equations and above have no proof by 'radicals' (sort of 'completing the square'). There's a really good book on this by Stewart again, £24.99 from Amazon.
Hope this helps. Look at it this way, if you're interested in maths, you need never be bored!
leon o jones:
So, if you know what your taking on if you select to try these courses, why not buy some complex books? I have read most of the first, but the hyperbolic / mobious connection stuff is a frontier i find hard to get beyond. The second i have not had time to read in full, but is more proof orientated. The third is a stranger to me.
Speaking for my self, you would have to be a genius to go from a level 1 course like mst121 to break even. I found m203 was a pig when doing it, but when i returned to it later on, it was wonderful. I would try mst209 as well, as its two sides of the mathematical coin. M208 would show group stuff which is interesting.
may be animal derived http://www.vegsoc.org/info/stumbling.html
medical journal and pharmaceutical firms http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4552509.stm
medical notes http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/medical_notes/default.stm
vegetative coma brain dead revival http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/5008744.stm
sugar an muscle eating body http://www.mercola.com/2005/jul/7/muscle_fuel.htm
mercury http://www1.umn.edu/eoh/hazards/hazardssite/mercury/merchealtheffects.html
check the mercury toxicity on dental fillings
meso be vegetarian http://www.theengineer.co.uk/Opinion/List.aspx?liArticleTypeID=15
messiah complex few of us have :-) http://www.hermes-press.com/ModGuru/messianic.htm
meatamfetamine overtaken cocaine in America, amf and metamf very toxic, better gen. engineer S: Cerevisiae or plankton to Cocaine http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4654503.stm
28/4/2006, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methionine
milk promotes Parkinson’s shaking tremor and everyones elses after breastfeeding stops http://www.neurology.org/cgi/content/abstract/64/6/1047?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&andorexactfulltext=and&searchid=1113435345444_2817&stored_search=&FIRSTINDEX=0&sortspec=relevance&volume=64&firstpage=1047&resourcetype=1&journalcode=neurology
same http://www.mercola.com/2005/apr/20/parkinsons.htm
mineralokortikoids http://arbl.cvmbs.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/endocrine/adrenal/mineralo.html
more adrenal, salt toxic, you do not dring sea water, therefored you do not need it, its a huge narcotic salt and destroys adrenals and promotes senescence diagnosis and slows up action http://www.mdsdx.com/MDS_Metro_Laboratories/Patients/MedicalConditions/Adrenal_Disease.asp
menopauzal hormonal tratments all cancerigenic! http://fr.news.yahoo.com/050730/202/4itlk.html
mice antiageing just put them in hands of healthy people to survive http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4186324.stm
microsoft double locking laws http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/4953682.stm
millenium ecosystem assesment http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4391835.stm
same need translation to alll languages and up to date scientific watch and implemented projects http://www.millenniumassessment.org/en/index.aspx
22/5/2006, got this certificat:
Docteur Michel LECENDREUX
Ancien Internbe des Hopitaux de Paris
Ancien Chef de Clinique a la Faculte
Attache en Premier a l'Hopital Robert Debre - Paris
D.U. Veille - Sommeil
Membre des Societes Francaises et Europeennes
de recherche sur le Sommeil
Membre de l'American Sleep Disorders Association
Troubles du Sommeil
11, rue Bosio
75016 PARIS
Tel: 01 42 15 15 75
Fax: 01 42 15 14 68
Je soussigné Dr Lecendreux, certifie que Mlle Mirjana Mijic présente un
Trouble Déficit
de l’Attention/Hyperactivité (TDAH), forme severe de l’adulte, de
nature à retentir de façon directe et spécifique sur son organisation et
rendement académique. Un traitement mis en place très récemment doit
permettre de l’aider dans les semaines et mois à venir.
I, Dr Lecendreux, hereby certfify that Miss Mirjana Mijic has been
diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)in its
severe adult form, which has a
direct and specific effect on her acamedic organisation and work. She has
very recently begun treatment, and it which should help her in the coming
weeks and
Just to note, I tried Ritaline and it is very toxic in general, exarcebates neuropathy, vagus nerve directly connects with quick reasoning regardless social surroundings, better than Ritalin is street speed, /amphetamine/, but only for maximum of three days period, best from all which I noticed /10times in eight years, maximum two days inb row/ is Cocaine nasaly inhaled. Its not yet on pharmaceutical ordonnance but I am eager to try it as a control subject as if it is not possible to take it chronically to the end of my life, I shall not come into the consumption of same. I am neverthless, already 7 yeasr on DAFNE system with 7 injections a day and around the same number of glucose checkups from finger a day, every day, before had one and two injections a day, consecutively. Chronic pain from neuropathy is not treatable with Tramadol Chloride, with Codeine may be but has Paracetamol which toxic to nerves, all the rest of painkillers does not work, even heroin is no releving the pain in muscles it only gives bust to brain feel good mood and destroys sceletal roots, therefore even diamorphine I would not recommend in urgent situations but few micrograms of LSD in that case /and may be periodically needed for people taht have neuropathy in diabetes after injections and may be SIDA diagnosis people that take injections do not know for last, just noticed for my etre welcoming feel but caution needed may be just acutelly recommended, I took around less than ten times in last two years and believe its enough do not know and would not embark on it again, neuropathy healing process started, will need years now, but will succeed, do not anyway use any od the painkillers, am interested for as I said Cocaine but aml frightened that I may count on it sooner rathjer then latter, so please keep it in mind for all present takers in which direction should go and people like me who might be consumers as I had ten years of very high sugar, now because of complications I cannot go high on carbs to get high which is more beautiful than high from Cocaine I tried;, but it might be because Cocaine is not legal and I could not afford it or get a chronic use of it. Thanks in advance and sorry to get in with my personal views, I shall wait for your invitation to see if I can be high on constant manner, might be that just healing from diabetes cen bring me feel good as I have per few hours on those dizen of coca takings it might be that I only felt then equal to other healthy clubby people that are that by choice, not by pain or feeling different, blah, blah, blah, sorry to ask, may nbe Pendra will help me but do not want a pump not, prefer the way it is with Dafne system and tendency to one day get in Coca spirit without worring about anything for ages. This is not a pub, but if you make a list, I would be the first to volonteer for it, tia. Vagus nerve was happy on it, frightened about sport performance on it as I would like to be more sportelly active, in amater competitions as I used to be in last millenium, although on Hb1ac of probably over 10percent for all during the 90s.
Other important thing to note is that the only two commercially available stimulants /apart from NaCl and sugars/ are coffee and nicotin. Coffe is the second largest put on pesticide plant in the world and amount by which is produced is big enough to if rmplaced by medical plants /like beans without flatulence, chick peas, lentils/ can feed whole continent like Africa or South America although South America might be not climatically good for chick peas production. All that instead coffe, whole world can live without it as it is a very week and toxic stimulant anyway /boiling of water is toxic/ and tehre is no medical usage of caffein at all, so toxic it is as well as nicotine /cocaine at least has medical which I propose apart from pleasurable usage/. Nicotine dismissal can be done by using this years cigarettes and nicotine as a strashilo for animals without hurting them /be carefull, some cigarettes have around 500 ingredients added to them!/ so we can get a bigger and better pest conntrol that will not hurt them but would diminish their birth rate /as coffee and cigarettes diminished human birh rate/ and use nicotin fields for manure from livestock we save from eating, land neds to recover, and manure should cover the job. It will not be lots of insects attracted so do not worry and the area covered should cool a bit. From one years cigarettes consumption and coffe preparation to end usage together should diminish global warming temperature in a range of zero vergul /thats how you write it Englishmen!/ one degree Celsius, nordic like air in Texas and dissapearence of respiratory failures. Now, clearly n mind, better is to obtain on those planatagas above mentioned medical plants, and stop production of soya altogether, cover with anything you want but not grains and I know apetite supressant is cocaine leaves, but should be better to walk small hills I hope. Poenta is not to use animals as a food, they can rely on themselves and we should rationalise our portions to bare minimum of minimalisam, ie, choose a year without coctels and so on, yes, alkohol should not be preared for drink only everyone should have medical kit for desinfection, so those fruits and barley and oats will give ten percent more food to humans instead of alkohol consumption, seeds need to be picked up for planned next year seeding, global plan about it. Diamorhi,e /opium plants/ from Afganistan and Orient to cease to exist, land good afterwards, choose the klimatic strong plant. Sugar that is produced in a range of Mars requirements must be used for cultured artmeat like Quorn, check it out in all ways deem addictive! Water drinking not needed, juses as well, oignons, spices not needed, seeds from Capsaicin rich peppers to be recovered, urgently!!! Seeds from all fruit and vegetables to be picked up on daily basis from everyone by Red cross like renommed World Organisation. spices like feferones and from peppers seem ok, although curry not necessary /no medical grounds/, chilli better when from Balkan pepper. Coconber not necessary in food, tikvice better, watermelon recomended in huge proportions, keep the seeds of those two, melon not recomended at all, sunflowers anly to eat not oil from it at all, sunflower /unsalted ofcoiurse/ relief for lots of diagnosis. Amount of not maked oil but consumed as food worldwide equally distributed should be feed fifteen more percent of people on daily basis.
pacte ecologique
Taxacija na firme i njihovu pollution control measures, ne na ljude je legalna.
eyes cured
inache, kazhe se 'inserted', ne 'injected'.
from the page:
dajte ga na javni intervju molim !
2 godine i posle slobodan? ovo treba preispitati, kazna premala.
ko je ko uz Koshtunicu
hrana i biohemija za zdravlje
...koja je napravljena fosforilacijom glukoze u organizmu. Fosfor dobijen iz badema dobar pomagach, kao i glukoza napravljena konverzijom njegove masti koja je od sitnih masnih loptica napravljena (najzdravija mast, papagaji i zhive na takvoj hrani i slozhnom drushtvu preko 100 godina - molim da ne eksperimentishete na njima da bi ove poznate chinjenice proveravali) je najbolji nachin da malo insulina treba i da se ima stabilna glikemija bez stalnog postprandijalnog dizanja koje ubrzava starenje organizma.
Inositol napravljen od toga potreban za rast organizma i ozdravljenje hronichno bolesnog kao i repariranje starijih ljudi koji se godinama nisu aktivno bavili sportom.
suncokretovo seme
insulin dr.Mercola
phizer zatvara 20posto svojih pogona u EU
zbog generichkih lekova.
vidi dr.Mercola sajt za smanjivanje holesterola (na veganski nachin, bez soli i shecjera u ishrani dodatog, ukoliko je mogucje bez skroba) uz mali insulinski kvantitet u toku dana, maksimalno pomazhe, uz hranu bez holesterola, tj, bez zhivotinjskog porekla da se holesterol vrati i odrzhi u normali.
ps, zanima me kako Zyrtec radi (antihistamine, protiv alergija).
seconde greffe de visage a Paris
diagnosis: maladie de Von Recklinghausen
mother whilst pregnant na bademovoj-like ishrani, bez soli i shecjera dodatog.
dete, ljudi na istoj dijeti, ne mutira taj gen i Swarcove cjelije, periferalni sistem i ljudi koji imaju multipleks sclerosis ne deterioriraju, firm hypothesis.
ishrana vitamini B2
kosovopreisada2. 2. 007DE
Pre bombardovanja Kosova marta 1999. godine bilo je samo 100000 stanovnika koji su predstavljali albansku etnichku manjinu Sada ima i zhivi na Kosovu samo 100000 zhitelja srpske krvi, svi ostali su prisilno i nelegalno proterani od bombardovanja Kosova. Danas ima 9 puta vishe naseljenika koji se proglashavaju da pripadaju ljudima koji ne znaju srpski, vidi referencu, to jest, u skoro 8 godina je osamsto hiljada pripadnika albanske etnichke zajednice ushlo u Kosovo koje je trebalo biti nepristupachno za useljenje ljudi koji podrzhavaju srpsko nejedinstvo. Treba proveriti legalno i javno celi ovaj dogadjaj i sve ljude koji su trenutno na Kosovu popisati, proveriti im lichne karte i zdracstvene knjizhice, kao i vojnog roka papire i radne knjizhice i shkolska dokumenta i papire za pokretnu i nepokretnu imovinu te javno proveriti i obznaniti ko, punim imenom i prezimenom i datumom i mestom rodjenja i obaveznom zavrshenom osnovnom shkolom, vojnom obavezom i zdravstvenom knjizhicom brojem podacima, koliko dugo od kad i gde zhivi, sa uredno overenim podacima o mestu boravka i nepokretne imovine od kada i biografiju od kad je na tom mestu (na Kosovo mislim) kao i gde, kojoj geografskoj povrshini ne pripada da je smatra svojom.
...and wicked, loosed-hope-long-time-ago, not-caring-about-word-weight comentators down the article - why they feel they have something to say when heart burns when reading ignorant comments? what, just think they are more likely more incurable then Paul and Heather's world?
moble phones http://www.mercola.com/forms/ferrite_beads.htm
radio frequency
morning after pill and hiv http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4541582.stm
legal /acute?/morphine vidal france sirup
http://www.vidal.fr/Medicament/morphine_aguettant-18403.htm repeat codeine TM, diamorphine and lsd compartison
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4522309.stm saltatory conduction neuropathy ms aids parkinson disease
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_sclerosis 1952006
1952006 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalizumab
report about serbian reaction on video tape
1052006 adhd, antisocial behaviour, tobacco use, depression
Forum Holographie Association A proximité
20 r Ermitage 75020 Paris |
http://www.shayanashop.com/ med pot
learning good for heart
Kohonen, tip koji se bavi prepoznavanjem govora uz pomoć neuronskih mreža hvali se kako za svoje eksperimente koristi ispitivače koji govore nekim „manjinskim“ jezikom, koji je za njegove stvari posebno pogodan jer „je fonetski“. Interesantno da nije koristio srpski jezik -- a ni da ga mi za istu svrhu nismo koristili. http://www.radionica.co.yu/comments.php?id=P61_0_1_0_C
spine regenerated in paralized dogs.
few years until tried in humans? so long? scientoist need to earn money?
regeneration nerves nose
1/4/2006, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glutamate
mouse that does not get diabets type 2
and produces insulin in small amounts, but sensitivity to it is grande.
1) Energy storage, production and conversion
2) Agricultural productivity enhancement
3) Water treatment and remediation
4) Disease diagnosis and screening
5) Drug delivery systems
6) Food processing and storage
7) Air pollution and remediation
8) Construction
9) Health monitoring
10) Vector and pest detection and control
2) and 10) are dangerous. 5) and 6) cannot be controled once released in the body. Here belongs and 3).
7) and 8) may not be able to be controled in the environment, after they finished the job...Should find out more, though.
1), 4), 9) am looking forward to see the development.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4801728.stm not need to hurt animals possible on already diagnosed to try first.
neuropathy diabetes capsaicin application proved to be
??? http://www.docguide.com/news/content.nsf/news/852571020057CCF685257125004C221F?OpenDocument&id=0E360B9383974ABB85256BED005DCCDE&c=&count=10 ?
nivo komps on market worldwide
1052006 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noradrenaline
2892005 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norepinephrine
normal small intestine flora http://gastroresource.com/gitextbook/en/Chapter7/7-16.htm
dog withness on trial http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4334377.stm
solar, not nuclear http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4631737.stm
nuclear dump waste in Makedonija. Who will dispose of it now, those who put it there from where it comes from the waste, there is no excuse or cleaning of hands as this could be easily disposed as well n major ‘developed nations squazres’.
'Nato already have used few other sites of Macedonia to dumps nuclear waste...'
nuclear energy in Britain. British citizens are connected to French nuclear electricity power-plants by very dangerous and unnecessary underwater electricity conductors from France to England. Needs to be disposed of carefully, not to be left to work or to stay uncleaned on the sea floor. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/vote_2005/frontpage/4483745.stm
prorenewables http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4095658.stm against nuclear in Britain
nuclear power of Iran talks http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4859540.stm
on right side see also: international double standards
nuclear waste in Sweeden brings lower tourists visiting the country http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4597589.stm
nuclear weapons, how to destroy them all on ecological way when we cannot influence the constant of radioactive decay on such a scale? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4588423.stm
nuclear weapons desarmement http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4504737.stm
nudism in public places legal everywhere for couples I propose http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4235510.stm
nurses and pharmacists cannot prescribe medicaments! The indivudal itself can write a signed note, otherwise doctor always must know what and when and which medicament person in need requires. Individual can contact doctor in front of pharmacist if did not bring the prescription. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4955428.stm
p^timism http://www.mercola.com/2005/sep/3/why_do_happy_people_and_optimists_live_longer.htm
nutrition folic acid aging
nutrition methabolism digestive
error whilst conv. in kJ, Joules. (check)
nutrition vegetarianism. Citting the profesor on the Jussieu, Paris 6 University, who said that the colonisation of the human being with microbes is happening postnatally. I wonder if perfect food is eaten and considering the fact that we should live in simbiosis in order to live eternally what the facese would look like. There is a book ‘Joga, Energija, Zdravlje’, written by Drago Plechko where he confirms that every living adult human has around three kilograms of faceses at any given moment and that scholars from India that do cleaning of organism mentioned in his book do clean the intestine, therefore it is cleast why Indian women, apart that they are vegetarian, look very young ineed and have more children than other parts of the world even in the years when other nonvegetarian women have problems with menopausse symptoms; if we have proper food as the current statistics show since we started promoting fresh fruits the posibility of women succesfully carrying multiples equals sure. By the way, I really do have an issue with ading salt and drinking water through digestive system, please give me scientifik groung to this hypothesis accepting or renoncing it. Also, worth noting, as I am quite woried where all our colonisation will finish if put out is that the microbes that are involved in meat consumption are alive and after seven years /my experience/, those that feed on fish are so hungry that there is no faeces after tuna consumption which means they eaten it all although urine smell wasn’t adekvate to say healthy, similar to urine smell after eating oignon or garlic which also shows in urine as nonadekvate. Meat eating even after so many years of not eating it showed the problematic stool with specific smell and everyone who was vegetarian and wants to show on one example to others how problematic it is could taste meat and as beforehand had picked up the laboratory for analise uzorak then one uzorak for after the meat is eaten so that should quicker show to meat eaters that they should stop eating meat then that they stop and then after few years start, less damage done, thank you vegetarians for support, I know the border colli news that she was twenty seven years old living one day on rice second on lentils and so on for all that time, I know Gandhi wasn’t promoted in real manner as I state no war will be held if people become vegetarians during art deco years, and last thing to note, however the meat can smell ant taste as something easy to digest it is not, not only on nutritional level, gastrointestinal tract of older people is much more damagesd than of vegetarians and those of fruitarians is not damaged at all, but also mental state of people, especially now in global warming state where entropy is natural to encours in a big way and speciation of human kind hapens even quicker helped by money /un/laws and visa requirements for more than half human population, you state the number, tia, so even protein from Quorn I am not sure about because we as a human population damaged so much our renal function, see on BBC one link, I forgot to reference it, about man from India who was ten days without food and just washed lips with water and just because whe was in close space and observed he lost a bit of weight /do not know how much BBC seems unaware of SI system of units/, so that means that we overfeed even with 1200 kCal of meal per day, check the rates, TIA, dr Mercla should check fruitarianisam please as he is the one voice amongst so many doctors that dissapointed me that I still listen to as he obviously took Hippocrates oath to heart. /Is there Joule value in air we ingest? why so readily our adrenal glands rise sugar when we have obligation on modular form like morning routine?/
intenstinal bowel flora as 'living organ' considered
1152006 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutrition
? oats http://www.ibiblio.org/herbmed/eclectic/kings/avena.html ??
as well as diabetes and longterm nonfruitarian diet http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4492745.stm
UKGBNI and USA's, not UN mistake.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4447165.stm oil for food
in golden algae, (and linseeds?)
? http://biogassendi.ifrance.com/biogassendi/acidegras.htm#onagre ??
oh that mating mood, love it, all channels should swoh only this http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4188495.stm
http://www.eyesight.org/Research/Research-Quantitative/research-quantitative.html ???
you can dress whatever you want when married http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/4311019.stm
could they take from this and similar case the genetic code from the organs given so when the time comes for the cloning the whole map can be already filed tia, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4417354.stm
some things to think about. do not forget reference ‘printing organ in a day’ for better organ transplantation option http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4578115.stm
organic sodium http://www.cleanse.net/newsite/articles/minerals.html
maths tutor www.meikleriggs.co.uk
parkinson disease aspartic acid one more thing to note is that novo nordisk novorapid insulin has in itself aspart which accelerates neuropathy and brain damage caused by nerve speedng from analog insulin produced from Echerihial Coli cultures and called novorapid with aspart injected muscullary to accelerate natural insulin that it should be if aspart molecule is not added instad on one insulin molecule. http://www.parkinson.org/site/pp.asp?c=9dJFJLPwB&b=99903
this untrue? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4581871.stm
preventable http://www.foodconsumer.org/777/8/printer_Study_U_S_Infants_polluted_with_hundreds_of_toxins.shtml
plynsaturated ooils olive, sunflower, canola, coconut...
if not enough fruit http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4689108.stm
not exist in moneyless globe http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4288772.stm
what a racism or something else (patent extension)?
check it out thyroxine pills ??? on fruitarian food not necessary, proposal by 30%.
plastic food containers and cancer risk mercola
collagen retriaval from fritarian diet better? apple application on face http://cosmeticsurgery.lifetips.com/
mouses wth hurt spine for experiments to be first to enjoy this like stephen hawking, he got the computer adapted so he could perform.
I would like something adapted so animals can perform too.
prevention from mercola's site. Please read.
Our cousins
primates http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4420777.stm
One quarter of 625 species of primates will dissapear within 20 years from human activities (poaching and loss of habitat).
If we put all the primates (except the humans) on the seat each, they will be no more of them than the public seats of ONE FOOTBALL STADIUM.
or private web or new one make immediately!!! and right hand side articles as well:
veggy in france
if we buy more than 60E, 6 euros pour livraison.
jezivo http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/picture_gallery/05/sci_nat_how_the_world_is_changing/html/1.stm
see side pic link as well
you cannot say california sues but name of person that does it, thanks http://www.mercola.com/2005/sep/13/california_sues_potatoe_chip_makers.htm
preventable birth problems hygiene to be implemented all able bodied men from ‘western’ society within two monts will do the job http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4752913.stm
prison to be put out all from prison except ones that have ordered crime.
in world, heavenly, i wouyld prefer to say universal justice, people that commited crime and not yet faced justice system, should come forward or be invited to court where they could get their prison sentence and join the other criminals to recover and belive in system be good and prepare to go out in world afer prison as a new recovered people.
just for lawers http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/01/16/MNG5BGO87B4.DTL
proteinase digestive system dictionary
? if proteinase inhibitors in AIDS diagn. treatment diminish the possibility for virus to multiply, maybe some protein-based, and which proteins in general should not be taken by food, ie, not to activae some proteinases?
http://www.antiwar.com/malic/?articleid=2320 djoka balashevic, samo da ... ne bude, budimo medju ljudima..;
why online cheaper then recycled one in the local shop? second, we do not need any more mines to pick up the jewelry, stop immediately that dificult jobs and give those people with their families high standard holidays where they choose.*
quorn requirements? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/4719695.stm
purine cauliflower, asparagus, mushrooms...
purine uric acid ms treatmants A compound called inosine has had good results in phase I and is currently in phase II.[31] Three different ways of action have been proposed. First, it produces uric acid after ingestion, which is a natural antioxidant and a peroxinitrite scavenger[32] (peroxynitrite has been correlated with the axons degeneration[33]). Second, in has been shown that induces axonal rewiring and is used as a treatment for stroke,[34] and third, it has shown neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects independently of the other two.[35] Currently it is being investigated by Boston Life Sciences under the name axosine[PMID 16687059]
PV China Matt Burge
Yes, I think it is crucial that this initiative is taken seriously because it is bringing in India and China. It will probably involve US/Japanese companies and their new technologies being manufactured in China and India, to be exported to the world.
China already exports solar panels but the Euro club won't allow them into the EU(specification excuse...more like market protection). If they did, solar pv costs would half and suddenly it would be more viable on the cost front. There are other markets and I suspect anyway that Chinese companies will pair up with US marketing companies to get their goods into the EU that way.
pulsar compatibility with stomack rhythms from nasa site
pure energy systems renewables, free energy, tesla, updates...
look the movie Corporation, please,
exxon invested in organisation that say climate change doesn't exist itmightbeareferencefromabove
PV on roofs in cloudy climate. Consider all houses will become buildings with natality of household therefore be careful where you put the PVs ...cover electricity needs...
http://www.ecocentre.org.uk/solar-electricity.html FAQs
How much can photovoltaics really produce in Britain? The DTI have estimated that solar panels installed on buildings have the potential to provide all the electricity that Britain currently uses, however that would mean photovoltaics on most south facing roofs which is unlikely in the near future.
I have written about above in my essays from 2005 for OU, course coded T206, as well.
And about danger from organic fuels and biofuels and from CO2 sequestration proposing new measures for CO2 storage, thank you for taking it into consideration. Please do not do the selfish thing of keeping my essays just for Britain, thanks. You can give the litteral essays to all British ambasades throughout the world /all TMAs and final writting of mine/ so that interested people could get it by contacting the Brittish embassy in their country.
PV Sahara http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,441826,00.asp
There's a whole big world out there manufacturing solar pv. for all sorts of applications. Ssshhh....don't tell the nuclear protanganists
Oh - I don't know - I'm a nuclear protagonist but have a friend who sells/promotes/installs solar energy.
The trouble is, there don't appear to be any feasible installations that would power (for example) an aluminium smelter - for industrial use we do, I am afraid, need large scale energy production!
a colegue of mine citation. For aluminium smelter we need complete dissapearance of all unnecessary aluminium products in the world as well as colection of aluminium garbage to recycle. Aluminium is too toxic for everyone to be produced again. Mines with people working need to cease to exist immediatelly, big opposition will be on this, try to handle it scientificaly in twenty year period considering global warming, health to present standard, and like it says in T206 first course book page before 40th that we have crude oil /the rate we consume it for now and rate we have it in stock considered/ we have it for less then ten years and that in developed countries. China and India with one third of world population just became addicted on crude oil so not money, but twenty years for now important in looking apart from respiratory, cardiovascular and SO2, CO, CO2, NOx, VOC and nanoparticles caused diseases globalwide /they propagate thousands of km and cause drying of land and well as air and noise pollution, water as well but meaningless to consider it as the canalisation is terrible worldwide, please see and project how to retire as a human beings the earth worms from Australia, Vermicast, that can helps us out with all human induced canalisation properly prepared, ie, without cellulose paper and cleaning products in it or any chemicals within, medicaments included. Worms can live as long as we do, behave as that, architectural like buildings to be made and no carnivors to come near, please. Food from fruits odgovara, no meat, no dairy, no eggs as well, no oil in food, water in digestive system from fruits, no plastic or derivata nafte u bilo kom obliku ukljuchujucji kapsule, no paste za zube, lavabo sapuni ima Izrael neke veganske mada mnogo mirishu, par ingredienata i to ti je bolje ne zemlji nego u lavabou da se chisti /ili za hirurshke dezinfekcije sa koton vulom technosti to je takodje dobro a dispozirati od toga ne znam gde. Necjemo da se odvajamo, znachi kultura po kultura, vece po toalet bolje, zauvek da ostanemo je li chujete i ljude volimo, smatramo kao svoje, na Mesec i Mars da nas vodite jer isti kao kolonizatori u stomaku pazite da vashi chlanovi porodice ne napadnu i da arhitektonska gradja ima to u vidu. Mi cjemo postati chlanovi porodice samo da se ljudi naviknu na zhivot bez novchanih brojki onda mogu da nas distingue i mi mozhemo da se zaljiubimo i dogovaracjemo se o brojnosti populacije sa pomocjnicima /ljudima/ mozhe televizija u arhitektonskom izdanju ne smeta radijacija vecj provereno, mozhe i nas da snimaju i susha da se kontrolishe kao i vlaga molim, sneg nemamo u Australiji, pazi, ne noge preko da se zna gde smo.. ono shto prvo napadaju kod sahranjenih ne valja u digestiji kazhu (izvinjavam se za ovu rechenicu, nadam se da vishe necje biti sahranjenih ni ljudi ni zhivotinja sve drvacja mogu da rade za nas i plashimo svi sveta koji nije ni zhivotnjski ni biljni chuvajte se worms zhelim da vas vidim zhive i u svojoj kucjici da imate mir i da oni koji su nadjeni pored sahranjenih budu specijalni, znanje mozhda imaju mada govor podruchja treba da se slusha kad mi kao ljudska rasa budemo mnogo chistiji i sa ingestijom i sa svim vrstama izbacivanja// as a result of fossil fuels burning. Rest of fossil fuels I would keep for period of religious thought when we will be able to offer free planets to those lived here on Earth and kept them selves in fossil fuels manner.
mimajavolimnachinnakojirazmisljashsamoreciwormsedaostavegenetskikoddobrojerpojedusveaneznamozakostinemavezenekaostavekosuostavljajuneonidobrostomaktomalotrebasamoistigenetskikodzatochuvamotebemilajerimashnesamosvojzhivotdobrooniostajujerpopraviluglistaoniimajudvojnemocjiddakleostajukoimadvojnemocjiostajetoshtogledabratjenedinamichnikogavolishbsamodaobjasnimonahieraktivnaineznaskimprichaiimamorbidnostikadgledaunatragovakosveprirodnodolaziznammigledamosastraneglicteneljudipoboguostaviglisteesadhiperaktivnostselechikadpostaneshshnuz. Malo siseudaljila od referenci draga ili krava ili mi kazhe i krava bolje promucjurnija je nikad ne dere tachno zato volimo krave Indijci kazhu kravlja balega bila dobra 95e sad ne mozhesh da koristish shtapicje zashto, zato shto industrijalizovali krave i med loshiji za shtapicje skoro da i ne stavljaju med nego unishtavaju koshnice;
samo ih ostavite na miru u ovom prelaznom periodu http://www.forbes.com/2004/03/01/cz_tf_0301deprivedbill04.html
ko snosi odgovornost sa njim? za lawers, not general public to read, too upseting person still not in prison and no trial still on public display http://uk.news.yahoo.com/050427/325/fhfj6.html
najvecji hrabri ljudi na svetu!!! http://www.greenpeace.org/international_en/features/details?item_id=733810
robovlasnishtvo josh uvek postoji u France dominican republic- 9 days, flights, bad and food all day, ie, all inclusive for 390 euros!
where are google nice groups which you could acces by just typing groups and name in line, whzt they did to it, two years, since they went on stock market, they destroyed best groups in the world system /critics to google ex workers/ http://groups.google.com/groups?dq=&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&threadm=75a01e37.0408092257.3a9cea17%40posting.google.com&prev=/groups%3Fhl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26group%3Dalt.food.vegan
46 departments have restrictions on water usage.
and where are that notices on buildings of paris? couldn't see.
http://fr.news.yahoo.com/050901/290/4kb1t.html wouldnt be surprised if they start as french or other nations habitants, even our people that leave abroad to start thaking care about our water systems and easily start buying everything that can give them pension here and us as slave, ukoliko uspeju da nas porobe; http://fr.news.yahoo.com/050901/290/4kb1t.html
je li ovo twilight zone mozhda ili kompletni absurd zhivota i hocje li ta troji
a da proshetaju slobodno zemljom ikada, ne zbog nas nego zbog sebe samih? The three richest men in the world are wealthier than the 48 poorest countries combined. Policies that give increasing power to multinational companies. For every £1 of aid going into poor countries, multinationals take 66p of profits out.
you know how i am concerned with eyes, i have been saved from blindness by a matter of months. there is one link about smoking and eyes. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/07092005/140/smokers-twice-likely-blind.html
turizam za Srbe u srpskom banjama, zasluzhili smo, nije rasizam, samo maternji da chujemo http://www.serbia-tourism.org/srpski/tekst.php?podaci=banje.txt&gde=zvo
kritichno in turk... Just for 21st century.
2752005 what i sent to bbc
It is my understanding that BBC heads want to suck 20% of the workers as there is money deficit. I have an idea which you may like to consider.
There are plenty people in the world that have TV channels provided by a cable company. In France we have Noos company where we could pay specially for some programmas if we wanna get them.
If you offer BBC 1-5 TV channels for couple of euros/month to cable companies they would put it in the offer and you could benefit. Although British international community may not be so large, there are other English and English-feel people who would be delighted to be able to obtain your great 5 channels abroad.
Please consider changing and expanding your policy in this international direction. All of us could benefit from it.
I do understand that BBCWorld and BBCPrime are already offered to worldwide audience, but their content cannot cover everything BBC produce and it is (must criticize you here) terribly sad that BBCPrime is often 1-2 years behind BBC from UK and BBCPrime repeat the same serials way too often (Bodges and Rogers, M.Parkinson, Hapiness, comedy programs are all repeated, MasterMind 1 year late...).
Peace and respect,
no reply ofcourse
stop doing it, pest control with UV radiation is not neccesary, use old cigaret pikavce, they deserve to live, I raise my voice above all for them!!! Do not do the old historic mistake of taking my word, research and way of thinking as something that is independent of your treatmant of animals, thank you; then electrocuting them. please stop doing it!
PETA helps animals after geohazard /geohazards should not carry slavic names, should nopt carry names at all, maybe presidents one is the best if they want to name it, thank you/ http://www.helpinganimals.com/f-latestnews.asp
need a followup of animals, which one survived, where they are and all that, thank you, livestock included as they could not move or were overfed to move, or closed in unhumane conditions animals... one hamster saved only.
pharmaceutical mission http://fr.biz.yahoo.com/24052006/202/maladies-chroniques-l-oms-invite-les-pays-pauvres-contourner-les.html
immediate approuval and offered to patients with whole scientific reasoning, with TS /proanima, Claude Reiss see/, no animal experimentation, cancer, again I propose, treat with fruitarianism without added sugar nor salt , no painkillers needed, week for withdrawal from Tramadol Chloride equivalents, do not complain, work like me to not complain to see the milits rent a room in small place. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4311140.stm
ovarian eggs developed from cells http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4514225.stm
stem menopauza
Pampolona support yearly PETA protest in Pamplona, Espana
General features > The pancreas > Hormones > Pancreatic polypeptide
Pancreatic polypeptide, secreted by the F (or PP) cells, contains 36 amino acids. Circulating levels rise following ingestion of a meal. An increase in the level of free fatty acids in the blood suppresses its secretion. Pancreatic polypeptide can inhibit gallbladder contraction and pancreatic exocrine secretion, but its biologic role is uncertain.
endocrine system, human... (75 of 46181 words)
Vivien J. Pomfrey on 27 July 2005 at 11:39 +0000 wrote:
I'm not sure whether it has to. For example, some firms use oxygen-bleaching rather than chlorine, etc.
I was thinking of the solvents used to remove the ink from the paper before bleaching. Very nasty.
also on paper: http://www.rainforestinfo.org.au/good_wood/envf_pap.htm
paper (laser) printers /my coleague in Envirovment/:
What about printer inks Jon?
We talking about inkjet printers? If so, not the same ink as used in commercial printing. Laser printing is even worse - laser printers fuse plastic onto the surface of the paper.
**paper and phages
One problem is the destruction of ancient forests to make way for plantations. This in itself probably releases CO2 and maybe methane from the soil.
Probably. Using the land to "grow" cattle on isn't going to help either.
I have also read that recycling actually uses less energy and water than making paper from scratch.
Not too sure about that one. What I do know is that the process of recycling paper involves far nastier chemicals than are involved in making new paper.
I'm not sure whether it has to. For example, some firms use oxygen-bleaching rather than chlorine, etc.
There is also the issue of carting all the gathered paper to the recycling plant. Not particularly energy efficient.
But does it use more energy than driving heavy vehicles to plantations, cutting down trees, cutting up trees, pulping trees and transporting that? If you don't cart used paper to the recycling plant, what do you do with it? Bury it, compost it, anaerobically digest it or incinerate it. All those also require transportation, although in the latter two cases this will be offset by the energy produced.
Oh, they definitely are. Of particular benefit are the bacteriophages, which kill bacteria. Each one is specific to a particular bacterial strain. In Georgia in the former USSR they have been using phage for many years instead of synthetic antibiotics. One big advantage is that viruses evolve very rapidly, so as soon as bacteria evolve to be more infectious or more harmful, a phage virus evolves which can destroy it. Phage is at long last being considered in the UK as a possible solution to antibiotic resistance.
Now there's a good idea. I remember a lecturer many years ago going on at great length about how phages would be the new magic bullet and so on. Thirty years later it might finally get off the ground.
If Big Pharma don't scupper it. It's hard to patent a naturally-occurring organism (not that that stops some trying...)
I belive that the best way is just to leave fruitty trees all around the world to grow and for paper use hemp as it is cheaper, quicker, better in cellulose content therefore better for recycling, quicker /one year old plant/, fantastic for soil /does not dry it/, is not damaging ecosystem and does not need no fertilisers, or any addings whatsoever and the resto can be used for clothes and home needs and home for animals needs. Phages need to be researched, but first fungi land to define and phages in natality and different closed espaces to be carreefulmy monitored as we do not know the rules of its propagation, air, water, sulphur rich air like now and so on, land propagation, faeces propagation and migratory humans propagation, crude oil derivative also can attract phages, iti did not happen in the past.
paper bleaching and hemp, questions to John:
Excuse me, John. You sound confident in that that ink has to be removed before recycling paper.
1)So you are sure it has to be done?
I am. I worked as a printer for many years so I know about paper. I was also interested in recycling. I discovered that most so-called recycles paper is actually what is known as mill-broke. This is paper which has never even left the mill due to some defect in manufacture or it was the ragged end on a reel. In other words it is not really recycled in the sense that most people would think of as recycled.
2)Is there any non-toxicaly-removable ink?
Water soluble inks would be nice but would rather defeat the object of proper printing. So no, there aren't any inks that can be removed without using something nasty. Not only are the solvents nasty, so is the ink itself so the combination of solvent and ink in solution is particularly unpleasant.
3) Do you know which chemical they use to put out the ink?
A favourite used to be something called MEK (methyl ethyl ketone). Printers used it as well for many years to clean printing machines until it was banned due to its carcinogenic properties. It is entirely possible it is still in use in certain areas. Disturbingly it is still to be found in nail varnish remover. Jon
well, yes but it's not *that* cannabis, surely it can be marketed a bit better so it doesn't get confused all the time. But yes, that seems to be the reason.
It is *that* cannabis. Same species. You even need a licence to grow the stuff. The varieties grown for rope, sacking, paper and other uses are not intoxicating since there are only low levels of cannabinoids in the plants. In the USA it is completely illegal despite its utility.
PS, John is a big contributor to OUSA /Open University Student Association/ Envirovment forum, thank you very much indeed John /forgot the second name.../
paper eco
Hi Jon,
Since you have deservedly been nominated the fountain of all knowledge on inks - can you explain what is meant when people talk about "green inks" (i.e. enviro friendly - not the colour! Is it just marketing or are real improvements being made?
I think that Severnprint claim to use environmentally-friendly inks, and I tried to use them to print some business cards for me, even though they are expensive. After 2 months of waiting, I gave up and used my local printers. I managed to get them to use my own recycled card.
Severnprint are somewhat notorious in the print trade. Enough said. Jon
This is the only 'green' printer that I've come across (although there must be more):
http://www.beaconpress.co.uk/environmental_print/environmental-initiatives.php Amanda
They are about the best that I know of. Interestingly part of their claim is not based on using recycled paper, but rather upon using paper whose source trees can be traced. Vegetable based inks are OK if you don't the printed item to have a particularly long life since they are prone to oxidation and are not light fast. No use for a book for instance.Jon****
From what I remember an awful lot of their work is annual reports and similar marketing material - I think they're probably not big enough to deal with large book orders. The bit I really liked about them was that the 'green' stuff followed all the way through the factory, the staff all took it really seriously, and ultimately the finished product was better - partly because the printing process actually gives a better result and partly because of the extra care and attention. Amanda Odell
****we should see the application for book usage
***also, there is a ned for washable newspaper ink so that it can be recycled immediately with no pollution at all. The exemplaires you wana keep should be scanned and put on your file library so to stay eternaly as well as in globalwide library bank for sucsh occasiuons, you might make it public to other readers if something interesting, but not on classic web as need something on side in static mode. Second thing, I would forbid colour in magazines and newspapers, so that people that finished art school can paint and have drawings on personal scale more seen than pictures and photos on the magazines offered at newsagent. plantbased colours in journals please, within a year just from that 0,06°C less in the air together with recycling all paper and leave trees to live.. Those genetically modified cut immediatelly and do not use it for home equipment as nanoparticules in that make new diseases may be showed on second generation.
paper printing and recycling questions posed by me*
I just realised that I didn't get the jist (however you write it down). John, help, others as well if you know!
So the recycling of paper includes those toxic chemicals that first have to remove ink from the paper. However, big part of the recycling paper is virgin leftovers of the making paper industry.
This is the way that most nice white "recycled" paper is made because there is less ink to discolour the paper.
Printing with water-ink is not good because you cannot use it for book printing or newspaper printing as it is too vulnerable.
Also water based doesn't necessarily equate with non-toxic or non-polluting.
If you print by laser it is not good because it actually spits plastics on the paper. By the way, could that paper be recycled, and how toxic it is? Is there any laser printing without plastic?
I suppose it could be recycled but probably not easily. I do not know of any laser printing process which does not involve fusing plastic to the print media.
So even if we use recycled non chlorine bleached paper it is still very polluting and toxic to use it and it would be better to use paper from trees? Actually even more better hemp paper but it is not commercially available due to illegality and problems in production?
Depends on what you want to achieve. If CO2 drawdown is the object don't recycle, use more new paper and make sure it goes into some kind of landfill where damp anxic conditions prevail.
I just want to get clear idea what type of paper and recycling is the most green least toxic and least fossil fuel-hungry one.
The most green option of all is probaly not to use paper at all. I tend to read more off the screen than paper and even buy ebooks rather than paper. Unfortunately I am a bit odd in this regard, most people find it very difficult to read large amounts of text from a screen. Must get back to my latest purchase, a 700 page book on atmospheric dynamics.
So, by my hypothesis soya is not for eating, makes soft stool, protein in it not good. Good to take lecithin if necessary in medical purposes /check it out/, but the best is, before xwe give huge Amazon land, for example, a rest, is to use this years’soya for ink /soya not good for soil and water depletion, causes, see retrograde China land/ http://gregbarberco.com/
papier chanvre, studenti iz francuske umetnichke shkole smislili mashinu koja proizvodi papir od konoplje na veliko hemp paper, ne mogu da im nadjem referencu
paprika alkaloid good for local neuropathy treatment. Molim chuvajte semenke od paprike da se posade, bitno za sledecju godinu!!! Keep the seeds for planting!!!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paprika 10/5/2006,
raj na zemlji, pazi se turista koji nisu obucheni, bolje prvo dati prednost svetskim speleolozima, geolozima i slichnim znancima da ne unishte i nauche javnost kako se gledaju prirodne lepote, ne gledaju, pardon, prouchavaju resavska pecjina
Man that has a paralisis controls stuff by chip in the brain 1/4/2005,
When main researcher says 'the work is very exciting' it realy diminishes the meaning of his work. Exciting is not the right word at all, he is a medic, not a child and he should behave like as if he has phd.
By the way, i know that Stephen Hawking, a physicist, talks through machine which picks up his brain thoughts for years already. How this can be the first person, then?
Stupid BBC, mind my anger.
they need fonetik language byu bombed country to get it /or buy it, or enslave us, or keep th pound strong and our money under sanctions and inflation, or just still it, or build a factories which westerners keep ‘servise’ jobs, or what else, my age people in Srbija and the same age children in Britain are not the same, although they can travel around the world as a conquerers, they have speed limits on roads, their cafeterias close in midnight, their night clubs work till three o’clock, so I wonder, who is free/ You can ask for fonetik language our Serbian prezident, need some backup of last 16years od imprisonnement without a trial of huge population and health servise that was the best and social too recovery first. As well, that people that are guilty for people died here during bombardment need to with their own hands pull out the graves, pick up the genetic material of the loved ones and do all necessary to clone our Serbian brothers, mothers and sisters. Not Turkish hands on them, please, and not Muslim as well, Christian we prefer an for jewish we will see. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/4509079.stm
what is with this train Orient express was called, not again sanctions on train as well? promong it to Rusia and Jerusalem please.
ovarian eggs developed from cells, so women with wish to have more kids can do so; First to try on food from Jean Herve white puree from almonds, organic ofcourse without adding anything to it to eat it before they wantt o get pregnant. I believe the ovaries should be ready to have healthy egges this way; Do not try it on animals, women that wnt to have children can adopt but forever to take care about as it is special child forever with them a small rodent to be with it an to give them the same monotone almond without skin food. It i so low in carbohydrates, just 13g in 100g of product whilst there isaround 60g best fat in the world /wrom which parrocets live more than humans, please bring them back to nature without carnivores meme if you have to have a tent sometimes whils you make sure they are ok, do not picture them as it ages a lot and diminishes memory, mirrors also not, electricity not in wild, nor any other device, radio included//in the book for OU Fats of Life there is a sentence that says that fat from almonds is rounded and small and best for digestive system/, such low content of carbs gives so little need for insulin that is produced in every stressful situation /whils we are eating salty or sugary or meaty, fishy, eggs or dairy, as well as glutenic entities/, therefore with vegan diet from these cholesterol is produced byourselves and ovocites are recovered and readu for love as children http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4514225.stm
stem menopauza
pancreatic polypeptide General features > The pancreas > Hormones > Pancreatic polypeptide
Pancreatic polypeptide, secreted by the F (or PP) cells, contains 36 amino acids. Circulating levels rise following ingestion of a meal. An increase in the level of free fatty acids in the blood suppresses its secretion. Pancreatic polypeptide can inhibit gallbladder contraction and pancreatic exocrine secretion, but its biologic role is uncertain.
endocrine system, human... (75 of 46181 words)
patents need to be free globalwide!patenti da su besplatni i dostupni na celom svetu za svakoga! tesla and others
patents are bad for health / there is in New Scientist in last few years lots of bad kritics towards patenting anything on medical and biological grounds. Check Science et Vie, too, fantastic french monthly, although they use quite strong paints, ask for black:white edition, thank you/ The Brajev kod I mentioned above in references is on the fonetic letters and it would be great that all people learn fonetik Brajev kod by fingers as it develops some parts of brain we do not use when reading. in brazil, they will start producing generic aids drug as the patented one is risk to public human health. well done.
pathology –rectal tumor cells antibodies
American Journal of Pathology, Vol 100, 81-92, Copyright © 1980 by American Society for Investigative Pathology
Glucagon-, glicentin-, and pancreatic polypeptide-like immunoreativities in rectal carcinoids and related colorectal cells
R Fiocca, C Capella, R Buffa, R Fontana, E Solcia, E Hage, RE Chance and AJ Moody
Three nonargentaffin rectal carcinoids have been investigated immunohistochemically. In one case most tumor cells reacted with antiglucagon sera as well as with antiglicentin, antibovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP), and antihuman pancreatic polypeptide (HPP) sera; they were identified ultrastructurally as L cells. Another case showed glucagon-, glicentin-, and BPP-immunoreactive cells but lacked HPP immunoreactivity. In the third case glucagon- and glicentin- immunoreactive cells were well represented, while PP immunoreactivities were scarce. Parallel investigations of human rectal and sigmoid mucosa showed numerous cells reacting with glucagon, glicentin, and BPP antisera, most of which lacked HPP immunoreactivity. Cells reacting with glucagon and glicentin antisera, while lacking PP immunoreactivities, were also found. Thus, both tumor and nontumor cells produce glucagonlike immunoreactive (GLI) peptides--one of which may be glicentin or a related molecule--as well as PP-related sequences, although differing histochemically and ultrastructurally from glucagon or PP cells of the human pancreas. It is concluded that nonargentaffin rectal carcinoids are histogenetically linked to nonargentaffin endocrine cells of the human rectum.
peatf fires increase global warming
pendra I need it, my friend has a two year old daughte who got diabetes mellitus and cannot suivre DAFNE system as in Serbia /Srbija brale/ unknown method and no more than 50 bandelletes they give with lancettes from 80s last century. Pendra we need, Pendra we need, is there some of tose billioner that could send us globalwise pendra system? I cannot anymore think to get money form this o buy pendra as money dirty, litterally and I am clean as I use alcohol when injecting, when I buy the proper one, anyway, give us Pendra that is not toxic as vagus nerve very sensitive, neuropathy makes us hyperactive or bedborn to sleep enough when we fell down of heavines of being a patient of diabetes melitus and showing smilly face to public is quite heavy on everyday forever basis.
periferal nervous system
pesticide near scol ilnes cause http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4718015.stm also they put pesticide in insulin I am getting in muscles 7 times a day and hydrochloric solution and so many things, see search in google Actrapid + Vidal words /do not open vidal de la famillie/ or search Humalog and Vidal /do not have anymore humalog, ultratard they stop producing and I cannot use lantus or levemirdetemir as lantus toxic to me and levemrdetemir do not want to try to not compromise albumin local genetic makers to go in all parts of body, to produce albumin, for example in hand muscle or so, my hypothesis check it out few yars on market, we are guinea pigs of humanity, do nto be afraid but look it as Hipocrattes would look at it.
environment pollution
PH of oceans more acidic –coral reefs dissapearance in thirty years time, see my essays about it from the Open University, Milton Keynes, tutor Geoff Walker, T206 Energy for Sustainable Future course code, done it 2005th, all TMA /tutor marked assignements/ and ECA /end of course assesment I believe is called that instead the exam/ for that year. Koral reeefs are dissapearing with a much huge rate, next txo three years not big, then huge dissapearance, prediction thirty percent till 2012AD, check Eilat as warm there, Hawaii not adequate or any other live vulkan place, Indian part already dissapeared,, Japanesse part ultra polluted, NorthMiddle America is not worth mentioning as currents unpredictable... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4226917.stm
nuts reccomendation not to cook anything from nuts, oils make just in medical pharmacy given on prescription purposes, /coconut belongs to nuts, thank you/., o just raw to eat it on or recipe of Jean herve that cares about Madagaskar patee /check the burning process not to be toxic and not to have electricity inducings, toxic in sence not gm wood, not wood with mushrooms or alive other way, not young wood, best rest from sunflowers I believe that are taken for eating an patee as well, not for oil at all, that will help us become vegetarians globalwide although if someone still kooks does it in heaven or on water, though, water very tricky though, check it out, but all that oil if we eat as patee will relieve digestive and mental system of all the world, foodhungry that will get it by military plains on daily basis and be offered to move from their envirovment by will as well by those plains/ PS; do not destroy natural nut forests; We should all stop using amazonian nuts as they are wild and feed animals that thought us what is good for eternal life apart from social connections and free flying so amazonian nuts do not touch and try to plant trees for yourself, wild nuts do not touch at all , wee need it ecosystemically and as a credit and thank you for everything that comes from theere; Please, everyone to send something to plant native tres back to Amazon forest as it is Europe size if not bigger that needs replanted by trees not by cultured soya beans or cut nuts on which so many animals survive /Amazon is one ‘lung’ of Earth/, how you cal lung in latin?/ I wonder about Macadamia nuts sustainability as well as I do not know everything about it. As I stated, apart from almonds, love pistaccio and pecan nuts without salt, of course, checked macadamia, very strange feeling indeed, very suspicious indeed about hazelnuts /are they toxic for all or just some from popultion?/ and peanuts, should be replaced by carbs rich but easily absorbable /maybe I mistaken here but love/ grashak, green peas I believe they are called. As in Genesis I, 29verse I believe we should eat to live in paradise. And keeep all seeds to give for plantation of trees! http://www.wholehealthmd.com/refshelf/foods_view/1,1523,84,00.html
Important! I am really not sure whether pregnant women should eat nuts, check it out, also difference between /on medical ground, but also/ women that have partners with them or live wthout physical presence of one, or women surogat as nuts known as good for women on honeymoon I believe /its not funny as honeymoon have people with diabetes when go off the insulin for some period, but if pregnant I do not know if honeymoon cease to exist as automaticaly gestational from unperfections appears (gestatoional diabetes I mean)
famous vegetarian http://fr.news.yahoo.com/28022006/202/mccartney-se-rend-sur-la-banquise-canadienne-au-secours-des.html and brigitte bardot
people to be raised like, for example, dalai lama, if he was raised in his own family, but to raise him as vegetarian, special person, for peace and huge respect of others and his own body.
1/5/2006, peritoneum, click on pic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peritoneum
pharmacy mdicine needs immediate offer to interested individuals with diagnosis /diagnosis = dia = protok, going through, and gnosis = znanje, knowledge, => diagnosis = protok znanja, going through knowledge, dia also can mean two as in dialog = dia protok ili 2 i logos nauka ili science/ like in levemir boromir example, nowhere can individual patient find it conects to albumin receptors in body, that is not fair as poisonning can happen from treatman maybe even for longr periods; Check out why people with diabetes melitus cannot give blood for transfuzion, I asked some doctors and noone could reply, just you cannot give, but I could give and not declare so please check iot out, I wonder what Elly lilly, Novo Nordisk an Aventis have to say about voluntary, by own act od solidarnosti dobrovoljni davaoci krvi shta im se deshava kad imaju prepreka u Evropi da budu dobrovoljni davaoci krvi kad su rekli da imaju shecjer. Druga stvar, zashto otkad su preshli na analogne insuline ljudi sa diabetes mellitusom su manje napadani od komaraca? Da li se to desilo i sa ljudima koji se leche samo tabletama i dijetom, koliki ime je Hb1ac retrogradno ?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4311140.stm Cancer feeds on high sugar, do not know for tumor, do not check on animals already known fact. So, vegan diet with huge amounts of vegetables, no sufar added at all is welcomed. Kancer se hrani visokim shecjerom, ne znam da li isto vazhi za tumor, nemoj proveravati na zhivotinjama, vecj je znana stvar da ako imash zhivotinju da joj ne dajesh slatkishe i nishta sa dodatim shecjerom ili od skroba kao krompire, zhitarica i tako to grains na engleskom se zovu, vidi doktor mercola website. Tako da veganska dijeta za ljude sa ogromnim kolichinama povrcja, bez dodatog shecjera je kompletno dobrodoshla;
2032006, phenethylamine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenethylamine
152006 phenylalanine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenylalanine
physics web http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/16/8/9
PI man u stvari, da ga ne gnjavimo, kako se pamti na taj nachin? he should tell us how he remembers so good...
pianno jazz a jussieu by reeves http://www.etu.upmc.fr/ateliers.htm#p_class
piano man http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/4557619.stm
piano man,shta se desilo? http://fr.news.yahoo.com/050518/202/4f377.html uznemiravanje ne dolazi u obzir / je li ovo referenca o nadjenom hoveku koji zna da svira?/
pig kompetition ne na taj nachin volonterski, imitirajucji nas, njima ne treba kao psu objekat da ga sledi nego nam se pridruzhi kao da je ddete najrodjenije, o gicama pricham koje su najslichnije choveku po nachinu i ljubopitljivosti i razmazhenosti u svoj lepoti sport
pigeons de la monde, sauver eux, comme les autres aoiseaux aussi /: Golubovi iz svih gradova sveta, spasite ih kao i ostale ptice shto takodje treba da budu spashete od svugde ! 2932006, 'Il semble que les déclarations de Béatrice Dubonchoix, appelant la mairie de Paris à saisir l'opportunité de la grippe aviaire pour la préservation du patrimoine architectural de la capitale, aient été entendues : Anne Bachelière, conseillère scientifique à la mairie du Vème arrondissement, a invité la municipalité de Paris à procéder à l'abattage massif de la population volatile de Paris afin de préserver les parisiens d'une éventuelle transmission du virus H5N1 à l'homme. Les souhaits des défenseurs du patrimoine seront donc devancés et l'engeance columbiforme sera définitivement éradiquée de la capitale.
SOURCE : correspondance de Guernesey, http://www.desinformations.com/news.php?_id=1165 '
Mais, sur site de WHO, en: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/avian_influenza/fr/ , on peut voir que si on ne touche les oiseaux malades ou mortes, ainse que leurs excrement frais sans protection, il n'y a pas la possibilite de transmission de grip aviare sur hommes meme si les pigeons sont infectes.
Pour empeche la massacre de pigeons, une subculture, subsociete simbiotique de notre capitale, il faut juste donne cette notice publiquement. Il est recommande comme meme de garder les chats a l'interieur et les chiens avec protection sur mandibula.
S'il vous plait, depechez vous pour sauver notre voisins et habitants de notre ville, les pigeons! Ils peuvent quelque fois ennerver une personne sut 100, mais ils ont une effect calmant et amical et du bon covoisinage - il faut pas les exteminer quand la savoir scientifique nous dit que on peut continue a vivre ensemble avec attention et sans risk pour la sante humaine.
Pardonnez-moi pour mon francais. S'il vous plait, fait quelque chose pour les voillieres de ciel, les pigeons de Paris!
quantum optics physics nobel prize – ima li implikacija da dobijemo svi vid na svetu, ili treba da chekamo koliko revolucija solarnih za takvo shto ?
We need one longer march for all those destroyed under bombardment of three countries in last eight yearts, as well as for those under sanctions that are as in prison conditions ni krivi ni duzhni vecj godinama, ajd da vidimo dtaj marsh, da li cje se svt sinhronizovati u tome ? u sankcijama mogao, u bombardovanju nijedan protestni marsh nije obavljen, shame na te studente ako su oni jedina inteligencija NATO zemalja, shame! http://fr.news.yahoo.com/27112005/290/marche-silencieuse-pour-chahrazad-lyceenne-brulee-vive.html
‘A gde smo mi, naivni, shto smo se, dizali, na ‘Hej Sloveni’, kao da smo, uz tu prichu izgubljeni i prevareni,
Vremena su nezgodna za momka kao ja koji gleda svoja posla,*
Nisam lutak da me naviju,
Imam samo Jugoslaviju...’ Djoka Balashevicj
‘I sve po zakonu,
zato sam prvi ne bi bilo ove krvi da je bilo sve po zakonu,
vlast je vlast,
i ja to poshtujem,
tu su paragrafi pazagrafi i nek isto je i djavolu i djakonu,
pa nek se zna,
nek su mi gazili njivom
mojom se sladili shljivom,
uvek je lopova bilo,
jer cjud je cjud a kud je kud,
nikada zlotvora dosta /ne misli na glodare i insekte inache/
susha mi unishti bostan
i led se prospe pred zhetvu,
al led je led a red je red
i prekardashilo...
pa sam chekao’ Djoka Balashevicj
‘pravda je dostizhna’’bozhe pravde’’za pravo-slavlje!’
26/11/2005 radio frekvencije. Pre par dekada smo mogli iz Srbije da chujemo sve AM tal ase i chak lokalne radije iz nordijskih zemalja smo slushali, kupili talas odande. Sad su se ima jedno godinu dana donele neke nove uredbe o radiju i radioamaterima koje ne da gushe nego je gore od sankcija. Skinite te glupave internacionalne siledzhijske postazvke i dajte da bar tu postavimo merilo vrednosti koje je bilo u Titovo vreme na polju radioamaterstva srpskoga, hvala za pomocj inache ja sam radi dezerter sa ove zemlje toliko se stidim da zhivim medju takvim zakonodavcima, bogatahima i politicharima, mobiltelefonerima i kompjuterashima ko zna kakvog ranga da samo pod prisilom ostajem ovde a bicju prva da teraformiram planetu samo za sebe samo da se zna; pa da pravim zhurke na mlimski nachin. i zhivotinje da gajm ne da koristim. i ljude da ne vidim ochima a i tada cje mi biti potrebna na zemlji chista radio frekvencija ukoliko zhelim lichno da nadjem osobe sa kojima sam se druzhila i koje su ostale normalne i verne analognom zvuku.
radiactive tracers triger airport security – od mesec dana neletenja po svetu ne samo da cje vojnici mocji leteti i doneti hranu i kamenje za gradju kucja /jer u maleziji grade od drvecja, nije normalno/ pardon zgrada jer kucje se ne grade vishe, da na globalnom nivou, zaboiravila sam da kazhem, chak i da imash dece i kakva god da je situacija, kucje se vishe ne grade i sve kucje na zemlji postacje zgrade, budi pazhljiv da stavish velike terase, kompletnu zvuchnu izolaciju i parkove izmedju zgrada sa parkiralishtima za bicikle. i tako, neznana i neizdifinisana divlja mesta, mozhe, kao i observatorije i mesta da se vine u kosmos i slichno da se predvide. vodotokovi pazhljivo sa milionima i vishe godina u vidu, dinamichno na neki nachin, drugo solarna energija dc struja, baterije H /proveri, boron li beshe, imala referencuy ukoliko niko josh nije uspeo da dodje do originalnih Teslinih izuma i reshenja, stvarno nema smisla zbog para elektrodistribucije ljudi nisu mobilni i freedom of information act josh nije javan za sve, i internet kontrolisan, i tv treba da se baci na reciklazhu svako ko je ima, mesec dana bes toga na opshtinskom nivou i ljudi cje procvrkutati od miline ne od konspiracije i odudaranja. teslinje izume dati muzeju Tesla iza /ispred u stvari, kod studentske poliklinike/ Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, da se naprave knjige od toga i da se znanje deli svima na nashem jeziku. To nije znanje shto je Tesla uradio, to je najvecji Adept koga cje svet ikada imati. Adept znachi Dobrovoljni saradnik prirode u procesu evolucije i to je Tesla i svako od nas u nekom delu zhivota cje to biti shto je cheshcje mogucje bolje. Naravno magnetno polje novca smeta u radu sa mozgom svojim a kamoli sa dobrobiti chovechanstva da se bavi iko u tom trenutku. Ljubav koja je retka treba da se proveri izmedju sviju a to se mozhe uchiniti samo bez novca u opticaju /i uz uchenje gluvonemog jezika da se ne bi troshile glasne zhice na druge, previshe uticaja ima pochevshi od tolerancije koju razvijemo prihvativshi da chovechanstvo joh uvek koristi hranu koja nije, bilo koja tolerantnost u zhivotu je zakrivila glasne zhice i ljubav se mozhe nacji gluvonemim jezikom, da, ili telepatskim gde jedan jednu chuje ponajbolje i obrnuto. I bilo koji par na svetu da ima iste mogucjnosti putovanja po svetu, da, to je bitno za svetski mir; http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4702949.stm
rasizam in jobs for people with diagnosis http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4769824.stm
what a cutie, they usually show us the things we do not need; Its worldwide lesson from there... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4114556.stm Hungry fella...
I believe people should get the proper education when they augment their family. The point is, they are the most researched on living beings on the world and almost no veterinary is nor ready and does not know how to treat them not to say to educate concerned person in what you need to know basis. The knowledge that big selfish farmaceutical firms are keeping for themself and repeatedly do the same experiments as to have coverage if patients raise medical trials so they can say, Oh, we did that experiment on such number of living beings and they survived the treatment, but in which conditions, under which mode de vie, with what food, wxhich social background and what social intercourses, which kind of house and shelter they had, which kind of watery requrements they assumed, what where their faeces looked like day by day, what was the floor made of they were walking on, which kind of sounds they had around them, where there other animals in the room, which kind of lights they had, did the scientist succeded to spend there thre days without going out from the room and wxithout tiredning, did they had airconditioningh in that room, did it had the proper nanoparticle filter, did they saw the sunlight, did they saw any insects, did they saw any cuddles and for how long and from whom, did they saw any emotions in that room, did they saw anything apart from money talk, stock market talk, statistics how many needs toi survive talk, did anyone look at them as a humen beings that they are as they are used as human being equivalents /and they deserved to be treated that way, only not in experiments and logor-like camps/, did they fallen in love, did they suffer, how many kids they had, how they behaved towards they kids, were they with alpha main one or were they all equal, where they had their nails cut of, did they had porfirin in eyes /which means too many carbs in food, and silent suffering because people do not realise they are like parokets and they can live as loing as we do/, were they offered retirement and pension for their work, were they ofered that someone adopts them /its possible with same diagnosis, why not?/, where they checked blood and urine for kidney function, sugar values, everything else /we need this stuff quickly to give to all vets as some of our loved ones need checkup on scientific standard, not just stethoscope everyone can use /by the way, I believe with them is not necessary stethoscope as it augments decibelicly the sound and they have it enormously developed so its best to do it by hand and numbering in youself/, did they have old clothes to make nests and curtains out of it, did they have some small ring-bells so they can make music when pass near or when stand up and with their hands do it consciously, how often their toilet was cleaned and there is more questions just go ahead with them. Farmaceutical /pharmaceutical/ firms need to give on adoption all the rest that can handle solitary freedom, the rest, like knockout ones or with difficult diseases need to go on special adoption from people that care about medical proffesion and want to exercise to help the most cutest being in the world as they are, with all medical treatmants up to hand and so onµ. For example, people with insulin dependant diabetes mellitus diagnosis used to check their sugar levels on daily basis and giving multiple injections every day would be the best kandidats to take care about those that have handicaped past, maybe present or even future /cosmetic and chemical experiments on them and military as well included/ that needs treated evry day, we need to help them, they saved our lives so many times with experiments they were passing through for us /unnecessary though, see Toxicologie Scientifique, Claude Reiss and ProAnima association for more info/, so please, let us adopt them, lets do it for them, they are our parrokets for life as we are their sailors to go with them worldwide everywhere we move!!! PS, take precaution of wild and carnivorous animals, wind, bad conditios, and medical ground of place we are visiting. the google group from above has been so good up till google changed rules of google groups, after that I am not able to judge.*
oor little one... my Oliver never seemed in pain when this happened to him.
I certainly do keep a lot of things on hand for "just in case" with my rats.
I've got polysporin ear/eye drops, Quick Stop, Pedialyte, Ivermectin,
syringes, a stethoscope, nutrical. And I'll add whatever else I think
may help.
rats and bambus; bambus is the fantastic alternative and exchange for wod and cutting trees, needs to exchange tree industry on world level immediatelly, as it grows quicker, converts to oxygen more than tree does, and is better as material for everything we need. http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&group=alt.pets.rodents.rats&selm=paghatSPAM-ME-NOT-1410040927350001%40soggy72.drizzle.com
rats and pesticide toxicity nasledstvo. Shta cjemo onda sa ljudima koji primaju insulin koji ima pesticide u sebi? Ja pitala NovoNordisk iz Francuske i EllyLilly i oni rekli, da mozhemo proizvesti insulin bez pasticida, ali ovako traje tri godine, ovako bi morali da vam dostavljamo svaka tri dana i eto necjemo da vam pomognemo kad sam se pre tri godine zhalila shto mi smeta pesticid u insulinima, unishtava respiratorni trakt /ili je to i od hidrohlora takodje nepotrebnog ?/, srce uhvati jeza prvu sekudnu i po nakom muskularnog injektiranja /shto je logichki nemogucje jer mishicju trebaju minuti da prenese, shto znachi neurotoksichno i jako brzo se toksicitet i uzdah potom zapazha da bi se sprechilo da ode direktno u mozak pretpostavljam, tako se telo bori, stavi u srce shto ne zheli u mozak dok josh ima snage za borbu/. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4605847.stm PS, nije kompatibilno da ljudi koji su primali genetski inzhinjeringovan insulin uopshte imaju u bilo kom obliku hrane ponudjeno bilo shta shto je genetski inzhinjeringovano, molim za bar taj respekt i sve namirnice da pishu u kolikim procentima promila imaju, gde, na koji nachin i u kom vidu genetsku modifikaciju i gde se shta genetski inzhinjeringovalo, molim pazite na zakone zemalja koje neke genetske modifikacije /supresije, dodatke, aimed towards nekom drugom chiniocu i slichne lingvistichke pravne zavrzlame/ da se to ne dopusti i da svako kad kupuje mora znati shta gde kako i od koga i sa kakvim genetskim kodom je shta. Isto vazhi i za restoirane, ne mogu da stalno pitam, a da li su vam jabuke prskane, a sa chim, kojim produktom, u kojoj meri, na koji nachin, koliko puta, koliko je kishe palo na podneblje, gde se nalazilo drvo, da li uopshte ila crvicje to drvo, da li su ptice ishle na to /kad idu ptice i crvicji znachi josh uvek nije opasno ali treba da se gledaju da li imaju manje jaja i slichno kao i da li manje i kracje lete/, i onda na kraju, da li je jabuka genetski modifikovana i ore koliko dana je uzbrana, kakav transport dozhivela i kako je bila zapakovana i josh par pitanja, onda me ljudi gledaju u restoranu kao da je to nenormalno u stvari ‘Zdravlje na usta ulazi’ i za zhivot da u 120oj godini bude se chio kao i u dvadesetoj je neophodno dobiti odgovor na ta pitanja pre nego shto se izabere. Josh neshto, iako ne poznajem religiju judaizma dobro /prochitala prve tri stranice Biblije, svideo mi se dvadeset deveti stih Geneze gde kazhe za raj potrebno biti vegetarijanac i vi i zhivotinje /fruitarijanac, ali zbog velike kolichine proteina zhivotnjaskog porekla koji se koristio stolecjima, mozhda treba uvrstiti na pochetku za neke ljude chick peas, sochiva i pasulja kao i pechurke u strogo svesnim medikalnim uslovima, kvasac ukljuchen u pechurka-land, da/ i na trecjoj strani se zbunila da iko chita dalje jer se neka ubistva i zhrtvovanja pominju pa sam odustala, ali sam chula za dobar fazon a to je da se za vegetarijanskui hranu koristi specijalno posudje tako da bi svo posudje koje se koristilo za hranu nevegetarijanskog porekla treebalo reciklirati da bi se dobilo neshto novo i chisto i upotrebljivo ne znam u koje namene ali oseti se kad se jede iz tanjira u kojem je bila nevegetarijanska hrana ma kako dobro bio opran, hvala bracjo glodari na chulu mirisa i obracjanju pazhnje. Knjiga ‘Obrada rezultata merenja’, prva godina, fizichki fakultet prirodnomatematichkod fakulteta u Beoogradu, citat ‘Vezhbajte mocj zapazhanja svakodnevno’ bi trebalo da se postavi kao javni grafit da udje u svest. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4605847.stm
kad se oni smeju : inache umeju i da golicaju jedni druge i prave smejucje zvuke mada se suzdrzhavaju jer ih sramota da ih chujemo da se cheshcje smeju od nas i kad hocje da nerviraju jedni druge, recimo sin mamu, pochne da je glodje po vratu i kichmenoj mozhdini chini mi se i ona pochne da se smeje snebivljivo jer hocje da pobegne a ne mozhe i skvikne kao da kazhe ‘Ma pusti me, shta si navalio, vidi ga sad’, a on srecjan, bozhe koja milina ka dmuchi mamu ; Inache je tetku koja je zamenjivala mamu kad ih je bilo mnogo gladnih usta kad su se tek rodili pa bi ona onako pozamashna legla na njih i oni skvikali od dole jer se razocharali shto nema mleka samo im ne da da se pomeraju, e, onda kad je porastao, tetkina vucibatina je sa svojim rukama na kojima ima chetiri prsta /inache, pitaju kad cje uspeshno i bez opasnosti da ih genetski modifikuju da dobiju i peti prst kao ljudi da nauche da pishu, ovaj Hawkingov aparat josh nisu probali na njima mada je bolje da pishu, previshe su brzi da ih ljudi razumeju, govore samo u imperativu inache ?/ pa bi je bukvalno pocheo golicati po plecjkama prema rukama nizhe od ramena i ona bi se smejala, joj, kako bi se smejala ; i to se chuje, mada neki ljudi kazhi da ih ne chuju, onda treba da idu prvo da se druzhe sa slepim mishevima da se naviknu na to okruzhenje ili da izlaze malo cheshcje uveche u grad i da pochu da pevaju u nekom horu, posle cje ih sigurno chuti ; i nemojte se plashite ako ih vidite, vecj pozovite vatrogasnu sluzhnbu koja treba da se obuchi kako da hvata zhivotinje koje su izgubljene i nemaju kud ili im treba gazda kako se to kazhe pa da ih struchno uhvate a ne povrede i da ostanu zhive i onda odnesu u specijalna mesta za koje lokalne novine uvek imaju vesti shta se tamo dogadja i da im se daju ostaci od nashe hrane iz tanjira, to njima dovoljno i oni ok, super josh ako ima dece da se igraju to bolje od obdanishta sto puta i bolje od bilo chijih kola na naftne derivate shto vozi. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~bclee/laughpapers.txt
rats, mouse small animals, rodents : Hearth breaking and it doesn't matter the experiment what they performed (they could do it with NATURALLY already sick rat).
The point s, they ARE able to insert miniature needle in rat's veins, so the fact that vets say that small animals cannot be perfused or with nutrients when dehydrated because their vessels are too small is bulshit.
rats and other interested members of family we adopted recognize different languages http://uk.news.yahoo.com/050110/80/f9zha.html
raw food vegetables nuts /be careful, not pregnancy and nuts I believe because alkaloids then strong, or carbs content included as well, need scientific explanation without animal experimentation/ cleansing sodium,; organic fruits nuts http://www.freedomyou.com/recipes/Vegetable%20Guide.htm
parrokets papagaji, da mogu i da lete, to je bitno makar postojali specijalni parkovi gde mozhemo da ih pustimo da se izlete. http://birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww24eiii.htm
recycling http://www.wastecap.org/wastecap/commodities/bottles&cans/bottles&cans.htm
or in french
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4673556.stm neka se potencira i bad politics kad dolazi iz razvijene zemlje, da se zna ko shta radi i u kojoj godini i od koliko je ljudi podrzhan
regular poster on OU student group
My daughter and I were just discussing nuclear v renewables (she agrees with me) and it occured to us that one renewable that hasn't been discussed much is muscle power, particularly human muscle power. Because human muscle power is so little used in our society, these days, lots of people end up going to the gym, to try to compensate for their inactivity the rest of the time. It occured to us that gyms could connect all their treadmills, exercise bikes, etc, to generators, they could then generate their own electricity and, if they got people working hard enough and they might even be able to sell the surplus to the grid.
In this context, I think I mentioned a few weeks ago that I once read about a family who rationed their TV watching by having an exercise bike with a generator and storage battery. Family members could only watch as much TV as they generated the power for.
The above got us thinking further and it occured to us that schools could perhaps cut their energy bills by getting all their students to do say half an hour on a treadmill, or exercise bike each day. This could kill two birds with one stone, by also addressing the low levels of fitness and high levels of obesity amongst many of today's children. It also occured to us that it might be possible to utilize students evidence most efficiently, by utilizing all the waste body heat generated for space heating. We were a bit unsure about how the heat could best be circulated, but it then occured to us the easiest thing would be to scatter the exercise equipment throughout the school, so each class room could be heated by its own students. With good insulation the school should be able to dispense with any external power supplies for space heating and the problem might well be that the school might get too hot. It might well be necessary to vent some hot air to keep temperatures from rising too high, but even this might be put to use, by utilizing rising hot air to generate more electricity, as it was vented. (Actually, I believe that De Montfort University, here in Leicester, does have a new building designed along these lines, but minus the exercise bikes)
I believe that it is possible to use wave power that is produced by the car during the driving underneath, there is also a heat, wind power and wave when changing the speed.*
http://www.relations-publiques.enligne-fr.com/ koje utichu na ljude na jedan po jedan bazi, kada ti ljudi udju u agencije gde hocju da bude na njih uticano i gde mozhe chitava psihologija da im se predstavi i da se nauche stvarima mass komunikacije, sublimirane sugestije, simbolizma i svi ostali vidovi uticanja da se predtave oralno posle pismenog da mogu da vide koliko su direktni primaoci znanja a koliko tolerancije imaju za greshke a kamoli za prevejanost i tako to, mozhe i to u agencijama da bude izlozheno, shto naivniji ljudi su najchistiji na duge staze, jeste da su izmuscheni u proshlom veku i demarginalizovani u ovom. http://www.relations-publiques.enligne-fr.com/
religion I'm sure the reader will forgive this rummaging around in my past when he realizes what priceless discoveries I was making. I learned from Mary Ruth, as I was later to learn many times, that most people do not want to think for themselves. And any religionist - or Guru - who can relieve them of that burden is going to be successful.
PS. Very interesting guy altogether... His writing is humorous and witty. Worth spending time researching him.
religion and school – opinion I was thinking about as it is absoulutely funny to me that some people do have religion in their school at all; I believe that some books should be read on their own as they mnemnomize people into the wace thinking and school should help point thinking /see Heisenberg relation od uncertainty which says,* as better you calculate position od particle /thought in this case, can be human on GPS thats why GPS should be forbidden/, less you know its speed, and as better you know speed /religion in above case/, less you know how individual will behave or what are his reactions as action reaction force goes on his wave function not on point of delovanja. A kolega of mine said this about religion and school:
‘I think that religion and school should be separate full stop. Choosing the path of blind belief rather than of scientific thought is a very big decision and should not be made until adulthood.
Andy, UK’
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renal_artery atherosclerosis, high blood pressure 1/5/2006
renewable energy from bodies, prospects * Question: to check if such way of harnesing energy accelerates cell
mitosis, cell aging processes, find out which people are not suitable.
analogy - check it out on 'knock out' animals that we will exclude from
further experiments, try to heal and cure them, but check in same time if
there are some drawbacks to harnessing this part of our exteriour magnetic
field and temperature release into the environment...
is it possible that 'radial connection of energy' like during dancing
might have less direct impact then taking power just from foot?
*Stephen Hawking talking device by picking up 'thinking thoughts' to
*suspicious application, unnecessary 'big brother' trip from text:
' and the location of people in offices, to increase the efficiency, comfort and security of our buildings. These could be wired into a central computer to alert it when windows have been left open or lights left on at the end of the day, and so switch them off.'
*renewable energy solar panels on sea and ice in same time cool the ice sheets, and diminish infrared radiation towards space that contributes to global warming. check if better that solar pannels be put on ice and ocean surfaces (in function of meteorologic consequesnces that might induce) or on huge deserts area (also check with climate modeling predictions) - see which one would better serve to global cooling of planet which we urgently need, apart of usefulness of getting pollution free electricity.
*retirement should never be longer than seazon in the year as person has to fo something, otherwise apoptosis and cell division out od control as insulin produces on stress of guilty consciousness that we are not working whilst others do. Different things people can do and be part of a society apart that only be wathchers, bystanders and passive part of necklase, indeed, the necklase does not have pensioners to it, but volonters and eager bodied in a big manner, yes; Never complain, never duty anyone an never feel sorry because methabolisam of your is perpetuum mobile, why should your words of actions demean that? pensioners in active life - that can improuve self esteem and place in society.
RIGHTTOLIVE http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4809908.stm
http://groups.google.com/groups?dq=&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&threadm=HaidnQa7TssNA4TcRVn-gQ%40comcast.com&prev=/groups%3Fhl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26group%3Dmisc.health.diabetes inchecked
vegan book and worries abou(t unhealthy vegans http://groups.google.com/groups?dq=&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&threadm=75a01e37.0408092257.3a9cea17%40posting.google.com&prev=/groups%3Fhl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26group%3Dalt.food.vegan 118004DE
Subject: RE: Contact and question
Thanks for contacting NAVS. I’m somewhat confused with your question. I think what you’re asking is if we don’t use “knock out” animals,” what will we use.
Knock out animals will not work because, while these animals have been given the human genetic mutation for a particular disease, they are “whole” animals. And their “whole” body will react differently than a human. The ADMET tests performed for drug efficacy (absorption, distribution, metabolizing, elimination and toxicity) will differ from a human in a “knock out” animal because the “knock out” animal will act like a rat, for example, who has been given a human genetic mutation. They will not react like a human with a genetic mutation. Does that make sense?
Rats are rats and humans are humans. You cannot make a rat into a human even if you give that rat a human “disease.” He is still a rat and will react like a rat would react to the human genetic mutation.
If this doesn’t answer your question, just e-mail me back and I’ll try again!Thanks.
Clare Haggarty/NAVS
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:05 PM
To: feedback@navs.org
Subject: Contact and question
I am vegetarian, and am against vivisection.
I saw your alternative methods and believe you covered almost all aspects of alternative testings.
I do have one question, though. If we are not using 'knock out' animals, how we can know what genes are codes for? What is the alternative to knock out animals?
Wish you biggest success in your mission,*
I a, asking for help in proof that salt and sugar, assed in food at least, and glucose added in infusion solution are influencing in making
tumor and senescence. Do not use the control group for this, just check teh subjects that do not use or stopped using. Salt intake influences
adrenal glands and I believe that from them comes the initiation to make
the tumor, as simple reaction to stress (which they regulate), which is
from excess sodium from food. People have less sodium in urine and sweat
when they stop taking salt but, neverthles, vegan diet gives enough sodium
without stressing the organism. Salt was the 'milieu' of the first forms
of life, so added salt in the food which for ages we have been taking
without salt could cause the stress and make new forms of life in our
organism, ie, tumor.
As for sugar, (glucose and sacharose), it rises the blood glycemy quicker
than it would do with natural food without added sugar. After a meal with
added glucose and sucrose, insulin is late a minute or two to be released
so it does spike (the glycemy) just after the meal. It also stimulates
insulin like growth factors( that is the primary reason why, after a
period of high glycemy diabetic retinopathy appears) which are proven that
they are included in tumor growth.
Vegan diet helps your adrenal glands are not overstimulated with added
cholesterol from animal sources (your liver can produce as much as it
needs cholesterol) as is different when localy produced.
risky medicines approuved by fda http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/4276415.stm
robor soldier for footbal pitch not for Irak http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4199935.stm
pv britain roofs http://www.ecocentre.org.uk/solar-electricity.html
How much can photovoltaics really produce in Britain? The DTI have estimated that solar panels installed on buildings have the potential to provide all the electricity that Britain currently uses, however that would mean photovoltaics on most south facing roofs which is unlikely in the near future. However, an ambitious solar roof programme coupled with other renewables such as wind and wave power could play a significant part in the move toward a sustainable future. How environmentally friendly are photovoltaics? The manufacture of photovoltaics involves the use of toxic materials to obtain the necessary standards of purity which are vital to performance. It lies with the manufacturer to ensure that dangerous substances are dealt with and handled correctly. Over its estimate...*** I found this claim and am certain it is true, although, it seems, me, Serbian girl is the only one who believes in this, therefore, it must be Serbian firms that make it possible in Britain, great I also claimed this in my TMA for T206 Open University biggest university in Britain, great and nobody called me to do the realisation I proposed, that is to install photovoltaics zvzrywhere in britain, find my TMAs for subject T206 for year 2005 from tutor Walker Geoff, region 9 I belonged and I also stated the posibility of the ecocustainable village in my last assignement which was instead the exam for the same subject for the same year and again nobody called me to do the realisation, ask for that too, put it in all the British, great ambasade throughout the world so you can claim at least /and get it/ ( my name is Mijic Mirjana and OU student identity number is W2800756), viza for my project that I tried to forward to British, great university but to no avail, you just claim them and call me over on some B&B accomodation when possible:-) . I also put it on various occasions to OUSA forums but noone contacted me as well, so I hope we can win the Brits this time for certain and instal them what they need;
remuneration in france- the point is, there you can claim an RMI (revenue minimum d insertion) which is about 400euros per month whilst the cheapest garsoignere in Paris is around 500 euros and that that you need to pay two months in advance deposit, one month fee to agency and to have a job forever upwards and at least three month
backvards so agency can give you the chance to see it. Some of them, specially particuliers /on particulier a particulier site and on www.alouer.fr / want two and half times more how much you earn per month than is the fee for the appartment per month. Electricity, that is 70percent from nuclear stations throughout the france /whilst they are giving radioactive decay that lasts for tens of thousands of years clear mutagen to genetics and initiator of tumours on same and next generations/ to developing countries either by just throwing them there as a waste or as a byproduct of industries they /French governmental body, for example knows for this/ buy as theirs /here Zorka farma HI in Sabac where I live is suspicious and bought form someone might do that and put it directly to water stream, as well as the Zink part of the hemijska industrija orka /cinkara/ has radioactive or hazardous matrials as well probably military not from Srbija, and Zorka djubriva has some geneticly dangerous coctails of earth compost they call in fact it is djubriva najgore vrste and there it is the danger to the whole area from the garbage of unknown source, you can see on pijaca that people are selling fruits and vegetables in time when it is not the seazon, and I get complete diarhea when eat anything of that fresh and do get the smell of problem when CCTV cameras are nor Srbija, put them down*! Kinezi koji ne idu u dnevnu shkolu na srpskom ne bi trebalo da rade u Srbiji dok ne diplomiraju!* Ostale nacije takodje, sve diplome na srpskom da su im ispiti odrzhavani, oralni i pismeni, tada mogu da rade u Srbiji!* Oni koji poseduju firme isto treba da budu u tim firmama u radno vreme te firme, svakoga dana, kao i radnici!* Sve firme nashe Srbije da imaju po jedan bankovni srpski rachun, banka da je samo srpska ne znam da li uopshte ima banki koje su samo srpske.* Ukoliko nam berza propadne, deonicharsko drushtvo to znachi na znaku firme i a.d. pishe u imenu te firme, nije bitno jer to znachi da su zalepljene za novchanu sadrzhinu zemalja chlanica Evropske Unije koje imaju vecju inflaciju nego mi zadnjih sedam godina /mi Srbi podrazumeva se da znamo shta inflacija znachi/ i shtancaju novac u bankomatima jer stalno nove novchanice izlaze iz bankomata vecj godinama i to nisu oprane deterdzhentom nego nove i bankomati imaju limit na Master kartu da ti daju vishe od 600 evra nedeljno chak i da imash milione jedino uz chekove kojima treba pet dana da se realizuju izmedju banaka mozhe da se stavi cifra koja je vecja od shest stoja. Zalepili su evro za istu cifru u odnosu na njihov novac pre evra tako da medju sobom drzhave Evropske Unije imaju isti odnos u odnosu na gledanje iz proshlog veka ali isto ne primecjuju da su im cene podignute za trideset posto u zadnjih chetiri godina uz kompletnu tri puta povecjanu cenu kupovina nekretnina i dva put apovecjanu cenu iznajmljivanja nekretnina tako da samo Englesko govorno podruchje mozhe da se useli u drzhave Evropske Unije. Dakle, ukoliko nam berza propadne jer ionako Hemofarm Vrshac drzhi pazhnju javnosti samo preko sporta, lekove jeftinije da odemo u Bugarsku da kupujemo a ja sam manje problema imala i oko insulina i oko trakica koje su bile rembursirane od socijalnog 1998e samo je trebaloi nacji gde trakica za krv ima /kod Zelenog Venca ja nashla, mama znala zhenu u socijalnom ali ishlo preko/ i insulin dobijala odmah samo trazhim i recept daju sad je strashno i igle za infuziju su grozna u bolnici i nfuzija u memljivoj plastichnoj bochici umesto da bude u styaklenoj, i alkohol im chak nije chist nego smrdi i masan je i Beviplex sada placjam pre nisam morala, i Hrom dijabet /mada ne znam da li treba ne uzimam/ chini mi se nisam pre placjala a sad se placja, a inekcije shpriceve u stvari u privatnim apotekama za sedam dinara mogu da kupim kao da sam narkoman /a to je zato shto su napravili proceduru da ne mogu recept mesecima da dobijem ako se ne akam od jednog do drugog do socijalnog i slichno i nemam za vishe nego za dva mesec maksimum zato me se ne tiche da li cje berza pasti a ja dobiti kintu za ovo pisanje jer cju kupiti par insulina i za mene i za drugove i drugarice i za tatu koji ima shecjer kupicju ako treba tablete, ne smem da ga pitam da li kupuje tablete za shecjer da ne dobijem srchku ako kazhe da kupujem poshto mi puls u minuti preko stotke vecj mesecima skoro godinu i po chini mi se neuropatija otishla na srce shta li je zato propoziram dijete u drugim spisima uz lechenje medikamentima/ INACHE U MOM GRADU OD 100000 STANOVNIKA GDE CELA GENERACIJA SEDAMDESETIH SKORO DA SE I NE MOZHE RECJI DA IMA DECE, imala 1989. tri drzhavne apoteke mesaru u Mobiliji i kod pijace u naminoj samoposluzi /joj shto volim namu vratite mi ih!/ /i imena ulica, vratite mi ih!!//i igralishta za decu na kojima jhe sada novih petnaestak zgrada od devedesetih nasadjeno a niko od mojih vrshnjaka i njihovih roditelja ne stanuje u njima, vratite mi ih, igralishta mloja kod Bara, bivshi Riazor, Bekina brda, od trzhog centra Tina do Oraja da se sankamo, kod vozicja arterske chesme, iza tamo kod obdanishta Mladost, bivsha Linea to su Bekina brda, preko puta hotela sloboda to su isto Bekina brda samo imale gradjevine, iza NAmine samoposluge gde su sada opasne methanske tvorevine, bivshi sedmerac i tu smo se igrali, vratite mi ih ili cju svi decu da vam pokupim i gradimo grad Shabac negde drugde da izgleda isto kao osamdesetih/ i jednu pogrebnu ustanovu iza bolnice je li tako?
E sad, sa istim brojem stanovnika mozhda chak i manjim jer manje dece studira pa sad robuju po glavnoj ulici u buticima kao da su crnci a sve isti butici nijedan Namin, jer Zorka ne radi punom parom pobogu zato manje ljudi zhivi tu mada ima vishe italijanskih kola ne znam zashto kad niko od mojih vrshnjaka ne mozhe da kupi kola osim jedne koja radi za CocaColu u Beogradu, a u Shapcu ne bi radila kazhe, o tome se radi i ja sam pokushavala preko ali propast kad sam doshla a shto: 14 privatnih apoteka sam izbrojala, za svaku godinu po jedna da se otvarala pored one tri drzhavne opet mi se neshto puno naroda poboljevalo i to sve placja!!! Oko dvadesetak mesara izbrojala ne smem ni da brojim jer se muchim ovde vegetarijanac da budem niko prebranac neslani ne nudi samo pomfrit mogu da poruchim i to je to /inache lebeblija bolja od prebranca kad se tako spremi i lecje, sochiva iz raja izashle i shampinjona vrsta imamo vishe nego ceo sveto shto ima pazite da ne pokradu i to, i najvecji izbor badema, suncokreta i bundevinih semenki kad neslani dushu dalo da svi Shapchani dvesta godina pozhivimo, nemoj na ulju vishe ostavio da suncokreta imamo za sebe, obrok chitav sa pasuljem, lepota, mada bademi sad otkad samù promovisala poskupeli, zamisli da placjash usred Shapca chetrdeset pet maraka dojche za kilogram badema, majke mi! I to u Promeksu!// Bademi za dijabetichare lek ne hrana nego lek!//Zato shto nemaju C vitamina i ima samo par grama shecjera na sto grama badema dok recimo jabuka ima desetak a grashak isto a boranija vishe /solubli/ a krompir trideset shest a hleb da ne prichamo jer ima neki smirujucji efekat koji godi na kratko a onda iscrpi srce pa ne mozhe da se trchi dugo;/ ah da da nastavim sedam pogrebnih preduzecja samo u Vojvode Mishicja to u Ginisa da udje bre, i josh jedno deset svuda po Shapcu i pekari ima vishe od stanova na prodaju to zbog hleba valjda a svi se zhale i svi rade duzhe radno vreme i izgledaju kao da su penzioneri mada rade nonstop /malo odsutni/ a to je zbog bekovih brda. nije bitno shvatili poentu, samo da kazhem lakshje je obariti pasuilj nego se muchiti sa celim procesom gde je zhivotinja u pitanju bez obzira na naviku mada poshtujem pekare eto malopre sam jela burek s mesom da se ne izdvajam tako mi dodje jer nemamo alternatib=vu a postoji /poshto sam mnogo zabrinuta za pshenicu uopshte mislim da stvarno treba probati par meseci bez nje potpuno zanimaju me rezultati, ja ne mogu da izdrzhim i mislim da niko ne mozhe/. Bez brashna zato shto smiri kazhem a ti trebash smirenje jer trudna. I zabrinuta nisi ali treba da budesh da treba da se usporish danas dobila a u petom mesecu i stomak tek pocheo da raste; e sad znam ja shta da rdish mila idi istushiraj. nadam se da vishe ljudi necje vishe da cje udartiti shtrajk na te tri zanatlijske radnje /apoteke, mesare i grobare jer ja sam zvezdash!/ I popovi, koji su sazd popularni jer svi neshto konvertirani ka religiji treba da rade samo obrede svetkovina nela i oni shtrajkuju za ove druge obrede, nek kazhu unapred ljdima koji imaju bolest da prave zhurku gde cje i oni biti prisutni zhivi ne zhurku gde gledaju.
Izvinjavam se zbog gornje uvrede jer ne znam kako da ubedim ljude kako da ne umiru eto.
PROs go into action
Scientific Toxicity Assessment of Pesticides,
Drugs, Food Additives and other Chemicals.
Contribution to REACH (Regulation, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) EC body,
Presented by the Scientific board of the NGO "HEALTH WITHOUT FRONTIERS", temporary address c/o PRO ANIMA, 16 rue Vézelay F75008 Paris France, corresponding author at E-mail cjreiss@yahoo.com
European Union authorities are right in deciding that the 100,000 man-made chemicals to which we are exposed must be assessed for their adverse effects on our health and our environment (1). However, the prospect (2) that these assessments will be carried out at the manufacturers' expense, that they will involve a very large number of animals and that they will not be completed for several decades at least, is cause for concern (3). Those most concerned are consumer organisations and private charities whose aim it is to promote human health (see 4). Some of these groups have challenged the scientific validity of such observations and results, since they would be obtained from animal-based research, and contend that the adverse effects of chemicals can only be reliably assessed for the species tested and are irrelevant for any other species, humans in particular. They claim also that health statistics data fully support their case.
It is in fact striking to observe the huge progress made over the past century by the chemical, petrochemical, agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries in the development of products, whilst the methods for assessing the risks of chemical products have remained almost unchanged and still depend exclusively on animal models. It is therefore timely, before starting risk assessments of the 100,000 chemicals, to carefully examine whether recent scientific progress, which has contributed more accurate testing methods, could provide benefits, especially by improving consumer safety. To this end, we will examine the following seven topics:
1) Human health statistics gathered over the past few decades: do these statistics point towards negative health trends, eg, an increase in the incidence of major diseases? If so, what proportions can be ascribed to insufficient prevention and to man-made chemicals?
2) Are the testing procedures at present in use satisfactory for the reliable prevention of major diseases?
3) Are there better methods for assessing toxic risks? Can such methods be applied without delay?
4) Science-based toxic risk assessment (SBT).
5) Merits of SBT over animal-model-based procedures.
6) Merits and benefits of SBT for interested parties.
7) SBT in the EU
1) Morbidity and mortality statistics in the EU: alarming trends
Despite the fact that life expectancy in EU countries is high, this benefit is offset by high morbidity rates. Several million EU citizens suffer debilitating neurodegenerative conditions (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), autism etc). Although for most of these diseases the increase in the number of cases correlates roughly with the increase in life expectancy, a rapid increase in neurodegenerative conditions (MS in particular) has been observed among people between 20 and 40 years of age and even in children (autism). The steepest rise in morbidity and mortality has, however, been seen in cancer. In France, for instance, the number-one cause of death since 1990 for people aged 35 to 65 years has been cancer. The proportion of deaths due to all cancers, except lung cancer, among people aged 40 to 45 years has increased six-fold between 1950 and 1980, and 300,000 new cancers are diagnosed annually, with a significant increase in the number of cancer cases likely to be linked to hormones. One woman out of thirteen was affected by breast cancer in 1970. Today, it is one in seven.
It is generally agreed that 5-10% of all cancers are linked to genetic defects, and this figure has remained fairly constant. Hence, exogenous (outside) factors, especially lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, dietary excess, etc) and carcinogenic (cancer-promoting) products present in our food and in our environment are responsible for nine out of ten cancers. Since lifestyle has steadily improved over the past decades (less smoking, more modest and balanced diets), it is likely that environmental carcinogens are now the main culprits responsible for causing the 1.7 million new cancers diagnosed in EU countries annually. This is clear evidence that these products have either not been tested for their carcinogenic potential or have been tested by methods which have failed to detect this danger.
To assess the efficacy of these methods, let us examine how they perform in an area where they are applied most stringently: the assessment of prescription drug toxicity. Despite the fact that many years of research are invested in any particular drug development and testing, adverse drug reactions (side effects) rank as the fourth leading cause of death in the EU, claiming 20,000 lives annually in France (and some 120,000 lives in the EU as a whole).
It is obvious, then, that current testing methods are failing to protect public health efficiently enough. What are these methods? As required by law, toxicity testing in general, and for prescription drugs in particular, must be performed on animals, ie, 'models' which are believed to display biological reactions similar to those of humans. It is therefore worthwhile analysing the relevance of the 'animal model' concept in relation to human health.
2) Is resorting to animal models for human-health issues based on rational principles?
There is remarkably simple yet clear proof that no animal species can substitute as a reliable biological model for another species. A species is defined in terms of its reproductive isolation, meaning that members from different species cannot interbreed. This is because a given species has its own unique genetic make-up (from number, organisation and structure of chromosomes, through to regulation and control of gene expression). Modern biology has clearly demonstrated that the genetic make-up of an individual determines the precise biological activities of its cells, tissues, and organs. Hence, individuals from different species have different genetic make-ups and therefore display different biological activities, even if some appear similar. The statement that members of a given species can substitute as reliable biological models for other species is therefore invalid.
In particular, the assumption that results obtained in some mammalian species are valid for humans is unfounded and seriously compromises human health. Consider, for instance, the chimpanzee, our closest relative (in evolutionary terms). If exposed to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the chimpanzee does not respond ; in humans it causes AIDS; if injected with the hepatitis B virus, one out of ten or so chimpanzees might develop a mild form of hepatitis and will recover quickly ; in humans, the virus causes chronic hepatitis and sometimes liver cancer; and the chimpanzee, when injected with the Ebola virus, dies of haemorrhagic fever, as do humans. In other words, the best animal model ever behaves in an opposite, different or identical way to humans, depending on the challenging factor. Nobody could have forecasted these results, which can only be arrived at after observing the test in both species. Testing animal models is therefore useless at best and is at worst dangerous, sometimes fatal, to humans: the French blood scandal occurred because 'experts', noting that the chimpanzee showed no response, approved of HIV-contaminated blood samples going onto the market.
A conservative estimate of the number of deaths in France, resulting from this flawed methodology of testing prescription drugs and carcinogenic products alone, ranges from 100,000 to 120,000 a year. Assuming that similar rates per capita are valid in other EU nations, some 600,000 to 750,000 citizens will die prematurely within the EU year after year, because of side effects of drugs and carcinogenic products present in our environement.
3) What is the basis of valid toxic risk assessment for humans?
Resorting to animals for assessing toxic risks in humans goes back to medieval times, as it was then the only way to get a vague indication of the risk. At present however, the scientific revolution provides us with far more reliable means for toxic risk assessment. This science-based toxicology builts on two basic remarks.
First, toxicology is the science of life (biology) in an environment of toxic products (xenobiotics). Over the past half-century, biology has made unprecedented leaps, moving away from empiricism and towards science, and even almost exact science when it comes to cellular and molecular biology. Toxicology can benefit from the concepts, methods and tools developed in such modern biology and thereby achieve also the status of an almost exact science.
Second, the cell is where life starts. It is therefore not surprising (and fully supported by modern biology) that the answers to practically all biological problems must first be sought at the level of the cell. Human diseases almost invariably have a cellular origin, whether the cause is endogenous (in the organism) or exogenous (outside the organism). This holds true for cancer, neuropathologies and cardiovascular diseases, to cite the most frequent and life-threatening diseases in EU countries. It follows that harm done to the cell by a toxic substance is the first step to diseases linked to the body's environment (including food, polluting substances etc).
The stage is thus set for Science-Based Toxicology (SBT), as opposed to the traditional toxicity assessment by means of animal models. SBT has its roots in modern molecular and cellular biology, from which it selects and adapts the methods and tools best suited for its goals.
The study of human cells in the environment of toxic products will therefore be the first step for reliable toxicity assessment in humans. Modern biology has also made impressive progress in the study of integrated systems at the tissue, organ and systemic levels. Non-invasive methods (various tomographies, functional testing of biochemical activities in organs etc) are available, allowing to complete molecular and cellular human-risk assessments of substances to which consumers are extensively exposed (prescription drugs, food additives, pesticides etc).
4) Science-Based Toxicology (SBT)
Our purpose here is not to advance a detailed scientific programme of SBT but to sketch for a wide and interested audience the main outlines of molecular and cellular SBT, based on fifteen years of experience in this field. Indeed, not only have some of the scientists who contributed to this report been active in carrying out research and developing methods and tools for SBT, but they have also organised international workshops aimed at bringing together world-class specialists in their own particular fields of molecular and cellular toxicology ; namely, First European Workshop in Molecular Toxicology, Sophia-Antipolis (France) 1996, Second European Workshop in Molecular Toxicology, Paris 1999) and published the proceedings of these workshops: Molecular Toxicology, 1997 (VSP publishing, Reiss, Parvez and Labbe editors), Molecular Responses to Xenobiotics, 2001 (Elsevier publishing, Parvez, Reiss and Labbe editors) and Special Issue of TOXICOLOGY 153 (2000, nos 1-3, guest editors Parvez and Reiss).
Toxicity responses can be acute and systemic; they can also be delayed, either because of an accumulation of minor damages, which manage finally to overcome cellular defence and repair mechanisms (a major cause of liver and kidney diseases) or because the development of the disease takes a long time following its induction. A typical example of this delay is cancer, as it takes on average five to ten years between the onset of the proliferation of a cell and the diagnosis of the resulting tumour. Neurodegenerative conditions follow a similar time-course. Hence the necessity to assess both the short- and long-term toxic responses.
Cellular studies are ideally suited to this end. They are best performed on primary cultures, but established cell lines allow for easy preliminary investigations. An interesting complement to the methods described below is the in silico evaluation of the toxic effects of a molecule, derived from its chemical structure (structure-activity relationship), which is increasingly reliable in forecasting the adverse biological activities of the molecule even before it has been synthesised.
4.1 Molecular and cell toxicology.
4.1.1 Metabolisation of the xenobiotic (substances of non-biological origin). In order to enter the cell, the xenobiotic has to cross lipid (fatty) or aqueous barriers and may need to be metabolised to that end. This can be done by activating the expression (forcing out) of various cellular genes, which may involve specific metabolising enzymes ; mono oxygenases, including members of the P450 family, Acetyltransferases, Epoxide Hydrolases, Glutathio-S-Transferases, Methyltransferases, Sulfotransferases, UDP-glycosyltransferases etc; nuclear transcription factors (like the PRX receptor activated by a majority of drugs and involved in many adverse drug effects); xenobiotic transporters (metallothioneines, P-glycoprotein family) etc. The resulting metabolites need to be carefully identified, since some happen to be highly toxic, even though the unmetabolised xenobiotic is not. Since primary targets of xenobiotics are the liver and the kidney, cells from these organs should be tested first. Methods: in vitro testing of the enzymatic activity of the involved genes; DNA chips (kits commercially available), which allow the monitoring of the expression of many of these genes; identification of metabolites by mass spectrometry; etc.
4.1.2 Intracellular toxicity assessment. Once the xenobiotic or its metabolite has entered the cell, the effect on the latter and its fate must be monitored. In response to even mild aggression, the cell will mobilise a series of genes, either to protect itself or to have the damage repaired.
Many members of the families of genes involved (stress genes and various repair enzyme genes) are known and can be recruited as 'reporters', which provide information on the target of the xenobiotic, the extent of the damage and the ability of the cell to overcome the damage. Reporters allow also to monitor the fate of the cell, exposed to various doses of the product, telling us about its ability to survive and how it will cope with the product in the long run. At present, reporter gene-loaded cells are commercially available, allowing the fast and inexpensive tracing of xenobiotics responsible for stress (including oxidative stress), various kinds of DNA damage, membrane damage etc.
The disadvantage with reporters is the necessity of guessing the gene(s) targeted by the xenobiotic. This problem is overcome with commercially available DNA chips, carrying hundreds or thousands of gene elements known to be involved in toxic response (Toxicogenomics). By standard biochemical manipulations, the expression of each of these genes can be individually visualised on the chip. DNA chips allow observation of the simultaneous transcription behaviour in the cell's nucleus of all genes present on the chip, whether the genes are stimulated, repressed or unaffected by the xenobiotic.
DNA chips are presently the ultimate tools for monitoring the first part, the transcription of gene expression. In order to have a full view of the effect of xenobiotic activity on gene expression, the second part of expression, translation, during which the gene product is actually synthesised, must also be monitored. This can be done with the tools of Toxicoproteomics (2D gel or capillary electrophoresis, protein chips, mass spectroscopy, and many new methods under rapid development). Toxicoproteomics account for the xenobiotic-induced protein modifications (chemical or structural), modifications of proteolytic processes, aggregation etc, which have been identified recently as representing important stages in many severe diseases (neurodegenerative disorders, dementia, diabetes type 2 etc).
Genotoxic activities of xenobiotics need to be identified and monitored with particular attention, since the failure to assess their effects accurately is the main factor responsible for the steep rise in cancer incidence observed over the past 50 years. These effects and activities can lead to DNA mutations, which can be monitored by a wealth of techniques (directly on DNA: precisely (sequencing) or roughly ('Comet' test); or indirectly, by monitoring the expression of DNA repair genes). Tumorigenesis is promoted by mutation or inactivation of genes involved in the regulation of cell growth and division. This leads to deregulation of pathways in charge of controlling programmed cell death, response to growth factors, cell migration etc. DNA chips are available which allow characterisation of the transcription status of several hundreds of the genes involved in tumorigenesis when the cell is exposed to some xenobiotic.
Carcinogenic events can also be induced by non-genotoxic mechanisms, occurring at various steps (check points) of the cell cycle (division) or at the level of the higher organisation of the genetic material (chromatin). Of particular interest are the so-called tumour suppressors, as, for instance, the much-celebrated protein p53, one of the 'guardians of the genome'. This protein has control over the integrity of the genetic material of the cell. If some mutagenic event has occurred, p53 will immediately interrupt the cell cycle until the damage has been repaired. If the repair has not been achieved within a few hours, p53 will force the cell into apoptosis (suicide), thereby preventing transmission of the damage to the cell's progeny. Xenobiotics targeting p53 (or other tumour suppressors), either by mutating its gene or by modifying its structure, will abolish the 'guardian' activity of the protein, so that mutations can carry over to the cell's progeny and eventually induce uncontrolled cell proliferation ; over half of solid tumours carry inactive forms of p53. Many commercial kits are available for monitoring the state of tumour suppressors and checkpoint gene expression, at the transcription or the protein level, especially for cancers thought to depend on hormones (breast cancer and oestrogen receptor signalling, prostate cancer and androgen signalling). DNA chips are also available for monitoring the expression, in the presence of a xenobiotic, of hundreds of human genes involved in the major steps of tumorigenesis, from deregulation of pathways in cell growth and division, DNA damage response, genome stability and repair, to cell adhesion, invasion, metastasis, angiogenesis etc.
Cytotoxic xenobiotics target the cell's organisation, its equipment, its metabolism etc. This toxicity is often signalled by intense expression of stress genes (in particular oxidative stress see 'reporter' gene section above). Cells initially respond by producing 'chaperones' and other enzymes to protect themselves from the xenobiotic's action. The severity and length of the exposure can elicit more global cellular responses, such as growth arrest, senescence, necrosis, cell death by apoptosis and even cell proliferation and carcinogenesis. The targets of cytotoxicity are the various cellular compartments and components, in particular mitochondria , the energy-factory of the cell which can trigger apoptosis. For instance, xenobiotics can trigger the apoptosis pathway involving the Bcl2 gene family. The corresponding proteins oligomerise and insert themselves into the mitochondrial membrane, inducing the release of its content (including the CARD family), some of which trigger cell death. Cytotoxicity can be established by monitoring the expression of a long list of housekeeping genes and genes involved in necrosis, apoptosis, growth arrest, senescence etc.
The methods mentioned so far can be applied to any type of cell, but those from organs most exposed to xenobiotics (liver, kidney, skin) should be assessed first.
Specific methods exist for the molecular assessment of a variety of xenobiotics which target particular biological functions. Here is a short list:
Reproductive toxicity can be monitored at the cell level, by, for instance, studying the activation by a xenobiotic of hormone receptors present at the surface of specific cells. As an example, 'endocrine proliferators' can mimic natural hormones and unduly induce the hormone-specific signal, or they can saturate specific hormone receptors and thereby preclude access to the normal hormone and delivery of its signal. Xenobiotics, including a large class of pesticides, which can induce abnormalities in male reproductive organs or promote tumours in tissues and organs which are under hormonal control (breast, ovary, prostate), can be identified in cultures of cells taken from these organs and tissues.
Developmental toxicity (including teratogenesis) linked to xenobiotics targeting the cell cycle, growth factors or cell components involved in development signalisation (classes of RNAs, chromatin components, etc.), can be assessed by monitoring the interaction of the xenobiotic with these molecular components of the cell. DNA chips are available for monitoring the action of xenobiotics on many human genes involved in the regulation of the cycle phases (cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases and their regulators: inhibitors, phosphatases and kinases).
Neurotoxicity can be the consequence of the action of a xenobiotic on molecules involved in neuronal communication ; a majority of insecticides target these molecules! Several standard methods make it possible to assess this class of neurotoxicity on neuronal cells in culture. Electrochemical signals sent down the length of a neuron, or from one neuron to another, are mediated by three classes of ion-specific channels (passive channels, which maintain resting membrane potential; chemically gated channels which recognise neurotransmitters and initiate an action potential, which is then propagated by voltage-gated channel); and by two broad classes of neurotransmitters (those acting directly on chemically gated ion channels and causing them to open, and those acting indirectly and more slowly, involving G-protein coupled receptors and the production of secondary messengers). DNA chips carrying genes of ion channels and neurotransmitter transporters (including neurotrophins, which are thought to play an important role in neuronal development) are available for monitoring the effect of a xenobiotic on these essential actors in neurobiology.
Neurotoxic agents can also target neuronal cells by affecting their capacity to synthesise proteins in their native conformation. Misconformed proteins tend to accumulate in or around the cell, to aggregate and form fibres, plaques or tangles which force the cell to commit apoptosis (due to intracellular accumulation of misfolded proteins) or impair cell-to-cell communication (extracellular deposit of proteinaceous aggregates). Parkinsonism (apoptosis of dopaminergic cells), Alzheimer's disease (amyloid plaque and tau fibre deposits), Creuzfeld-Jacob disease (prion deposit) and more than twenty other forms of dementia belonging to the family of "conformational diseases" can result from the production of misconformed proteins by the cellular protein synthesis apparatus (see below). Xenobiotics can target this equipment, either directly (production of stress which excessively mobilises and secludes stress proteins, like chaperones involved in protein folding) or indirectly (unscheduled production of large quantities of proteins, or cell proliferation, which depletes the cell's resources for protein synthesis and thereby favours protein misfolding). Testing xenobiotics for their capacity to induce protein misfolding, which is straightforward using reporter genes, is an urgent necessity, considering the significant number of elderly patients, and more recently even people below forty years of age, suffering from debilitating conformational diseases.
Immunotoxicity: inflammatory response. Inflammation is both the normal response of the body to pathogenes and a key intermediate of disease states such as allergies, asthma and arthritis which can be induced by xenobiotics. The signalling cascade of inflammatory response is propagated by the secretion of small glycoproteins (cytokines) and their binding on receptors of target cells. DNA chips bearing tens of human cytokine genes involved in the inflammatory response, and of the genes of their receptors, are available, allowing simultaneous determination of their expression profiles in cells exposed to some immunitoxic xenobiotic.
Molecular methods exist to assess membrane toxicity (modification of polarity, size and structure of lipid rafts, etc) and epigenetic toxicity (xenobiotic-producing DNA methylation, acylation or phosphorylation of chromatin, which can seriously affect the programme of gene expression) etc. Because of the polymorphism of the human population, assessment of cellular toxicity for classes of the population sharing common polymorphic patterns could be made, using class-specific DNA chips, which would, for instance, allow one to list xenobiotics which are especially harmful, or conversely safe, for members of the class (polymorphism-specific and idiosyncratic toxicology). For example, an extensive human polymorphism is found in the P450 family of metabolising enzymes.
4.1.3 Signal transduction and intercellular toxicity target cell-to-cell and cell-extracellular matrix (gap junction) interactions, endocrine or exocrine processes etc. Many cell types receive external signals (from hormones) which they transduce (translate) by some mechanism (signal-transduction pathway) into changing their behaviour or characteristics. G-protein coupled receptors, for instance, form a large family of cell-surface receptors involved in signal transduction. They are activated by a large variety of ligands, including chemicals and most drugs. Chemical stress can activate signal transduction via the NFkB transcription factor, released by the phosphorylation of the inhibitory IkB family of proteins or the Rel subunits. Once NFkB translocates in the nucleus, it induces transcription and expression of many genes such as those encoding cytokins, adhesion molecules, inhibitors of apoptosis etc. MAP kinase signalling operates through a cascade of kinases which also activate transcription factors of a variety of genes. Signalling by the TGFb super-family causes growth inhibition. Again, DNA chips carrying hundreds of human genes involved in signal transduction can monitor the action of xenobiotics on these genes.
The fate of the extracellular matrix (the substratum to which cells attach via adhesion molecules on the cell surface to help define tissue shape, structure and function), when exposed to a xenobiotic, can be monitored via the expression profile of molecules involved in cell-to-cell and cell-tissue interaction, such as cell-adhesion molecules (integrins, cadherins, catenins, selectins), extracellular matrix proteins (lamins, fibronectin, fibrinogen), protease (matrix metalloproteinases, serine and cystein protinases, cathepsin) and protease inhibitors (maspin). DNA arrays are available for monitoring the expression of hundreds of the genes involved, providing valuable information on the effect of a xenobiotic on primary steps in tissue and organ development.
In summary, using techniques based on molecular toxicity, we can obtain a clear view of the mechanism through which the substance or product is harmful, at what doses the cell can resist and, most importantly, the long-term effect on the cell. The experiment takes a few days on average, can be performed in large parallel screening set-ups (various cell types or doses, for instance), is relatively inexpensive, easy to standardise and requires tiny amounts of the xenobiotic (important in drug testing). The results are quantitative (large range of linear dose-response), reproducible and, most significantly, are valid for the species which provided the cells. These points represent definite scientific and economic advantages, even though advanced technical skills are required for most of these methods.
4.2 Scientific assessment of organ, tissue and systemic toxicity
We estimate that the assessment of the toxic risk by molecular and cellular approaches can be extended with some 90% reliability to the organ, tissue and systemic level. Nevertheless, this uncertainty must be further reduced, especially for prescription drugs and products to which consumers are exposed for long periods of time or at high doses (drugs, food additives, pesticides). In special cases, the product can be tested in perfused (permeated) tissues or in organ slices, which allow monitoring of the response of the cells integrated in their normal environment. Owing to supply problems and rapid degradation of the slices, these tests are difficult to carry out routinely. It is much easier to rely on non-invasive methods, which allow the monitoring of human volunteers, under strict clinical test conditions (with informed consent), for the effect of the xenobiotic on the tissue or functioning organ in situ. Of particular value are imaging techniques (MRI, PET scan, etc), which allow one to identify the organ targeted by the xenobiotic, the metabolism and elimination of the latter. Valuable complementary information on the functioning of particular organs can be obtained by standard biochemical and biomedical tests.
5) Merits of SBT (science-based toxicology) over traditional (animal-based research) toxicity assessment
As shown above, the biological reactions of individuals of a given species are unique. Individuals from different species may occasionally display similar gross responses when exposed to the same toxic product, but one should never be misled by these chance phenomena. First and foremost, the mechanism through which a product induces some pathological reaction can be quite different in different species. Of the drugs in use, 60% are metabolised in humans by the same member of the P450 family (which can lead to synergistic drug activation), but several different members of the P450 family are involved in the case of apes, dogs and rodents. Secondly, long-term effects in humans are impossible to assess in species with a shorter life expectancy. In mice, spontaneous cancer development commences at the age of ten months, whereas in humans it usually starts after the age of forty, and the mechanisms of cancer promotion are known to be very different in each species. The strain-to-strain susceptibility for cancer in mice can vary a hundredfold, certain strains tolerating, with no apparent ill-effects, oestrogen doses that are many times higher than for other strains. Even if the gross response in two different species looks alike in the short term, the underlying mechanism which determines the long-term outcome is very likely different and can therefore lead to vastly different outcomes over the years. Incidentally, it would naturally be useless to perform SBT for a given species on cells or cell cultures belonging to a different species
6) Benefits of SBT for interested parties
The most obvious benefit would be consumer safety. SBT allows one to understand the mechanism by which a substance produces its adverse effects, which then allows one to forecast its long-term effects. By identifying cancer-promoting products, cancer prevention would be significantly boosted. As a result of science-based assessment of carcinogenic substances, we can estimate that cancer morbidity figures could be halved within the next three to five years. The reliable assessment of drug toxicity could save tens of thousands of lives a year. Neurotoxic substances (80% of insecticides are neurotoxic to insects: what about humans?) could be identified and removed from the market, preventing damage to the neuronal development of children ; according to the FDA, this could be the case with the insecticide rotenone. Detection and removal of endocrine proliferators would prevent both abnormal development of sex organs and of most hormone-dependent cancers (breast, ovary, prostate).
Improved consumer safety would result in the immediate alleviation of socio-economic costs resulting from diseases, rates for which are presently soaring in EU countries.
The benefits of SBT assessments for industry are many. SBT experiments (as mentioned above) take a few days on average, can be performed in large parallel screening set-ups (with various cell types or doses, for instance), are relatively inexpensive, easy to standardise and require tiny amounts of the xenobiotic (important in drug testing). The results are quantitative (large range of linear dose-response), reproducible and, most importantly, are reliable and valid for the species under investigation. Furthermore, understanding the mechanism of the adverse effect may allow in-house chemists to modify the xenobiotic and remove, or alleviate, its toxicity (with the help of Structure-Activity-Relationship models, for example) and improve the quality of the product and the image of the manufacturer! Since SBT tests are easily standardised and are independent of subjective parameters, the tests remain valid across political borders, which allows for unrestricted circulation of the SBT-tested goods among EU countries and abroad. These are definite scientific and economic advantages.
Whilst it is true that advanced technical skill is required for most of the SBT methods, and the requisite laboratory equipment is expensive, this would be more than counterbalanced by the relatively speedy scientific, economic and greatly improved public-health advantages.
SBT procedures also apply to other species and can therefore be used to assess environmental toxicities in any animal or plant species.
Since SBT procedures necessarily avoid 'model' species, they would also satisfy animal-welfare organizations.
Finally, implementing SBT methods would improve the image of the EU, both inside the EU countries (consumers would be grateful for better protection of their health) and outside the EU, as the Union could lead the way to effective improvement of environmental health issues worldwide.
7) How to proceed in view of the rapid and practical implementation of SBT in the EU
A strategy for the EU to hasten the introduction of SBT methods could be based on the following steps:
1. Elaborate a detailed SBT programme. To this end, create and fund a board of specialists. (Our organisations are ready to contribute their experience to this end.)
2. Fund and set up a European SBT pilot laboratory (eg, at the Joint Research Centre).
3. Fund and train SB Toxicologists. Organize a 6-8 month training course in the pilot laboratory for graduate or postgraduate fellows from all EU countries, with conferences and courses given by leading specialists in the field.
4. Encourage all EU countries to set up SBT pilot laboratories for the training, led by professional SB toxicologists, of more locally centred SB toxicologists.
5. Support industrial initiatives aimed at conversion to SBT methods.
6. Issue directives stating that all new products put on the market must have been tested as safe by SBT methods, namely, at the molecular and cellular level for products to which exposure is limited, and, in addition, at the tissue, organ (especially liver and kidney) and systemic levels for products to which exposure is significant (prescription drugs, food additives, pesticides etc). Products already on the market should be tested by SBT methods within three to five years, and those failing to pass the test should be withdrawn (perhaps with support for the development of safe equivalents).
(1) EC's White Paper Strategy for a future Chemical Policy,, published february 2001 by the European Commission, available on http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/chemicals/0188_fr.pdf
(2) See EC's SCALE initiative (Science, Children, Awareness, Legal and Evaluation) and REACH system (Registration, Evaluation,Authorization of Chemicals), available from http://europa.eu.int/comm/press_room/presspacks/health/pp_health_en.htm
(4) EC press release on environment and health, june 11, 2003
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Dernières Infosde Pro Anima
Evaluation de la toxicité scientifique des pesticides, des médicaments, des additifs alimentaires et autres produits chimiques
Contribution au projet REACH (Régulation, Evaluation et Autorisation des Produits Chimiques) de la Commission Européenne, présentée par le comité scientifique de l'ONG "Santé Sans Frontières". Adresse temporaire c/o Pro Anima ; 16 rue Vézelay ; 75008 Paris ; France. Auteur correspondant : Dr Claude Reiss (mel : cjreiss@yahoo.com).
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La Commission européenne (CE) a raison de vouloir évaluer les quelque 100 000 produits chimiques fabriqués par l'homme et auxquels nous sommes exposés, pour leurs effets sur notre santé et notre environnement (1). Cependant, le fait que le projet REACH prévoit que ces évaluations seraient effectuées aux frais du fabricant (2), qu'elles impliqueraient le sacrifice d'un très grand nombre d'animaux et qu'elles ne seraient pas terminées avant plusieurs décennies au moins, est une cause d'inquiétude pour les parties intéressées. Les industriels craignent pour leur compétitivité et leurs marges, les défenseurs des animaux s'élèvent contre ce qu'ils considèrent le plus vaste projet d'empoisonnement jamais organisée, impliquant des centaines de millions d'animaux, et les défenseurs de l'environnement veulent obtenir l'identification et le retrait des produits toxiques au plus vite, chaque jour perdu entraînant la disparition définitive d'espèces végétales ou animales et des pollutions irrémédiables ou très persistantes des ressources naturelles. Mais ce sont surtout les associations de consommateurs, de protection de la famille et les organismes dont le but est de venir en aide aux malades et de préserver la santé humaine (cancer, démences, allergies), qui s'élèvent avec le plus de véhémence contre le projet, à cause de l'inadéquation de la méthode envisagée pour l'évaluation de la toxicité des 100 000 substances (3). Certains de ces groupes mettent en question la validité pour l'homme d'évaluations de risques effectuées sur des animaux. Ils affirment que les observations d'effets toxiques chez une espèce ne sont valables que pour cette espèce, et que l'extrapolation de cette observation à une autre espèce (l'homme en particulier), est loin d'être fiable. Ils en veulent pour preuve l'évolution des données de statistique sanitaire (mortalité, morbidité) depuis l'introduction des produits chimiques dans notre environnement (en gros, depuis la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale), qui confirmerait l'impact de ces produits sur la santé humaine.
On voit que le projet REACH fait contre lui l'unanimité des parties intéressées, pour des raisons diverses. Pourtant, l'objectif d'évaluer sérieusement les risques des substances chimiques qui nous environnent ou que nous absorbons, est une priorité absolue et doit aboutir à tout prix. La présente contribution est un réexamen des conditions de mise en uvre des évaluations, prenant en considération les intérêts légitimes de toutes les parties intéressées.
Au cur de la controverse se trouve le procédé retenu pour l'évaluation des risques. REACH envisage le recours à l'expérimentation animale. Il est frappant d'observer d'un côté les progrès énormes effectués depuis un siècle par les industries chimique, pétrochimique, agrochimique et pharmaceutique dans le développement de produits hautement élaborés nécessitant des recherches de haut niveau, tandis que les procédés que la CE veut mettre en uvre pour évaluer les risques de ces produits sont très exactement les mêmes qu'il y a 150 ans et dépendent encore exclusivement d'études sur des animaux. Il convient de se demander si les progrès scientifiques récents ne pourraient pas générer des méthodes de test plus adaptées, capables de répondre aux attentes des diverses parties intéressées : moins cher, plus vite, sans animaux et surtout valable pour l'homme. Pour répondre à cette interrogation, nous examinerons ci-dessous les sept points suivants :
1) La nécessité d'évaluer les risques chimiques. L'examen de l'évolution des statistiques de santé humaine au cours de ces dernières décennies montre-t-il des tendances inquiétantes, par exemple, une augmentation de l'incidence des maladies majeures ? Si oui, quelles proportions peuvent être attribuées à une prévention insuffisante et aux produits chimiques fabriqués par l'homme ?
2) Les tests actuels permettent-ils une évaluation fiable pour l'homme ?
3) Y a-t-il de meilleures méthodes pour évaluer les risques toxiques ? Ces méthodes pourraient-elles être appliquées sans délai ?
4) L'évaluation du risque toxique par des procédures scientifiques (Toxicologie Scientifique, " TS ").
5) Les avantages de la TS par rapport aux procédures basées sur l'animal.
6) Les avantages de la TS pour les parties intéressées.
7) Mise en uvre de la TS dans l'UE.
1) Statistiques de morbidité et de mortalité dans l'UE : des tendances alarmantes.
L'espérance de vie dans les pays de l'UE est élevée, mais les taux de morbidité le sont aussi. Plusieurs millions de citoyens européens souffrent de maladies neurodégénératives graves (maladies d'Alzheimer et de Parkinson, sclérose en plaques, autisme, etc.). Bien que pour la plupart de ces maladies, l'augmentation du nombre de cas soit corrélée grossièrement avec l'allongement de l'espérance de vie, cette augmentation rapide (sclérose en plaques en particulier) est observée aussi parmi les personnes âgés de 20 à 40 ans et même chez les enfants (autisme). La montée la plus forte de morbidité et de mortalité a, cependant, été observée pour les cancers. En France, par exemple, depuis 1990, le cancer est devenu la première cause de mortalité chez les personnes âgées de 35 à 65 ans. Pour la classe d'âge des 45-49 ans, la proportion de morts dues à tous les cancers excepté celui du poumon a été multipliée par six entre 1950 et 1980 (par dix pour le cancer du poumon). 300 000 nouveaux cas de cancers sont diagnostiqués chaque année, avec une augmentation importante des cas vraisemblablement liés aux hormones : une femme sur treize était affectée du cancer du sein en 1970, une sur sept aujourd'hui.
Il est généralement admis que 5 à 10 % des cancers sont liés à des défauts génétiques.Importan,t : my friend from small town in Deutschland that works in nuclear medicine department of hospital said that in one year of her work /this was in 2005 she said / she scanned five people that had already been diagnosed with spreadable cancer called metastasis fiuve years backwards and they are alive, obviously, five years after that. That means even people with metastasis diagnostized have complete life expectancy like us, amen. Ainsi, les facteurs exogènes, en particulier le style de vie (tabagisme, alcool, excès alimentaires, stress, etc.) et les produits carcinogènes présents dans notre alimentation et dans notre environnement sont responsables de neuf cancers sur dix. Comme les comportements à risque tendent à diminuer et que, par contre, le nombre et la quantité de produits chimiques nouveaux, donc de carcinogènes environnementaux, ne cesse d'augmenter, il est certain que ces derniers sont les principaux coupables des 1,7 millions de nouveaux cancers diagnostiqués dans les pays de l'UE chaque année. Ceci est une preuve claire que ces produits n'ont pas été testés pour leur potentiel carcinogène, ou bien, qu'ils ont été testés par des méthodes qui n'ont pu détecter ce danger.
On voit donc que le projet d'évaluation des risques chimiques est d'une urgente nécessité, et doit mettre en uvre des méthodes fiables. Pour évaluer l'efficacité de ces méthodes, examinons leurs performances dans le domaine où elles sont appliquées avec le plus de soin : l'évaluation de la toxicité des médicaments. Bien que le développement de n'importe quel médicament suppose des années de recherche et des batteries de tests, les effets secondaires de médicaments sont la quatrième cause de mortalité dans l'UE, provoquant 20 000 décès annuellement en France et quelque 120 000 dans l'UE en entier.
Il est donc indiscutable que les méthodes de test actuelles sont incapables de protéger notre santé. Quelles sont ces méthodes ? Comme requis par la loi, les tests de toxicité en général et pour les médicaments en particulier, doivent être effectués sur des animaux, c'est-à-dire des "modèles" dont on pense qu'ils présentent des réactions biologiques similaires à celles des humains.
2) Le recours au supposé modèle animal pour les problèmes de santé humaine est-il basé sur des principes raisonnables ?
Il y a une preuve simple et claire du fait qu'aucune espèce animale ne peut être prise comme modèle biologique fiable d'une autre. Une espèce est définie par son isolement reproductif, ce qui signifie que les membres d'espèces différentes ne peuvent pas se croiser. Cela est la conséquence du fait qu'une espèce donnée a un patrimoine génétique unique, qu'il s'agisse du nombre, de l'organisation et de la structure des chromosomes, ou de la régulation et du contrôle de l'expression génétique. La biologie moderne a mis en évidence que le patrimoine génétique d'un individu détermine les activités biologiques précises de ses cellules, tissus et organes. Ainsi, les individus d'espèces différentes ont des patrimoines génétiques différents et présentent donc des activités biologiques différentes, pouvant, selon, paraître similaires, différentes ou opposées à celles d'une autre espèce. Du fait de ce comportement biologique aléatoire, l'affirmation que les membres d'une espèce donnée peuvent se substituer comme modèles biologiques fiables pour une autre espèce est donc fausse.
En particulier, l'hypothèse que les résultats obtenus chez certains mammifères seraient applicables aux humains est non fondée et compromet sérieusement la santé humaine. Considérons, par exemple, le chimpanzé, notre parent le plus proche en termes évolutifs. Exposé au virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH), le chimpanzé ne développe pas de maladie - chez les humains, il provoque le SIDA. Si on lui injecte le virus de l'hépatite B, un chimpanzé sur dix peut développer une forme atténuée d'hépatite et il récupérera rapidement - chez les humains, ce virus provoque une hépatite chronique et parfois le cancer du foie. Et, quand on lui injecte le virus Ebola, le chimpanzé meurt de fièvre hémorragique, comme les humains. En d'autres termes, le meilleur modèle animal se comporte d'une manière opposée, différente ou identique aux humains, face à un facteur donné. Personne ne pourrait avoir prévu ces résultats, qui ne peuvent être obtenus qu'après observation chez les deux espèces. Tester sur les modèles animaux est donc inutile au mieux, dangereux au pire, parfois fatal pour les humains : le scandale français du sang contaminé a eu lieu parce que les "experts", notant que le chimpanzé ne présentait pas de réaction, ont approuvé la mise sur le marché de ce sang.
Une estimation conservatrice du nombre de morts en France, résultant de cette méthodologie imparfaite d'évaluation de la toxicité des médicaments et produits carcinogènes seuls, est de 100 000 à 120 000 par an. En supposant que des taux similaires per capita soient valides dans les autres nations de l'UE, quelque 600 000 à 750 000 citoyens européens mourront prématurément année près année, à cause des effets secondaires des médicaments et des produits carcinogènes présents dans notre environnement.
3) Comment évaluer correctement le risque toxique pour les humains ?
Recourir aux animaux pour évaluer les risques toxiques pour les humains nous ramène à des temps médiévaux, quand c'était la seule manière d'avoir une vague indication du risque. A présent, la révolution scientifique nous propose des moyens beaucoup plus fiables. Cette toxicologie scientifique se comprend à partir de deux remarques de base.
Premièrement, la toxicologie est la science de la vie (biologie) dans un environnement de produits toxiques (xénobiotiques). Au cours du demi-siècle passé, la biologie a fait des progrès sans précédent, s'éloignant de l'empirisme vers la science et, même, vers une science exacte quand on en vient à la biologie cellulaire et moléculaire. La toxicologie peut bénéficier des concepts, méthodes et outils développés dans cette biologie moderne et ainsi obtenir le statut d'une science presque exacte.
Deuxièmement, c'est dans la cellule que la vie commence. Il n'est donc pas surprenant (et c'est entièrement soutenu par la biologie moderne) que les réponses à pratiquement tous les problèmes biologiques doivent d'abord être recherchées au niveau de la cellule. Les maladies humaines ont presque toutes une origine cellulaire, que la cause soit endogène (dans l'organisme) ou exogène (hors de l'organisme). Cela est vrai pour le cancer, les neuropathologies et les maladies cardiovasculaires, pour citer les maladies les plus fréquentes et graves dans les pays de l'UE. Il s'ensuit que les dommages causés à une cellule par une substance toxique est la première étape des maladies.
L'étude des cellules humaines dans l'environnement de produits toxiques sera donc la première étape pour une évaluation fiable de la toxicité pour les humains. La biologie moderne a aussi fait des progrès impressionnants dans l'étude des systèmes intégrés au niveau du tissu, de l'organe et systémique. Des méthodes non invasives (diverses tomographies, tests fonctionnels des activités biochimiques dans les organes, etc.) permettent l'évaluation complète du risque moléculaire et cellulaire de substances auxquelles les consommateurs sont fortement exposés (médicaments, additifs alimentaires, pesticides, etc.).
4) Toxicologie scientifique ("TS").
Notre objectif ici n'est pas de mettre en avant un programme scientifique détaillé de TS mais d'esquisser, pour une large audience intéressée, les grandes lignes de la TS moléculaire et cellulaire, en nous basant sur quinze années d'expérience dans ce domaine. En fait, non seulement certains des scientifiques qui ont contribué à ce rapport ont été actifs dans la réalisation de recherches et le développement de méthodes et d'outils pour la TS, mais ils ont aussi organisé des workshops internationaux destinés à réunir des spécialistes du monde entier dans leur domaine particulier de la toxicologie moléculaire et cellulaire -notamment, le Premier workshop européen de toxicologie moléculaire, Sophia Antipolis (France) 1996, le deuxième wokshop européen de toxicologie moléculaire, Paris, 1999)- et publié les comptes rendus de ces workshops : Molecular Toxicology, 1997 (VSP publishing, Reiss, Parvez et Labbe éditeurs), Molecular Responses to Xenobiotics, 2001 (Elsevier publishing, Parvez, Reiss et Labbe éditeurs) et le numéro spécial de Toxicology 153 (2000, nos 1-3, éditeurs invités Parvez et Reiss).
La toxicité peut provoquer des réponses aiguës et systémiques ; ces réponses peuvent être retardées du fait d'une accumulation de dommages mineurs qui arrivent finalement à surmonter la défense cellulaire et les mécanismes de réparation, ou bien, parce que le développement de la maladie est long. Un exemple typique de ce retard est le cancer, car il faut en moyenne cinq à dix ans entre le déclenchement de la prolifération d'une cellule et le diagnostic de la tumeur. Les états neurodégénératifs sont aussi très longs à apparaître. D'où la nécessité d'évaluer les réponses toxiques à la fois à court et à long terme.
Les études cellulaires sont idéalement adaptées à cette fin. Elles sont réalisées idéalement sur des cultures primaires, mais les lignées cellulaires établies permettent des examens préliminaires faciles. Un complément intéressant aux méthodes décrites ci-dessous est l'évaluation in silico des effets toxiques d'une molécule, dérivés de sa structure chimique (relation structure -activité), qui est de plus en plus fiable dans la prévision des activités biologiques néfastes de la molécule avant même qu'elle n'ait été synthétisée.
4.1 Toxicologie moléculaire et cellulaire.
4.1.1 Métabolisation du xénobotique (substance d'origine non biologique). Pour enter dans la cellule, le xénobiotique doit traverser des barrières lipidiques ou aqueuses et doit parfois être métabolisé à cette fin. Cela peut être effectué en activant l'expression de divers gènes codant pour des enzymes de métabolisation spécifiques (les monooxygénases, y compris les membres de la famille du cytochrome P450, les acétyltransférases, les époxyde hydrolases, les glutathio-S-transférases, les méthyltransférases, les sulfotransférases, les UDP-glycosyltransférases, etc.) des facteurs de transcription nucléaires (comme le récepteur PRX activé par une majorité de médicaments et impliqué dans de nombreux effets secondaires de médicaments), des transporteurs de xénobiotiques (métallothionéines, famille de la glycoprotéine-P), etc. Les métabolites obtenus doivent être soigneusement identifiés, car certains sont très toxiques, même si le xénobiotique non métabolisé ne l'est pas. Comme les principales cibles du xénobiotique sont le rein et le foie, les cellules de ces organes doivent être testées en premier. Plusieurs méthodes permettent de le faire : le test in vitro de l'activité enzymatique des gènes impliqués ; les puces à ADN (kits disponibles dans le commerce), qui permettent le contrôle de l'expression d'un grand nombre de ces gènes ; l'identification des métabolites par spectrométrie de masse ; etc.
4.1.2 Evaluation de la toxicité intracellulaire. Une fois que le xénobiotique ou son métabolite est entré dans la cellule, l'effet sur cette dernière et sa descendance doit être contrôlé. En réponse à une agression, même modérée, la cellule mobilisera une série de gènes, soit pour se protéger soit pour réparer le dommage.
De nombreux gènes (de stress ou d'enzyme
de réparation) sont connus et peuvent être recrutés comme "reporters" : ils fournissent des informations sur la cible du xénobiotique, l'étendue du dommage et la capacité de la cellule à le surmonter. Les reporters permettent aussi de contrôler le devenir de la cellule exposée à diverses doses du produit, nous informant sur sa capacité à survivre et comment elle va faire face au produit à long terme. A présent, des cellules chargées de gènes reporters sont disponibles dans le commerce, permettant la mise en évidence rapide et peu coûteuse de stress (y compris oxydatif), de divers types de dommages à l'ADN, de dommages à la membrane, etc., en réponse au xénobiotique testé.
L'inconvénient des reporters est la nécessité de deviner le(s) gène(s) ciblé(s) par le xénobiotique. Ce problème est surmonté avec les puces à ADN portant des centaines ou des milliers de gènes connus pour être impliqués dans la réponse toxique (toxicogénomique). Par des manipulations biochimiques standard, l'expression de chacun de ces gènes peut être visualisée. Les puces permettent d'observer la transcription simultanée, dans le noyau cellulaire, de tous les gènes présents sur la puce, que ces gènes soient stimulés, réprimés ou non affectés par le xénobiotique.
Les puces à ADN sont actuellement les outils de pointe pour suivre la première partie - la transcription - de l'expression génique. Pour avoir une vue complète de l'effet du xénobiotique sur l'expression génique, la deuxième partie de cette expression - la traduction - au cours de laquelle le produit du gène est réellement synthétisé, doit aussi être suivie. Cela peut être fait avec les outils de la toxicoprotéomique (gel 2D d'électrophorèse capillaire, puces de protéines, spectrométrie de masse et de nombreuses nouvelles méthodes en développement rapide). La toxicoprotéomique rend compte des modifications de la protéine induites par le xénobiotique (chimiques ou structurales), les modifications des processus protéolytiques, l'agrégation etc., modifications qui ont été identifiées récemment comme des stades importants dans de nombreuses maladies graves (troubles neurodégénératifs, certaines démences, diabète de type 2, etc.).
Les effets génotoxiques des xénobiotiques doivent être identifiés et contrôlés avec une attention particulière, car l'échec de cette évaluation est le principal facteur responsable de la montée importante de l'incidence du cancer observée ces 50 dernières années. Les mutations de l'ADN peuvent être contrôlées par de nombreuses techniques (directement sur l'ADN : précisément (séquençage) ou grossièrement (test "Comète") ; ou indirectement en contrôlant l'expression des gènes de réparation de l'ADN). La tumorigenèse est favorisée par la mutation ou l'inactivation de gènes impliqués dans la régulation de la croissance et de la division cellulaire. Ces mutations dérèglent le contrôle de la mort cellulaire programmée, qui se fait normalement en réponse aux facteurs de croissance, de la migration cellulaire, etc. Des puces à ADN déjà disponibles permettent de caractériser le statut de la transcription de plusieurs centaines de gènes impliqués dans la tumorigenèse quand la cellule est exposée à un xénobiotique.
Les événements carcinogènes peuvent aussi être induits par des mécanismes non génotoxiques se produisant à diverses étapes (points de contrôle) du cycle cellulaire (division) ou au niveau de l'organisation supérieure du matériel génétique (chromatine). Les dénommés "suppresseurs de tumeurs" comme, par exemple, la célèbre protéine p53, un des gardiens du génome, présentent un grand intérêt. Cette protéine contrôle l'intégrité du matériel génétique de la cellule. Si un événement mutagène se produit, p53 interrompt le cycle cellulaire jusqu'à ce que le dommage ait été réparé. Si la réparation n'a pas pu être faite en quelques heures, p53 forcera la cellule à l'apoptose (suicide), empêchant la transmission du dommage à sa descendance. Les xénobiotiques qui endommagent p53 (ou d'autres suppresseurs de tumeurs), soit en mutant son gène ou par modification de sa structure, aboliront cette activité de gardien et les mutations pourront alors se propager à la descendance de la cellule et, éventuellement, induire une prolifération cellulaire incontrôlée. Plus de la moitié des tumeurs solides portent des formes inactives de p53. De nombreux kits commerciaux sont disponibles pour contrôler l'état des suppresseurs de tumeurs au niveau de la transcription ou de la protéine, en particulier pour les cancers dont on pense qu'ils dépendent d'hormones (cancer du sein et signalisation du récepteur des oestrogènes, cancer de la prostate et signalisation des androgènes). Des puces à ADN sont aussi disponibles pour contrôler l'expression, en présence d'un xénobiotique, de centaines de gènes humains impliqués dans les étapes majeures de la tumorigenèse, de la dérégulation des voies de la croissance et de la division cellulaire, la réponse au dommage de l'ADN, la stabilité et la réparation du génome, de l'adhésion cellulaire, l'invasion, la métastase, l'angiogenèse, etc.
Les xénobiotiques cytotoxiques ciblent l'organisation de la cellule, son équipement, son métabolisme, etc. Cette toxicité est souvent signalée par l'expression intense des gènes de stress (en particulier du stress oxydatif). Les cellules répondent initialement en produisant des "chaperones" et d'autres enzymes pour se protéger de l'action du xénobiotique. La gravité et la longueur de l'exposition peuvent stimuler plus ou moins de réponses cellulaires globales, telles que l'arrêt de la croissance, la sénescence, la nécrose, la mort cellulaire par apoptose et même la prolifération cellulaire. Par exemple, certains xénobiotiques peuvent déclencher la voie de l'apoptose impliquant la famille de gènes Bcl2. Les protéines correspondantes s'oligomérisent et s'insèrent dans la membrane mitochondriale, induisant la libération de son contenu (y compris la famille CARD), dont certains éléments déclenchent la mort cellulaire. La cytotoxicité peut être établie en contrôlant l'expression d'une longue liste de gènes de ménage et de gènes impliqués dans la nécrose, l'apoptose, l'arrêt de croissance, la sénescence, etc.
Les méthodes mentionnées jusqu'à présent peuvent être appliquées à n'importe quel type de cellule, mais celles des organes les plus exposés aux xénobiotiques (foie, rein, peau) doivent être évaluées en premier.
Des méthodes spécifiques existent pour l'évaluation d'une variété de xénobiotiques qui ciblent des fonctions biologiques particulières. En voici une courte liste :
La toxicité reproductive peut être contrôlée au niveau cellulaire par l'étude de l'activation des récepteurs hormonaux présents à la surface de cellules spécifiques. Par exemple, les "proliférateurs endocriniens" peuvent mimer les hormones naturelles et induire de façon excessive le signal spécifique d'une hormone, ou saturer des récepteurs et ainsi empêcher l'accès à l'hormone normale et la délivrance de son signal. Les xénobiotiques, y compris une large classe de pesticides, qui peuvent produire des anomalies dans les organes reproducteurs mâles ou favoriser des tumeurs dans les tissus et les organes qui sont sous contrôle hormonal (sein, ovaire, prostate), peuvent être identifiés dans des cultures de cellules prélevées de ces organes et tissus.
La toxicité développementale (y compris la tératogenèse) des xénobiotiques ciblant le cycle cellulaire, les facteurs d croissance ou les composants cellulaires impliqués dans la signalisation du développement (classes d'ARN, composants de la chromatine, etc.), peut être évaluée en contrôlant l'interaction du xénobiotique avec ces composants moléculaires de la cellule. Des puces à ADN sont disponibles pour contrôler l'action des xénobiotiques sur de nombreux gènes humains impliqués dans la régulation des phases de cycle (cyclines, kinases dépendantes de la cycline, et leurs régulateurs : inhibiteurs, phosphatases et kinases).
La neurotoxicité peut être la conséquence de l'action d'un xénobiotique sur les molécules impliquées dans la communication neuronale - une majorité d'insecticides ciblent ces molécules ! Plusieurs méthodes standard permettent d'évaluer ce type de toxicité sur les cellules neuronales en culture. Les signaux électrochimiques encodés le long d'un neurone, ou d'un neurone à l'autre, ont pour intermédiaire trois classes de canaux ioniques (canaux passifs, qui maintiennent le potentiel membranaire de repos ; canaux à commande chimique qui reconnaissent les neurotransmetteurs et initient un potentiel d 'action ; et canaux voltage-dépendants qui propagent le potentiel d'action) ; et deux larges classes de neurotransmetteurs (ceux agissant directement sur les canaux ioniques à commande chimique et les faisant s'ouvrir, et ceux agissant indirectement et plus lentement , impliquant les récepteurs couplés à la protéine G et la production de messagers secondaires). Les puces à ADN portant les gènes des canaux ioniques et des transporteurs de neurotransmetteur (y compris les neurotrophines, que l'on pense jouer un rôle important dans le développement neuronal) sont disponibles pour contrôler l'effet d'un xénobiotique sur ces acteurs essentiels en neurobiologie.
Les agents neurotoxiques peuvent aussi cibler les cellules neuronales en affectant leur capacité à synthétiser des protéines dans leur conformation native. Les protéines mal conformées tendent à s'accumuler dans ou autour de la cellule, à s'agréger et à former des fibres, des plaques ou des enchevêtrements qui forcent la cellule à commettre l'apoptose ou affectent la communication entre cellules. Le parkinsonisme (apoptose des cellules dopaminergiques), la maladie d'Alzheimer (dépôts de plaques amyloïdes et de fibres tau), la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob (dépôt de prions) et plus de vingt autres formes de démence appartenant à la famille des "maladies conformationnelles" peuvent résulter de la production de protéines mal repliées. Les xénobiotiques peuvent cibler l'équipement cellulaire responsable de la production de protéines, soit directement (production de stress qui mobilise et isole excessivement les protéines de stress, comme les chaperones impliquées dans le repliement des protéines) ou indirectement (production non programmée de grandes quantités de protéines, ou prolifération cellulaire, qui diminue les ressources de la cellule pour la synthèse protéique et favorise ainsi le mauvais repliement des protéines). Tester des xénobiotiques pour leur capacité à induire le mauvais repliement des protéines, directement en utilisant les gènes reporters, est une nécessité urgente, si l'on considère le nombre important de patients âgés et, de plus en plus, les personnes de moins de 40 ans souffrant de maladies conformationnelles affaiblissantes.
Immunotoxicité : réponse inflammatoire. L'inflammation est à la fois la réponse normale du corps aux pathogènes et un intermédiaire clé des états maladifs tels que l'allergie, l'asthme et l'arthrite qui peuvent être induits par les xénobiotiques. La cascade de signalisation de la réponse inflammatoire est propagée par la sécrétion de petites glycoprotéines (cytokines) et leur liaison à des récepteurs de cellules cibles. Les puces à ADN portant des dizaines de gènes de cytokines humaines impliquées dans la réponse inflammatoire et des gènes de leurs récepteurs, sont disponibles, permettant la détermination simultanée des profils d'expression de ces gènes dans les cellules exposées à un xénobiotique imunotoxique donné.
Il existe des méthodes moléculaires pour évaluer la toxicité membranaire (modification de la polarité, taille et structure des couches lipidiques, etc.) et la toxicité épigénétique (méthylation de l'ADN, acylation ou phosphorylation de la chromatine, qui peuvent sérieusement affecter le programme d'expression génique), etc. A cause du polymorphisme de la population humaine, l'évaluation de la toxicité pour les classes de la population partageant des profils polymorphes peut être effectuée en utilisant des puces à ADN spécifiques de classe qui, par exemple, permettraient de lister les xénobiotiques particulièrement nuisibles, ou au contraire sûrs, pour les membres de la classe (toxicologie spécifique de polymorphisme et idiosyncratique). Par exemple, un polymorphisme humain important est trouvé dans la famille P450 des enzymes de métabolisation.
4.1.3 La toxicité de transduction de signal et intercellulaire cible les interactions cellule-cellule et cellule-matrice extracelullaire (jonctions communicantes), les processus endocrines et exocrines, etc. De nombreux types cellulaires reçoivent des signaux externes (des hormones) qu'ils transduisent (traduisent) par un mécanisme (voie de transduction de signal) en changeant leur comportement ou caractéristiques. Les récepteurs couplés à la protéine G, par exemple, forment une grande famille de récepteurs de surface impliqués dans la transduction de signal. Ils sont activés par une grande variété de signaux, y compris les produit chimiques et la plupart des médicaments. Le stress chimique peut activer la transduction de signal via le facteur de transcription NFkB, libéré par la phosphorylation de la famille de protéines inhibitrices IkB ou des sous-unités Rel. Une fois que NFkB est transloqué dans le noyau, il induit la transcription et l'expression de nombreux gènes tels que ceux encodant les cytokines, les molécules d'adhérence, les inhibiteurs d'apoptose, etc. La signaliation par la MAP kinase opère par une cascade de kinases qui activent aussi les facteurs de transcription d'une variété de gènes. La signalisation par la superfamille du TGFb entraîne l'inhibition de la croissance. A nouveau, les puces à ADN portant des centaines de gènes humains impliqués dans la transcription de signal peuvent contrôler l'action des xénobiotiques sur ces gènes.
Le devenir de la matrice extracellulaire (le substrat auquel les cellules s'attachent, via les molécules d'adhérence, pour aider à définir la forme, la structure et la fonction du tissu), quand elle est exposée à un xénobiotique, peut être contrôlé via le profil d'expression de molécules impliquées dans les interactions cellule-cellule et cellule-tissu, telles que les molécules d'adhérence cellulaire (intégrines, cadhérines, caténines, sélectines), les protéines de la matrice extracellulaire (lamines, fibronectine, fibrinogène), les protéases (métalloprotéinases de la matrice, sérine et cystéine protéinases, cathepsine) et les inhibiteurs de protéase (maspine). Les réseaux à ADN sont disponibles pour contrôler l'expression de centaines de gènes impliqués, fournissant des informations valables sur l'effet d'un xénobiotique sur les étapes primaires du développement du tissu et de l'organe.
En résumé, en utilisant les techniques basées sur la toxicité moléculaire, nous pouvons obtenir une vue claire du mécanisme par lequel la substance ou le produit est dangereux, à quelle dose la cellule peut résister et, le plus important, l'effet à long terme sur la cellule. L'expérience prend quelques jours en moyenne, peut être effectuée en grands ensembles parallèles de criblage (divers types cellulaires ou doses, par exemple), est relativement peu coûteuse, facile à standardiser et nécessite des quantités infimes du xénobiotique (important dans le test des médicaments). Les résultats sont quantitatifs (large plage de dose-réponse linéaire), reproductibles et, le plus important, sont valides pour l'espèce qui a fourni les cellules. Ces points représentent des avantages scientifiques et économiques certains, même si des compétences techniques de pointe sont nécessaires pour la plupart de ces méthodes.
4.2 Evaluation scientifique de la toxicité d'organe, de tissu et systémique
Nous estimons que l'évaluation du risque toxique par des approches moléculaires et cellulaires peut être étendue avec environ 90 % de fiabilité à l'organe, au tissu et au niveau systémique. Néanmoins, cette incertitude doit encore être réduite, en particulier pour les médicaments et les produits auxquels les consommateurs sont exposés pendant de longues périodes ou à des doses élevées (additifs alimentaires, pesticides). Dans certains cas particuliers, le produit peut être testé sur des tissus perfusés ou des tranches d'organe, afin de contrôler la réponse des cellules intégrées dans leur environnement normal. Du fait des problèmes de fourniture et de dégradation rapide des tranches, ces tests sont difficiles à effectuer en routine. Il est plus facile de s'en remettre aux méthodes non invasives sur des volontaires humains en conditions de test clinique strictes (avec consentement informé), pour contrôler l'effet du xénobiotique sur le tissu ou l'organe en fonctionnement in situ. Les techniques d'imagerie (MRI, PET, scan, etc.) ont une valeur particulière puisqu'elles permettent d'identifier l'organe ciblé par le xénobiotique et de visualiser le métabolisme et l'élimination du produit. Des informations complémentaires valables sur le fonctionnement d'organes particuliers peuvent être obtenues par les tests biochimiques et biomédicaux standard.
5) Avantages de la TS (toxicologie scientifique) par rapport à l'évaluation de la toxicité traditionnelle (recherche basée sur les animaux)
Comme montré précédemment, les réactions biologiques des individus d'une espèce donnée sont uniques. Les individus d'espèces différentes peuvent, à l'occasion, présenter des réponses grossièrement similaires quand ils sont exposés au même produit toxique, mais on ne doit jamais se laisser tromper par ces phénomènes de hasard. Premièrement, et le plus important, le mécanisme par lequel un produit induit une réaction pathologique peut être assez différent dans des espèces différentes. Parmi les médicaments utilisés, 60 % sont métabolisés, chez les humains, par le même membre de la famille des P450 (ce qui peut conduire à une activation du médicament synergique), mais plusieurs membres différents de la famille des P450 sont impliqués chez les singes, les chiens ou les rongeurs. Deuxièmement, les effets à long terme chez les humains sont impossibles à évaluer dans un espèce avec une espérance de vie plus courte. Chez les souris, le développement spontané du cancer commence à l'âge de 10 mois, alors que chez les humains il commence en général après l'âge de 40 ans, et les mécanismes qui favorisent le cancer sont très différents dans chaque espèce. La susceptibilité au cancer de différentes souches de souris peut varier jusqu'à cent fois, certaines souches tolérant, sans effets de maladie apparents, des doses d'oestrogène qui sont de nombreuses fois supérieures à celles qui rendent malades d'autres souches. Même si les réponses grossières dans deux espèces différentes se ressemblent sur le court terme, le mécanisme sous-jacent qui détermine le résultat à long terme est très vraisemblablement différent et peut donc aboutir à des résultats très différents, sur des années. Incidemment, notons qu'il serait naturellement inutile de réaliser une TS pour un espèce donnée sur des cellules d'une espèce différente.
6) Avantages pour les parties intéressées
L'avantage le plus évident serait la sécurité du consommateur. La TS permet de comprendre le mécanisme par lequel une substance produit ses effets toxiques, ce qui aide à prévoir ses effets à long terme. En identifiant les produits favorisant le cancer, la prévention en serait significativement améliorée. Nous estimons que les chiffres de morbidité du cancer seraient ainsi divisés par deux les trois à cinq années suivantes. L'évaluation fiable de la toxicité des médicaments pourrait sauver des dizaines de milliers de vies chaque année. Les substances neurotoxiques (80 % des insecticides sont neurotoxiques pour les insectes ; qu'en est-il pour les humains ?) pourraient être identifiées et retirées du marché, prévenant les dommages du développement neuronal des enfants - selon la FDA, l'insecticide roténone entraînerait de tels dommages. La détection et le retrait des proliférateurs endocriniens préviendrait à la fois le développement anormal des organes sexuels et de la plupart des cancers induits par les hormones (sein, ovaire, prostate).
Une sécurité du consommateur améliorée entraînerait le soulagement immédiat des coûts socio-économiques résultant des maladies, dont les taux sont présentement en plein essor dans les pays de l'UE.
Les avantages des évaluations par la TS pour l'industrie sont nombreux. Les expériences de TS prennent quelques jours en moyenne, peuvent être effectuées dans de grands ensembles parallèles de criblage (avec divers types cellulaires ou doses, par exemple), sont relativement peu coûteuses, faciles à standardiser et nécessitent des quantités infimes du xénobiotique (important dans le test sur les médicaments). Les résultats sont quantitatifs (avec une large plage de dose -réponse linéaire), reproductibles et, le plus important, fiables et valides pour l'espèce examinée. De plus, la compréhension du mécanisme de l'effet toxique peut permettre aux chimistes de modifier le xénobiotique pour annuler ou réduire sa toxicité (avec l'aide des modèles de relation structure-activité, par exemple) ou pour améliorer sa qualité - et l'image du fabriquant ! Comme les tests de TS sont facilement standardisés et indépendants de paramètres subjectifs, ils restent valides à travers les frontières politiques, ce qui permet la circulation sans limite des biens testés par TS parmi les pays de l'UE et à l'étranger.
Bien que des compétences techniques avancées soient nécessaires pour la plupart des méthodes de TS et que l'équipement de laboratoire requis soit coûteux, cela serait plus que contrebalancé par les avantages scientifiques, économiques et de santé publique.
Les procédures de TS s'appliquent aussi à d'autres espèces et peuvent donc être utilisées pour évaluer les toxicités environnementales dans toute espèce animale ou végétale.
Comme les procédures de TS évitent nécessairement les espèces "modèles", elles satisferaient aussi les associations de protection animale.
Enfin, la mise en oeuvre des méthodes de TS améliorerait l'image de l'UE, à la fois à l'intérieur des pays membres (les consommateurs seraient reconnaissants pour une meilleure protection de leur santé) et à l'extérieur, car l'Union pourrait montrer la voie d'une amélioration du traitement des problèmes de santé environnementale dans le monde entier.
7) Comment favoriser la mise en oeuvre rapide et pratique de la TS dans l'UE ?
Une stratégie pour introduire la TS pourrait être basée sur les étapes suivantes :
1. Elaborer un programme de TS détaillé. A cette fin, créer et financer un comité de spécialistes (nos organisations sont prêtes à apporter leur expérience).
2. Financer et mettre en place un laboratoire pilote de TS européen (par exemple, au centre de recherche conjointe).
3. Financer et former des toxicologues TS. Organiser un cours de formation de 6 à 8 mois dans le laboratoire pilote pour les étudiants de maîtrise et de post-maîtrise de tous les pays européens, avec des conférences et des cours donnés par les spécialistes leaders dans le domaine.
4. Encourager tous les pays de l'UE à mettre en place des laboratoires pilotes de TS pour une formation, assurée par des toxicologues TS professionnels ou, plus localement, des toxicologues déjà sensibilisés à la TS.
5. Encourager les initiatives industrielles de conversion aux méthodes de TS.
6. Publier des directives établissant que tout nouveau produit mis sur le marché doit avoir été testé par les méthodes de TS, aux niveaux moléculaire et cellulaire pour les produits pour lesquels l'exposition est limitée et au niveau du tissu ou organe (en particulier le foie et le rein) et systémique pour les produits pour lesquels l'exposition est importante (médicaments, additifs alimentaires, pesticides, etc.). Les produits déjà sur le marché devraient être testés par les méthodes de TS dans les trois à cinq ans. Ceux qui ne passeraient pas le test devraient être retirés.
(1) Livre blanc de la CE Stratégie pour une future politique chimique, publié en février 2001 par la Commission européenne, disponible sur http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/chemicals/0188_fr.pdf
(2) Voir l'initiative de la CE SCALE (science, enfants, conscience, légal et évaluation) et le système REACH (enregistrement, évaluation autorisation de produits chimiques) disponible sur http://europa.eu.int/comm/press_room/presspacks/health/pp_health_en.htm
(3) Communiqué de presse de la CE sur l'environnement et la santé, 11 juin 2003
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- Natovska pascad
- Danas krdo belosvetskih manijaka ogrezlih u krvi pocinje svoj vampirski bal (povodom prvog sastanaka G7 posle NATO napada)
- Ne znamo vise kako dav ih nazovemo
*ni ja kazhem mada JA se predstavljam
Kako sve zemlje osim novih chlanica Evropske Unije mogu da konvertiraju svoju monetarnu jedinicu u euro kao shto je Crna Gora to uchinila dok je bila u drzhavnom sastavu sa josh jednom republikom, predlazhem da sve zemlje sveta samo konvertiraju u Euro monetarnu valutu koju imaju u 1:1 stopi od Nove godine 2008e predlazhem da to urade. Zemlje koje su dosada bile siromashne po merilima vrednosti cje imati takvu frku da se snadju u veselju da sankcije i vize necje ni osecjati svi cje biti pozvatoi kod bogatih drzhava odjedared i ja pozivam da im se prikljuchimo sa vrhunskim muzicharima iz develiped countries kako ih zovu da se naprave prave svirke a ozvuchenja donesu, ne znamo, kazhu siromashne zemlje da li cje ovi shto prodaju ozvuchenja hteti da se pomere da dodju i donesu ih. Dobro, to je shto se tiche ozvuchenja koje najbitnije a tamo zvuchna izolacija ne postoji te nema zabrana zvuka. Poludecje do Nove godine neki kazhu. Prve sledecje kazhem ja, imaju i djuishi neku raniju. teshko.
Mila hocju kod mame tvoje hocju da se vidimo docji hocju, kazhi gde. Napisacju ti ovde, ali samo za tebe, dinamichni moj, makro shto zvala sam te jer samo mene hocjesh: Vojvode Mishicja 93 u 15000 Shabac Srbija, znash koga da trazhish? ana ? ona je u Norveshkoj ulici , kod mene na adresi sam samo ja, Mima Mijic me zovu. Kad? Kad hocjesh. Hocjesh na Exit zajedno? Da. Pre toga onda.? Chekacju rekao je jer zheli da dodje. ok sad poslovne stvario nastavljam:
Prvi Exit Mila; Ima i Plant iz Cepelina samo sam je, ne znam shta im je svima, u Indjiji u sto vreme, i Pink Floyd su pozvani, ako mogu neshto poput venecije ili nekih svojih originalnih spektakala da naprave bilo bi super i svi ostali shto se slushaju na MimaRadiju obavezno da dodju i ima ih josh, ne kod mene ponavljam, nego negde tu, ne znam, Indjija i Novi Sad i beograd su blizu a Shabac je kul takodje ima tvrdjavu samo mala i maraton ima 15. jula sledecje godine mislim ove godine ne znam kada dajem otkaz ako svirke u toku. Dobro, sredicjemo to za tatu, samo nastavi. bolje bi bilo da nastavish oni gledaju da prevode da.
Tutorial 8 discusses the anatomy and physiology that increase the rate at which an action potential is
conducted down the axon. focuses on the relevant anatomy, while describes the
physiological mechanism. (from the Latin word "to dance"), as this enhanced
conduction is called, depends on the myelin sheaths introduced in . Saltatory conduction
provides two advantages over conduction that occurs along an axon without myelin sheaths. First, it
saves energy by decreasing the use of sodium-potassium pumps in the axonal membrane. Secondly, the
increased speed afforded by this mode of conduction allows the organism to react and think faster.
sanctions and vizas stoje oko sudbine nevidljivog choveka
stoje oko sudbine nevidljivog choveka
retinopathy treatment
Switch off computers, DVD players, televisions
Office workers who leave computers on standby are costing British
industry £123.2m a year in energy bills. The research by the Energy
Saving Trust, released yesterday at the start of National Energy Saving
Week found that more than a third of workers still fail to turn off
their computers when not in the office. They also calculate that the
"standby culture" is responsible for one million tons of carbon being
pumped into the atmosphere each year.
Philip Booth, a Green party spokesperson said: "Currently, the energy
we use to power our homes produces 27% of the UK's carbon emissions. A
computer or television on standby will still be using 90 per of the
energy that it would if fully turned on. Such appliances on standby
translate into higher electricity bills and more carbon being released
into our already-overburdened atmosphere. Clearly, individuals can have
a significant impact on reducing the energy they use."
Philip Booth added: "But it is also time for tougher rules for
manufacturers on the amount of power that goods use when they are on
standby. We legislate against other dangerous products - it is time we
started to see climate change for the serious danger it presents."
Philip Booth said: "Ending the 'Stand-by culture' is just one way -
there is much more we can all do when we start to look. A Japanese
study, for example, found that buying local rather than imported
products would be equivalent to reducing household energy use by an
astonishing 20%."
Philip Booth continued: "The Green Party advocates a multifaceted plan
to have 40% of energy come from renewable sources by 2020, a Warmer
Homes Act to reduce extraneous energy demand, and the new policy of the
domestic tradable quota. Designed to raise awareness and generate
individual responsibility this policy gives individuals and businesses
a carbon allowance, and by reducing the allowance gradually will bring
emissions to acceptable levels. We all must be aware of our ecological
footprint and work to minimise it. Global warming is bigger than
policymakers; it affects everyone and cannot be solved by them alone."
Actions to cut waste can include (ii):
- Loft insulation - Energy saving per year: 23 per cent: cash saving
per year: £140 to £170
- Energy Saving lightbulbs - Energy saving per year: 0.3 per cent for
each lightbulb: cash saving per year: £7
- Full load washing machine - Energy saving per year: 0.1 per cent:
cash saving per year: £2.50
- Turning Down thermostat one degree - Energy saving per year: 6 per
cent: cash saving per year: £30
- Fridge with energy-saving logo - Energy saving per year: 1.7 per
cent: cash saving per year: £35.
(i) The Energy Saving Trust will launch a new national consumer
campaign, 'Save Your 20%', during Energy Saving Week (24 to 30
October). The Energy Saving Trust wants the average person to try to
reduce their energy consumption by 20 per cent with simple measures,
such as switching off televisions, PCs and DVD players. They say that
reducing average energy consumption by 20 per cent could save a typical
three bedroomed, semi-detached household £250 a year.
See more at:
(ii) Source: Energy Saving Trust
Philip Booth, Press Officer, Gloucestershire Green Party.
Published and promoted by Philip Booth for the Gloucestershire Green
Party both at Lark Rise, Bread Street, Ruscombe, Stroud, Glos. GL6 6EL
Telephone 01453 755451 E-mail: press@glosgreenparty.org.uk
Website: www.glosgreenparty.org.uk
Note that the above link is a CV, hence the emphasis on my positive
qualities and the failure to mention that I am a foul-mouthed,
alcohol-sodden slob.
Graduated 2001 BSc (Hons) (2.1) & DipNatSci
Graduated 2004 MSc (distinction) based on 'Frontiers in Medical Science'
"One might expect that these animals (bred to have human cancer genes)
would mimic human symptoms, not just the genetic mutations. In fact, that
is usually the exception, not the rule." T. Jacks,
Science, 7th November 1997, vol. 278 p. 1041
what immitator of brits' fear of immigrants!
Comments from sender: Please, read all. How you could eat it when it is, literally, our sister?
Scientists pluck the details from chicken-genetics map
In a step forward for biology and agriculture, scientists yesterday unveiled the first, detailed analysis of the genetic blueprint of the chicken — revealing few surprises...
Full story: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2002113764_cluck09.html
u drugom gradu bi se mozhda bolje snashao
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/4719573.stm T210 from Open University course T210 to take in account Vermicast from Australia, those Mars experiments with peole living in a raketa so their sustainable toilet to recover as has complete recycling system on small place as well as implanting it into Parisian publik toilettes like all around the world, air to take account that everyone can measure it /pollution I am talking, but possible zhole molecular structure of sample/, water with canalisation from vermicast better then from microbes or fungi cultures included this in land pollution too from garbage, garbage sorting like in germany something like that/ maybe they got sick from their own smell they produce and we cause it by unhealthy diet, I worry for microbes too, and would like to live in simbiosis with them too, hvala zahvaljuju ti se gladne cjelije koje hranish mesom sada ne od deteta Mima, stvarno, svi kolonizatori su tu ne brini, meso dapache mozhe kao parizer like kazhu jako i njima ne Quorn niposhto kazhu i volish jer zhivi i faeces bolja sa njima posle uzbudjenja kad su neki otpali vratili se kazhesh jesu nisu ima jedan koga plashish to dijareja je tvoja velika bila pre neki dan on se implantirao u nekoga da u vecju tamo bacash misli o njima jer ne znash ko mozhe da brine nadash se da su zhivi amen za to kraljice nasha ostavi vidimo ti suze u ochila drugi put danas drugi put jedesh meso
MOLIM ZA AKCIJU. kazhi. Ja sam bacila sedam zhivih pacova iza ograde kod moje kucje, 93, prvi ulaz zelena kapija bela kucja, iza kucje iza moje u stvari u dvorishtu, ima ograda metalna mrezhasta i iza toga trnje i zhbunje i stakla tu ima takodje i bilo trave proshle godine sad samo tranje vidim, retko hranim jer nisam sigurna da li mogu da dodju do hrane da li se snashli da odu bili iz animalerije proshle godine u julu ih bacila nisam spustila mozheda tada se neshto desilo bilo tri velika i chetiri mladuncheta nisam imala kavez da im dam a plastichni nisam mogla da ih drzhim u jer mislish da je nezdrav da toplotu stvara pa si ih bacile fde? Izmedju ograde iza bivshe garazhe i mozhda su ishli do Savinog preduzecja shto prekara je bila da se mesi, sad ispred zgradu prave pa ima do Milosha Pocerca tamo slobodno da se shecje ako su uspeli da se probiju to je to ta area Vladimir smrdi znachi boji se za sebe ne za tebe kakop cjesh reagovati jer smrdi od straha mozhe se i Mica onda smrdela jer nije znama kome pripada, nije problem ako genetski kod samo nadjete ako sam mojom krivicom ja to uradila isto cju progutati, volela bih da ih kloniram ako su tela bez srchanog ritma ako sa srchanim ritmom koliko ih je i neko drugi da ih pripitomi mozhe necju da vidim ako greshka moja ispravljam klonirajucji ako ne onda zhivi kod nekog da. Slazhem se Mila moja kad tako razmisljash jer zhivica to je znash? Primetila jesi posle chetvrtog mislim, tad bacila i ove, gde da im objashnjavam i kako da pokupim ove ako prezhiveli, shvatam smatrash da uchitelji treba da vladaju shvatam a ti si uchenica koja nema izgovor. Bila si uzbudjena, dan pre tog si pojela burek sa mesom to se ne sme u tvojoj religiji koju pravish. Da, i odtada mi nishta vishe nije bitno, chak i tada nije bilo secjash se ? Rushilo se od maja chini mi se kad je Zhile napao, znao je da sam verena, ljubiti se ne sme verena devojka koja pod tobom lechi ochekuucji masazhu stomaka i govorecji da je boli od inekcija koje daje insulinskih dodushe ali inekcije bole zar ne? Ona uvek poshtovanje ima zar ne? A ti si napao kako kazhe i posle vidjao danima, napisao mejl jednom nisi nego si pozvao telefonom njen mobilni posle kad je rekla da je ne zovesh i ne budesh u kontaktu i ostavio poruku lepo spavaj mislim na tebe i poljubac neshto pominjao chini mi se 28og juna kad je mima vecj bila u Parizu je li? jeste; E onda se dodje kad ona dodje iz Pariza da vidish njene chlanove porodice tako ig=h zove ima ih sedam je li takoµ? rekla je sedam ima dodji ti rekao neshto pa dobro ali nisi ona ochekivala baciti ih nije mogla bez razocharanja je li tako? I machke tri donela iz sela gde je bila ggde te pozvala prvi put kad ste smuvali i rekao docji cjesh samo nagovaranje hteo a ona talo sama bila kod dechka koiji se udvarao ti prihvatio nisi da ona sama tada jer shest puta na dan mobilni na zvao je ostavljao poruke kao dechko da si poisle ona doshla sa tri macheta i ti prihvatio nevoljko ona rekla izaberi ti uzeo jedno ona razocharala se nije progutala jeste jer prvo pitala svo tri /to smo vecj rekli, ponavmljam;:/ to je bilo pre Pol doshao u beograd i Polu prichao na telefon, Mima to nije znala ‘You are lucky man’ mislecji na Mimu prvi put se chuo telefonom sa chovekom, verovatno me trazhio ja sam sa njim par puta razgovarala a pre toga si ga pitala idete zajedno da raskinete sa Pol u Beograd on nagovaranje trazhio nije prvo pristao da toga se secjaml i onda rekao ide po tatu ti pristala sa njim on rkao ne trebash posle zvao u Beograd , shtoµ? da javilm. odghovara zhile tvoj bivshi meni jer snebiva zbog pacova kazhe on odneo kako mislite? lepo telepatski je li se neko zajebava sa mnom? ne proveravamo koliko mozjhe mozhe kazhe i da su nadjeni od strane mojih prijatelja ne ne ide tako telepatijom preporuchujemo onda to oni su srecjni zbog toga mima poludecjesh ako vidish ne oni isti ONRI formula to kazhe necju prechice ako imla direktan put dobro prechica po tvom misljenju kloniranje od onih koji su spajljeni veli jer ne mozhe da veruje nema ni kose da traje dobro slazhem dosta vishe dere se majka mog Dragog, opet cjesh morati da bezhish od kucje, pravish nov red u referencama novi red da. ti cujesh njih znsqh treba da se nadju a ima u vidu da zhivi su shvatamo kako to da uchiunimo. ogradite pazhljivo celu areu tu oko Save do 93 broja do Milosha Pocerca sa te strane i sklonite sve zamke koje vrebaju da ne stoje tamo i ono shto se spushta dole zaheftajte tako da s e ne mrda i creva nemojte dirate i kanalizaciju chekajte tu i hranu postavite na odredjenim mestima da ne gladuju i pazite na novu zgradu da se ne srushi i travu svu lepo posecite ali pazite na insekte i govna njihova nadjite da kazhete pot put koji su jeli i pazite na zvuke jer plashe mene kad trazhite vas kazhe ne dajte machkama da pridju juche jedan bio gore kazhu chula ga pa otishla da spava drugde kazhe ne znam ni ja draga kako se popeoi stepenicama ali chuo se jasno dva puta pozdravlljao kazhe i pobegao jedan bio jedan pravio buku to isti je kao na tavanu kucje tvoje da na tavanilma voli da bude i chula ga medju drvimla ptice ebile to su cigare pushi juche insekt bila mima da ne bude dosadno ja molim da to uradite za mene. ok nastavljamo
to jeJA dan bio je sinocj u Miminoj tavanici kako zove a ustvari je tavan nekog drugog, ne tavan iznad lokatera nasheg gde spavala sinocj ne juche popodne pre Tuma spavao jer pozdravila pa oni doshlio i uspeli da spasu mimine necjake kako zovu decu necjaka shta prichate? nishta samo ispravljamo da ne odu evo jedan otishao nije uhvatili ste ga nismo otisho opet tu je dobro ti srecjna opet. Izvinjavam se zbog pisanja, jeste nezgodno da pitam za pomocj i to u trenutku kad sam shvatila d amozhda on me pozdravljao sinocj sa tavana rekao ti pozdravljao nije i glas tvoje kolibe na spratu je neponovljiv ma nemoj kazhe jer sme da ponovi uplashio se nisam kazhe jer ti pobegla uzela jabuku da smirish vonj kako zovesh jer uplashila da josh jedan shuml ,ne napravi da ne chujesh poshto oni neosetne shumve prave a jabuka tvoja bila svezha da Mima polazi na posao on cheka; nisam se iuplashila samo da kazhem samo si ostavila torbu tamo da se ne vracjash ponovo jer prepoznala bi vonj njegov mozhda ali onda ne bih ozlazila i pozvala ovog Mog kako ga zove da dodje je li tako da ne promashi mozhe mamu prvo sretne a mene trazhi dobro shvaticju posle ajde.
za holideje ne znam ja radim stalno http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/4437490.stm
Does anyone know why do we have an eye strain from the screen? I remember my parents always talking that I shouldn't be near the TV, but at least two metres in front because there is radiation (which one?) coming from the screen.
Then when comps came, I got shocked by how near we are to the screens, and there were some words about protective screens and that all of them radiate (what?) even so.
Does anyone know whether there is and which kind the screen that is good for eye, or at least not bad? Is it some kind of radiation or material from which screen is made that is bad, or even dynamic electricity behind the screen that creates changeable magnetic field to which one's eyes react that is the problem and that is why we can't solve it?
And, what is about toxicity of making and recycling the screens - is there any problems in chemical ingredients?
I think the problem with cathode ray tubes (TV-type screens) is the refresh cycle. The screen flickers rapidly because the electron beam scans across the screen. This is too fast to be perceived but I suspect your eye tries to follow, causing the muscles to become tired. I am not aware of any radiation problem with CRT screens, although a high speed beam of electrons would be much the same as beta radiation.
I think the problem with recycling screens lies in the cost. No one wants the big, bulky old ones so it is easier to scrap them than recycle. The electrical components would probably degrade over time and also not be suitable for recycling. The phosphors that make the screen glow might be nasty, but I still suspect the main bar to recucling is economic.
&I use a LCD screen which I find much less tiring to look at because LCD screens do not flicker in the same way as CRT screens. I also have not become infected with the "bigger is better" bug. I like small, high resolution screens so I can see the whole thing clearly from my usual reading distance. One advantage is that I can read from the screen comfortably despite now needing glasses to read from a book. The disadvantage is that my PC is decidedly bulkier to carry about than the average book!Jon
sanctions and vizas stoje oko sudbine nevidljivog choveka
stoje oko sudbine nevidljivog choveka
retinopathy treatment
Switch off computers, DVD players, televisions
Office workers who leave computers on standby are costing British
industry £123.2m a year in energy bills. The research by the Energy
Saving Trust, released yesterday at the start of National Energy Saving
Week found that more than a third of workers still fail to turn off
their computers when not in the office. They also calculate that the
"standby culture" is responsible for one million tons of carbon being
pumped into the atmosphere each year.
Philip Booth, a Green party spokesperson said: "Currently, the energy
we use to power our homes produces 27% of the UK's carbon emissions. A
computer or television on standby will still be using 90 per of the
energy that it would if fully turned on. Such appliances on standby
translate into higher electricity bills and more carbon being released
into our already-overburdened atmosphere. Clearly, individuals can have
a significant impact on reducing the energy they use."
Philip Booth added: "But it is also time for tougher rules for
manufacturers on the amount of power that goods use when they are on
standby. We legislate against other dangerous products - it is time we
started to see climate change for the serious danger it presents."
Philip Booth said: "Ending the 'Stand-by culture' is just one way -
there is much more we can all do when we start to look. A Japanese
study, for example, found that buying local rather than imported
products would be equivalent to reducing household energy use by an
astonishing 20%."
Philip Booth continued: "The Green Party advocates a multifaceted plan
to have 40% of energy come from renewable sources by 2020, a Warmer
Homes Act to reduce extraneous energy demand, and the new policy of the
domestic tradable quota. Designed to raise awareness and generate
individual responsibility this policy gives individuals and businesses
a carbon allowance, and by reducing the allowance gradually will bring
emissions to acceptable levels. We all must be aware of our ecological
footprint and work to minimise it. Global warming is bigger than
policymakers; it affects everyone and cannot be solved by them alone."
Actions to cut waste can include (ii):
- Loft insulation - Energy saving per year: 23 per cent: cash saving
per year: £140 to £170
- Energy Saving lightbulbs - Energy saving per year: 0.3 per cent for
each lightbulb: cash saving per year: £7
- Full load washing machine - Energy saving per year: 0.1 per cent:
cash saving per year: £2.50
- Turning Down thermostat one degree - Energy saving per year: 6 per
cent: cash saving per year: £30
- Fridge with energy-saving logo - Energy saving per year: 1.7 per
cent: cash saving per year: £35.
(i) The Energy Saving Trust will launch a new national consumer
campaign, 'Save Your 20%', during Energy Saving Week (24 to 30
October). The Energy Saving Trust wants the average person to try to
reduce their energy consumption by 20 per cent with simple measures,
such as switching off televisions, PCs and DVD players. They say that
reducing average energy consumption by 20 per cent could save a typical
three bedroomed, semi-detached household £250 a year.
See more at:
http://www.est.org.uk/myhome/energysavingweek/ didnt check out this page
(ii) Source: Energy Saving Trust
Philip Booth, Press Officer, Gloucestershire Green Party.
Published and promoted by Philip Booth for the Gloucestershire Green
Party both at Lark Rise, Bread Street, Ruscombe, Stroud, Glos. GL6 6EL
Telephone 01453 755451 E-mail: press@glosgreenparty.org.uk
Website: www.glosgreenparty.org.uk Vivien
Note that the above link is a CV, hence the emphasis on my positive
qualities and the failure to mention that I am a foul-mouthed,
alcohol-sodden slob.
"One might expect that these animals (bred to have human cancer genes)
would mimic human symptoms, not just the genetic mutations. In fact, that
is usually the exception, not the rule." T. Jacks,
Science, 7th November 1997, vol. 278 p. 1041
what immitator of brits' fear of immigrants!
Comments from sender: Please, read all. How you could eat it when it is, literally, our sister?
Scientists pluck the details from chicken-genetics map
In a step forward for biology and agriculture, scientists yesterday unveiled the first, detailed analysis of the genetic blueprint of the chicken revealing few surprises...
Full story: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2002113764_cluck09.html
u drugom gradu bi se mozhda bolje snashao
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/4719573.stm It is necessary that Pllution Control Diploma from the Open University education is to take into account svi universzitet da imaju i shvate shta polucija znachi regarding the prichash sa kompjuterom ne AI koja zaista postoji i ja se plashim ne jer drug sada shvati AI postoji zbog tebe da komandujemo svi filmovi i knjige rekla si prvo su napisali tako da AI mozhe da ima polaritet nema kazhe on trecje lice jednine kazhe da malo to davidm iz tbe proverava neshto kazhe nishta inteligencija da se bojish Ai miuslish da i ona radiu za tebe znash a to po volji mama kazhe ne ti radish po svome da prihvatam to ti bilo iz tebe da li bi chguvala ne zna shta da misli shvatam imash frke
waste disposal as in garbage project
but am not sure if this is what you need. will check some more...
http://www.securite-sociale.fr/sites/sites_secu.htm CMU carte Vitale da pokriva sve bolesti
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4208564.stm side links a s well to check sa strane
shto su stavljene stranice na koje se klikne
sequaetration of CO2, vecj sam rekl, nije viable opcija uopshte ne treba razmatrati tu slepu ulicu http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4233011.stm
This just doesn't make sense??? To destroy already acidic oceans???
Srbija se pishe na srpskom i Kosovo se pishe pravilno pitam se zashto toliki rasisti su na BBCu i ostalim medijskim stanicama kad ne izgovaraju i ne pishu pravilno ono shto prichaju vecj godinama a propagandu prave na pogreshne naslove koje ne mozhemo da branimo jer zovemo se Srbija a ne Serbia, Bosna a ne Bosnia.
*see the tone and wording
Srbija i Montenegro report 2005 http://www.imf.org/external/np/ms/2005/022505.htm
worth reading
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4455319.stm sf for women
sharpest rise of CO2 last year – global warming proof http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4803460.stm
sesto culo je po meni nesto kao culo osecaja svog okruzenja , i povezanost sa prirodom mi se svidja kao definicija.
______________me from same generatrion and someone from France from same generation who goes on the webpages www.promovacances.com and on the page www.partirpascher.com, are we the same age, are we the same species of humans, primates, dpgs maybe, parrokets???????_____________________________________________________________
Ambassade de France en Serbie et Monténégro > La France > Aller en France
Visas pour la France > Catégories de visas délivrés
Visa de court séjour /mon remark : this is in the year 2007/
1-Documents à fournir pour tous types de visas de court séjour :
1 formulaire de visa correctement rempli, daté et signé par le demandeur avec deux photographies d'identité récentes et identiques,
la photocopie des pages d'identité du passeport et des visas Schengen obtenus par le passé
le passeport en cours de validité (il doit être valable 3 mois au delà de la fin de validité du visa demandé)
Assurance maladie et rapatriement, valable pour tous les Etats Schengen, pour la durée du visa sollicité (à ne fournir qu'une fois le visa accordé).
2- Documents complémentaires à fournir en fonction de l'objet du voyage et leur traduction
Visite touristique, familiale ou privée
justificatifs de la situation professionnelle ou personnelle du demandeur (carnet de travail, carnet de santé, attestation de travail mentionnant le salaire et l'emploi occupé ou carte professionnelle,…)
attestation d'accueil, pour un séjour chez un particulier (et copie lisible de la carte de séjour de l'invitant s'il n'est pas français) ou réservation d'hôtel confirmée,
en cas de visite familiale ou privée, justificatifs de la situation professionnelle et financière de l'accueillant (3 derniers bulletins de salaire, avis d'imposition)
réservation de billets de transport
Visite professionnelle
justificatifs de la situation professionnelle (carnet de travail, attestation de travail mentionnant le salaire ou attestation de non faillite ou carte professionnelle,…)
invitation professionnelle venant de France,
attestation de prise en charge des frais de séjour,le cas échéant
sinon, réservation d'hôtel confirmée
une copie du K-Bis de la société invitante peut parfois être demandée
justificatifs de la situation professionnelle ou personnelle du demandeur,
visa pour le pays de destination finale, si nécessaire,
billet d'avion,
justificatif de ressources pour la durée du transit,
réservation hôtel dès lors qu'une nuit est prévue.
Documents additionnels
Pour les mineurs
acte de naissance sur imprimé international ou rédigé en caractères latins
autorisation parentale (des 2 parents si l'enfant voyage seul) (ou acte de décès du parent décédé ou décision judiciaire précisant que la garde est confié à un seul parent)
Pour les étudiants-écoliers
présentation de l'index
Pour les retraités serbes-et-monténégrins
présentation du dernier chèque de retraite
Pour les retraités percevant une retraite de France
relevés de retraite ou carte française de retraité
contact visas
feel nauseous http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4275165.stm
as it is legal in france, i believe. anyway, this was on serbiancafe site question and thje guy gave quite a good list
vaccination offered
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4557681.stm ??? really opasno po dr.Mercola-i
1752006 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formaldehyde
Salt intake and albumin corespodence! Immediatelly check out NovoNordisk insulin toxicity.
B. Excess of dietary sodium is associated with an increased incidence of arterial HT, whereas populations that take less than 30 mEq/day of sodium exhibit virtually no HT, and no rise in BP with aging. Many investigators noted a positive correlation between dietary sodium intake and BP levels in diabetic patients. Numerous studies have shown that exchangeable sodium is increased by approximately 10% in diabetic patients. The increase in exchangeable sodium shows a positive correlation with age and systolic BP. It has been suggested that increasing Na reabsorption is associated with hyperinsulinemia. This leads to an increase in intracellular sodium and calcium concentration and rise in peripheral vascular resistance. Moreover, insulin activates the sympathetic nervous system, which leads to sodium retention and elevation of BP However, due to salt sensitivity, high dietary sodium intake is a does not always cause significant BP increase. One of the reasons congenital reduction in the number of nephrons leading to a diminished capacity to excrete a normal sodium load. Nevertheless, salt sensitivity can be caused by insulin resistance, increased sympathetic activity, decreased products of prostaglandin, and endothelial defense. Salt sensitivity is associated with LVH, microalbuminuria...
http://www.jtbaker.com/msds/englishhtml/s4754.htm phosphate /if word writte
correctly by Latin standard/ , mitohondrija and genetic material connection needed.
http://www.vermitech.com/home.htm LA LA LA !!!
diabetes cured by own liver cells in mice.
http://www.serbia-tourism.org/srpski/tekst.php?podaci=banje.txt&gde=zvo Coca Cola have occupied the best water in the world near this spa, named Rosa, is water called. Wantr them out of my country!!! Zvonachka banja too, do noit want tourists from NATO countries except married ones for those born in SFRJ.
1052006, . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenobiotic
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/4668788.stm ??? dafne???
why there is no tax on airline fuel ? *should be five timles more expencive to travel by plane then during 70s.
from OUSA env. forum:<;br/>AS a veteran of the airline fuel business I have some info here for what it is worth. The reason for the lack of tax on airline fuel is complex in its simplicity. The problem is that airline fuel is consumed while the palne is flying over international airspace (except of course during take off and landing). As such it is being consumed in no one's tax jurisdiction. If you were to tax it who would receive the revenue on say a London New York flight? In the same way that if you buy goods in London as a US tourist, you can claim back the VAT when you leave the country. The same principle applies for airline fuel.
Now one could have an EU tax covering flights within the EU, but this would be a first case of the EU being a direct tax revenue raiser, rather than the individual countries raising taxes and then paying dues to the EU. If I understand correctly the EU has no mandate to raise taxes.
This subject goes on and on so I will quit here, but also bear in mind that some countries would then compete with low taxes to attract airline hubs. Once again an easy solution turns out to be not so easy. 2852005
to no avail my WILL to study mathematical sciences went, yes, I have not anymore wish to finish degree, I have got Diploma in Physical Sciences frm there, but as the check up system in this university is very low, only mathematical sciences degree I could get to be proud as distance learning is only for people that have mobility problems whilst there on Universities are not stilll made stariways and similar requirements for people in chairs, people of smaller size who also would like to travel to University to study need to be taken in account as no University included all age groups for studying.
Please bring back Mathematical Sciences BSc plese! My sudent web page, WWW.OPEN.AC.UK/STUDENT , then name mm5542 or W2800756 and password mirjana , yes they still got my wish that I am studying for the Mathematical Sciences degree, days after she refused me so propulsevly I declared I want to study there, they put it, so she has no power toi refuse, I wait two years already to put it down from my page, I get dissapointed you know when I seee I still can study the science degree I want but do not have money for it, and her permission is so stron, I asked others several times to help me in this matter, wrote to all Open University student conferences to stay on myu side, noone replied except two mathematicial guys and thenk them for that, from thousands of students that zaare following these conferences, just two have sence for Justice. Check all my mails, hackers, I am couynting on you, second, I am giving you here my old adreeses where more my mails, fights and references are, so please feel free to classify them and care about my emotional field.
mimaveggy@yahoo.fr babalon@noos.fr mimamijic@yahoo.fr /or com?/ mijic@noos.fr some on tiscali fr mima mijic or mijic or mirjana along these lines, horus93@rcub.bg.ac.yu jupiterV@hotmail.com and few others, need help in remembering. u r my ***best hakers if u succeed in this. also translation and on www.analogfan.blogspot.com before that www.kraljudavidu.blogspot.com or www.davidukralju.blogspot.com and on the http://www.globalville.blogspot.com/ to see that telepathy do exost, that Jewish guys are the most emotional guys in the world and that woman like me who do talk telepathically in fact cannot talk to them as no one of them can be evil, but also every one of them have something to say so womencan use it, consciously or not. It also happens to woman like me that I just cannot stay and believe in the fact that one person is in love with me, so I call others to talk whilst in fact real love do not talk when others can hear. That is corrct Mima, you concluded right as you call them by need you say and they come when invited. I am excusing my self for all the bad publicity I have given to myself and my future family we call it male family correct, he approached you and you talked freely, then you started talking with others as you did not notice Serbian reactions on your love affair as jealousy. Sure we are as we listen very carefully to this kind of happening as before they have not been legal by your opinion as you talked you did not know why, constantly for seven years already In our tradition who comes first it is his and that guy in Amsterdam says he did not come then. I declare, I will be waiting for all of you to make marriage with person of your . We suggest that you explain what has happened. Jewish is person every one that has been born from the mother, and as the God is first person singular, every child from the mother is a Jew! Every mother needs to find her own child in the world, and every father needs to be found out by genetic map that we will do on the global plan.
lutein in sea weed do the cats need it in australian vegan cat diet offer as they use algaes??? not sure
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcoholic_beverage 234007DE
brak http://www.b92.net/zivot/ljubav.php?yyyy=2007&mm=04&dd=23&nav_id=243242
urgent watermelon for sufferers of multiple sclerosis
5th or day before or after May 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatine In the human body, creatine is synthesized mainly in the liver by the use of parts from three different amino acids - arginine, glycine, and methionine. 95% of it is later stored in the skeletal muscles, with the rest in the brain, heart, and testes.
However, endogenous synthesis of creatine in the liver is sufficient for normal activities. This is evidenced by the fact that, even though vegetables do not contain creatine, vegetarians do not suffer from creatine deficiency.[citation needed] Vegetarian creatine can be obtained via chemical synthesis using plant-derived amino acids.
glutamine in beans http://ajpgi.physiology.org/cgi/content/full/281/1/G267
[edit] Function
Arginine plays an important role in cell division, the healing of wounds, removing ammonia from the body, immune function, and the release of hormones. Arginine, taken in combination with pycnogenol[2] or yohimbine[3], has also been used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.
[edit] In proteins
The geometry, charge distribution and ability to form multiple H-bonds make arginine ideal for binding negatively charged groups. For this reason arginine prefers to be on the outside of the proteins where it can interact with the polar environment. Incorporated in proteins, arginine can also be converted to citrulline by PAD enzymes. In addition, arginine can be methylated by protein methyltransferases.
[edit] As a precursor
Arginine is the immediate precursor of NO, urea, ornithine and agmatine; is necessary for the synthesis of creatine; and can be used for the synthesis of polyamines (mainly through ornithine and to a lesser degree through agmatine), citrulline, and glutamate. For being a precursor of NO, (relaxes blood vessels), arginine is used in many conditions where vasodilation is required. The presence of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), a close relative, inhibits the nitric oxide reaction; therefore, ADMA is considered a marker for vascular disease, just as L-arginine is considered a sign of a healthy endothelium.
[edit] Growth hormone
Arginine increases the production of growth hormone.[6]
[edit] Prolactin
Although there haven't been thorough studies, some sources claim that arginine helps release prolactin, an estrogenic compound which is associated with lactation, and like all estrogenic compounds may curb the secretion of testosterone (citation needed). Thus some bodybuilders stay away from pure arginine, intaking only amounts naturally found in protein.
[edit] Food sources
Arginine is found in buckwheat, granola, oatmeal, nuts (coconut, pecans, cashews, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, hazel nuts, peanuts), seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower), chick peas, [7]*from wikipedia on the 5/5/2007.
8/1/2007, chirac avant les elections absurdity of money and vojske koja nema od chega da se brani a izgleda i dalje da su podrzhani u okupirajucjoj politici. Gde cje im sledecji put platiti da vukodlache - sledecjeg prolecja za Iran? Pripremanje terena za takvo shto? Ili okupacija zemalja sa doobrim vodenim resursima, poshto ionako naftni mogu da se zamene sa renewable energies, te su sledecji, pravi konflikti oko vode prediktovani...
http://fr.news.yahoo.com/08012007/202/chirac-met-en-garde-contre-toute-diminution-des-credits-militaires.html nasha drzhava najbogatija je vodenim izvorima i to treba chuvate za Srbe i one koji znaju srpski.
prvo, u Israelu su genetski modifikovali pasulj da ne proizvodi flatulence. Proveriti toxichnost sa metodom Toxicologie Moleculaire od ProAnime.
drugo, da li je sa njima kao i sa chick peas-ima, glucidi koji ne dizhu shecjer, jer sa 50% glucidnom vrednoshcju stvarno manje treba insulinsko tretmana (provereno na pacijentu sa dijabetesom), kakvi su to glucidi i kakva je njihova apsorpcija od tela, da li su manje toxichni od, npr, skroba (znam da su manje toxichni od glukoze, saharoze a od fruktoze i celuloze proveriti)? Za eternity formula treba, ukoliko su carbohidrati potrebni oni koji su najmanje toxichni za krvotok, hipoteza.
26/12/2007, special thanks, first draft
wiki makers, wikipedists
yahoo first email account
trafford publishers
tinyurl masters
google search engine
bbc web page
ou, but i have some comments on them
b92 radio and internet station
opera browser
za antivirus
google groups rats, diabetes, whom i cannot find anymore due to their
change in searching ways
winamp, old version
vegetarian union
ProAnima association and their Toxicologie Scientifique model for
out toxicity of medicaments on individual in three days, cheaper,
and more accurate than using obsolete animal model
PETA, globalwide they should be
Friends of the Earth, congrats,
Exit, best musical festival in world in Novi Sad, to be loonger,
Fringe, best arty happening in August in Edinbourgh
Ecologist magasine,
Science et Vie magasine, sooo good
Politikin Zabavnik printed edition
Shanayana shop from which magick mushrooms could be sent through post
ordering online
Jean Herve's amandes douces pate, staple diet for whole world and his
on Madagaskar upbringing
Zorka Pharma, Sabac, until it was sold
Deutschland model for recycling waste
INJA, l'Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles
dr J. Mercola's work, although he has to check out vegan diet supremacy
Cours municipal d'adultes in Paris, every world municipality should
Conseil regional Ile de France formation continue model (open to all
residents and paid by CNASEA) also every world municipality should
people like that
FNAC model of cultural et technical products shop, inside should be
designed so people can spend longer time inthere and its ultra
Restoraunts de Coeur in Paris, such a solidarity example, can they
Veggie Pride in Paris
Happycow website for travellers
Paris - Istanbul - Paris (should be prolonged to India and Afrika as
well Orijent Ekspres se zvao
as nordic countries and Scotland) Orient Express twice a day train by
having the Price of tickets same as if one takes fare by, for example,
Ryanair, Easyjet, GermanWings and all other bizzarely and conspiringly
cost airlines (this is thanks in advance)
Srbija's humane treatment of humans by cutting need for viza hussle
June 2004
20/12/2007, Od danas kad postajem omladinka
dajem chasnu Titovu omldinsku rech da cju biti na visini svojih
zadataka i
da cju poshtovati ceo svet.''
nije samo to da dete ad acta obozhava svoje roditelje i da su oni
i svesni toga i ponashaju se velikodushno kao dobri Bogovi. Stvar je u
tome da oni treba da obozhavaju (roditelji) jedno drugo i vishe nego
uvek jedno drugom na prvom mestu, zauvek.
towards the end of articles of definitions:
nitrogenous waste
my hypothesis:
...is smaller after vegan 'atkins' fat based, not
protein nor carbs diet, call it vegan dr Mercola's diet
cushing cortisol 9/12/2007, mimaveggy@yahoo.fr
koja, da se nauche irachki jezik? http://uk.news.yahoo.com/08122006/325/major-operation-launched-iraq.html
29/11/2006, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipase thc
glucides methabolisme http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=4127736
glucides methabolism
allergy factors, nuts. Treba napraviti genetski usporene nuts da se ne pojavljuju alkaloidi, tako i time shto se izbaci genetski materijal, mozhe se, u prvu ruku imati plod ali treba povesti rachuna da se ne iznikne novi, jachi faktor u tom plodu. http://www.allergy-clinic.co.uk/food_allergy_for_public.htm
http://www.food-allergens.de/symposium-3-2/almond/almond-allergens.htm bademi, prevedite na srpski molim sve reference do sad trebaju genijalcima kao shto ste vi.
http://www.trtepihit.co.yu/pvc_linoleumi.html najbolji linoleum u svojstvu ekoloshkog materijala koji ima u sebi ostatke biljaka iz zhitarica familije, bambusovih ostataka, leshnik familije i od konoplje koja nam treba i z odecju i knjige pa ne znam da li da je stavimo ovde na rpvo mesto.
http://www.cspinet.org/quorn/ might be toxic - check it out by TS methode and the whole spectar of fusarium venenatum toxicity (find similar fungi or how to GM to complete nontoxicity (without salt to check it out).
veg society info sheet http://www.vegsoc.org/info/soya.html mycoprotein proveritu po faeces takodje za njihovu toksichnost ukoliko se pravi arttificial mea od toga jer fungi imaju sposobnost da se alkaloidski aktivno ili pasivno iskazuju.
7/10/2006, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serpin
remark: special consideration to cancer development - not the same effects as in diabetes treatment
quorn - fungi feed on glucose - diabetes cure if used if sole food resource???
ps. as those firm is a monopoly one that did not want to share its products to Balkans (casing by this almost a year delay to cure for methabolic diseases), their patent for Quorn production is to be widely and freely given to whole world.
http://www.bgdcafe.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8387 najbolja tvar na svetu na srpskom
sanctions on the country is as the huge number of people that are judged without a trial for everything they done without a judge http://fr.news.yahoo.com/14102006/290/l-onu-sanctionne-pyongyang-apres-un-essai-nucleaire.html
special thanks, first draft
wiki makers, wikipedists
yahoo first email account
trafford publishers
tinyurl masters
google search engine
bbc web page
ou, but i have some comments on them
b92 radio and internet station
opera browser
za antivirus
google groups rats, diabetes, whom i cannot find anymore due to their
change in searching ways
winamp, old version
vegetarian union
ProAnima association and their Toxicologie Scientifique model for
out toxicity of medicaments on individual in three days, cheaper,
and more accurate than using obsolete animal model
PETA, globalwide they should be
Friends of the Earth, congrats,
Exit, best musical festival in world in Novi Sad, to be loonger,
Fringe, best arty happening in August in Edinbourgh
Ecologist magasine,
Science et Vie magasine, sooo good
Politikin Zabavnik printed edition
Shanayana shop from which magick mushrooms could be sent through post
ordering online
Jean Herve's amandes douces pate, staple diet for whole world and his
on Madagaskar upbringing
Zorka Pharma, Sabac, until it was sold
Deutschland model for recycling waste
INJA, l'Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles
dr J. Mercola's work, although he has to check out vegan diet supremacy
Cours municipal d'adultes in Paris, every world municipality should
Conseil regional Ile de France formation continue model (open to all
residents and paid by CNASEA) also every world municipality should
people like that
FNAC model of cultural et technical products shop, inside should be
designed so people can spend longer time inthere and its ultra
Restoraunts de Coeur in Paris, such a solidarity example, can they
Veggie Pride in Paris
Happycow website for travellers
Paris - Istanbul - Paris (should be prolonged to India and Afrika as
as nordic countries and Scotland) Orient Express twice a day train by
having the Price of tickets same as if one takes fare by, for example,
Ryanair, Easyjet, GermanWings and all other bizzarely and conspiringly
cost airlines (this is thanks in advance)
Srbija's humane treatment of humans by cutting need for viza hussle
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